CliqueClack TV

Community – Shirley has a bun in the oven, but who’s the baker?

Shirley has some big news to announce, but it isn't as big as the secret Troy is trying to keep. So what happens when it all comes out?

- Season 2, Episode 12 - "Asian Population Studies"

I can’t even express how glad I am to have Community back in my life. I’ve been adrift the past couple of weeks, and now I finally feel at peace. It’s like I came to a realization in a men’s room and then ran down the street in the rain in order to have a cathartic emotional experience.

Speaking of which, how amazing was that scene? I knew they obviously wouldn’t have Jeff go to Annie like that, since that’s exactly what they were making fun of, but for some reason, I didn’t see Rich coming. I thought Jeff would go to Chang or someone like that, but instead he admitted how much he actually wants to be like Rich. Does this mean that we’ll be seeing more of the way too good doctor? I’m actually not in love with him as a character, so I’m not looking forward to him hanging around any more, but what do you guys think? Could he be a good peripheral character?

I will say that I was excited to see Malcolm-Jamal Warner come on and play Shirley’s cheating ex-husband, but I was unprepared for just how much I liked him. The Cosby sweater joke was awesome, of course, but he and Yvette Nicole Brown have really great chemistry together. The scene where she’s saying that she doesn’t remember what happened on Halloween was kind of heartbreaking, not to mention Andre’s scene with Jeff when he says he’s in it for the long haul, no matter whose baby it ends up being.

So who’s baby do you think it is? I feel like at this point, it has to end up being Andre’s baby. If he would have left her, maybe Shirley could have had a baby Chang, but now I can’t really see where that would take us story-wise. Of course, I’m having a problem figuring out how the whole baby thing is going to work out in general. It’s one thing to go back to work after you have a baby, but do you really go back to community college classes full-time right after you give birth? Is Shirley going to go on an extended maternity leave? These are the things that will keep me up at night.

Regardless of the pregnancy outcome, there are two things I’m hoping we’ll see more of in the second half of this season: One is more Shirley. I’ve been kind of tired of her just being there to react to everyone else’s antics. I want her to get some storylines. She had a couple of great scenes in this episode, and I want to see more. Also, I want to see more Malcolm-Jamal Warner. I hope he sticks around, because he’d make a great recurring character on the show.

How did you guy’s feel about Shirley’s ex? And whose baby do you think it is?

Photo Credit: Lewis Jacobs/NBC

4 Responses to “Community – Shirley has a bun in the oven, but who’s the baker?”

January 20, 2011 at 10:19 PM

Kettle Corn does strange things to a man, doesn’t it?

January 21, 2011 at 1:17 AM

Great episode and I too am happy to see the show back. Honestly, it’s my favorite show on TV right now.

Rich was a funny character the first time, and it was great to see him back for the zombie episode. However, I worry that they might push it if he’s going to be hanging around with Jeff for long. I’m comfortable with having him as a peripheral character (just as I’d love to see the drama teacher again), but I don’t want him getting as much screen time as, say, the dean (who wasn’t in this episode, by the way) or Starburns. I too thought Jeff’s close-up speech at the end was going to be to Chang, since it wouldn’t be Annie. One thing about this show is that it knows what we’re going to expect and never seems to give it to us. I like that.

Also, if you haven’t seen the special features on the season 1 DVD, check them out. They’re hilarious.

January 21, 2011 at 1:34 PM

I’m glad the show is back, be it not for long when up against AI, but I thought the episode was a little lacking.

January 21, 2011 at 3:57 PM

I hope the baby does not turn out to be Chang’s mainly because Shirley does not deserve the horror of delivering his spawn onto the world. Thats just cruel treatment of Shirley.

I don’t really care for the doctor so I hope he doesn’t show up much. There are so many more interesting side characters to use instead of him.

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