CliqueClack TV

Greek – The all-singing, all-dancing Beaver

Heath's side job is insane, and it was hilarious that Beaver accidentally went out on stage with him … and then proceeded to strip as well. Do you think he got paid for the night?

When I discovered that last night’s episode of Greek was all about Beaver, part of me was enthusiastic. At the same time, I wondered whether it was wise to spend one of the few remaining episodes of the series on a character whose plot wasn’t central to the lingering mysteries. Boy am I glad that the writers didn’t check with me first.

Beaver, or Walter Boudreaux (right?), is by far one of the most interesting characters on the show. Unfortunately we’ve never learned very much about him. In a way that reinforced the notion that he’s only skin deep … but it also established him firmly as a background character.

Anyway, to the episode. It was great watching a “day in the life” of Beaver, starting with his morning wake-up call from his mommy. Does anyone remember where we’ve seen his penguin before? And I loved that the KT’s charity of choice turned out to be fake. Is that because Beaver’s philanthropy chair, or does the selection predate him?

I know I’ve mentioned it in my DVD set reviews, but in case you’ve missed them, Beaver singing “Greek, Greek, Greek, etc.” during the brief opening music is a tradition the cast upholds during every DVD commentary. I guess somebody wanted a theme song.

It’s possibly worth having Katherine back just so Beaver can keep on calling her “Pretty lady.” The idea of him and her getting together is kind of creepy — I’m not sure if it’s more so after Katherine’s crush on Rusty — but at the same time Beaver’s cute and sweet when he’s with a girl he likes. It’s a nice side of him that we only occasionally get to see.

I feel as if we’ve heard Cappie use the line “For the children” in the past, and I laughed every time it popped up here … except maybe when Beaver explained that it referred to the teaching certificate that he was close to obtaining. I imagine he’d be great with kids, but that doesn’t mean that someone who’s comfortable plagiarizing papers is the best role model for impressionable little kids. But I did love the many variations of the book title To Kill a Mockingbird that Beaver managed to come up with.

And lest I forget — it was fun watching Beaver and Casey chasing the elusive “Dave.” They’ve spent time together before, but on last night’s episode we got a good picture of one of the nice side things about dating people: the new friends you make along the way.

The rest of the episode didn’t hold up quite as well. Rusty and Dana called it quits after Dana tried to weasel her way onto Rusty’s project as a “co-inventor.” I’m glad he stood up for himself, and it really sucks that he got pulled off of the project. He didn’t deserve that.

Rebecca took Cappie to ZBZ’s “Pledge Presents” night when Evan was too busy with law school. I don’t care about the implications for Rebecca or her relationship with Evan, but it would figure that Evan and Cappie got into a fight. That’s a story that seriously needs to be resolved before the finale.

Was anyone else totally creeped out by Ashleigh and Rusty’s hug? I don’t remember if she knew about his existence or not before he came to CRU, but certainly for the last two years he’s been a quasi-little brother to her. And I totally don’t see what connection she’d feel toward him, save for the fact that he’s unlike anyone she’s ever been with before. I’m not sure what loose threads their pairing would tie into a neat bow, but whatever they may be I think they’d be better off left hanging.

Anyway, good episode. It was definitely a great idea to spend one focusing on Beaver!

“Wait a minute … that Katherine is that Katherine, the smart one from law school?” – Beaver to Casey

“You’re my favorite lady I’ve never had sex with, Casey.” – Beaver to Casey

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Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Greek – The all-singing, all-dancing Beaver”

January 25, 2011 at 6:39 PM

I loved the focus on Beaver…and I’m with you, if I had known ahead of time, I would have said it was an awful idea. But the episode was hilarious and sweet, other than the predictable and over-done battle between Cappie and Evan. Ugh.

January 25, 2011 at 10:21 PM

Thank you for the review and thoughts.

Another fun episode — at least the second one during this half of the season that made me happy the end of the show was announced at the same time as the 10-episode order. (Happy for the freedom they would have with the story/content.)

Some other quotes …

“Can you believe they almost shut down the glee club? Again?!”

“I gave her the hemlock.”

January 25, 2011 at 10:33 PM

I thought I was crazy when I heard the “Greek Greek, Greek Greek Greek” voice in the beginning! I had to rewind the DVR just to make sure. Haha!

January 26, 2011 at 7:56 AM

does any of u guys know the song that was played during heath’s strip show?

great episode!!

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