CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Penis envy isn’t just for women

When Bernadette and Howard were singing 'I've Got You, Babe' in the car, he actually reminded me a bit of Sonny - teensy guy, same haircut, nasally voice, just needs a mustache slapped on his face. Bernadette, however, reminded me nothing of Cher. Nuh-uh, nada.

- Season 4, Episode 13 - "The Love Car Displacement"

Penny and Amy Farrah Fowler

Road trip! Alas, unlike most road trips that the average Joe Public is used to, this one:

  1. Wasn’t for a fun activity unless you consider a science symposium a hoot.
  2. Had Sheldon elected as Road Trip God trip supervisor.
  3. Had more convoluted relationship drama than mere mortals can handle.

I’m still enjoying this show, but I feel like I watched it through different eyes tonight after reading Katie’s article about Penny right here on CliqueClack TV. Way to go, show. Why don’t you just prove Katie right? Well, at least on a few points. Most notably, the fact that Penny had no interest in going on the trip with Amy Farrah Fowler (who considers Penny her best friend) until she heard “Big Sur” and “spas.”

Okay, Penny’s a mooch. But she seems to get away with it. So, instead of being dumb, perhaps she’s just really clever. I’d actually like to know how she affords a similar apartment to the one shared by Leonard and Sheldon on a waitress salary from the Cheesecake Factory. Yeah, it could be a one-bedroom versus two, but still.

I didn’t find too many outright guffaws happening tonight. Mayim Bialik’s Amy Farrah Fowler character, if any, stole the show with her deadpan delivery of strange utterances. “Don’t touch my breasts.” “You’ve never thought about penis envy? We’ve got time. Think about it.” You know, she was right about the convenience factor. As a woman, I don’t think that any woman has NOT thought about it. But it’s all crass, going in the woods and all, so we try not to think about it much.

In the revolving hotel rooms scenario akin to the choruses of “There Was an Old Woman (Who Swallowed a Fly)” without such a large cast of characters, Penny ended up bedding down with Leonard once again. Oy! And, we found out that women aren’t the only sex with penis envy — Howard seems to have a secure case of Large Man Penis envy, particularly after he met Bernadette’s old flame.

As a result of all of the late night tensions, the symposium was a bust. Of course, in real life, they would all be jobless after such a scene. But this is fiction. Don’t you forget it. I don’t know. That darn Katie has me thinking. I mean, tonight’s show was okay … but not quite what I fell in love with during the first few seasons.

I still adore Jim Parsons and love that he won that Golden Globe.

Photo Credit: CBS

2 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Penis envy isn’t just for women”

January 20, 2011 at 10:22 PM

I know everyone hates it when I’m right.

Sorry, everyone.

January 21, 2011 at 9:10 AM

I agree that Katie’s article the other day has changed my view slightly on the show and more so on Penny as a character however Penny is not the reason I fell in love with the show and she is not the reason that I watch each week.

That would be Sheldor the Conqueror.

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