CliqueClack TV

Is Hank Moody too good for Californication?

I like 'Californication.' I like it enough that I've caught up on the first two seasons in just a couple weeks, but I think I've realized something: Hank Moody, the character, deserves a better show.

Last night I finished watching the second season of Californication. I know I’m still an entire season (and one episode) behind, but I’m catching up quickly. Upon finishing up the season I had one thought: I’m not crazy about the show. Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying it and I’m going to continue catching up. I find some of the show uneven, however. Charlie generally annoys me, and the porn star/wife on coke plot line that ran through the second season fell really flat for me. Karen is wishy-washy and even seems a little petty at times. Mia is completely manipulative and crazy. I did love the completely bizarre duo of Sonja and Julian, though I figure I won’t be seeing more of them. And how could I call myself a true Twin Peaks fan and not be giddy about Madchen Amick’s guest stint?

Still, uneven is the best word I can find to describe the show. So why do I keep coming back? That’s an easy one: Hank Moody.

David Duchovny does a fantastic job in the role, and what a role it is. Hank Moody is awesome. Yes, he’s pretty much a total creep, but the fact that he is such a creep yet remains extremely likable is a great indication that there is something special with this guy. I love his tenacity. He never gives up on his relationship with Karen, even when things fall apart or he is outright rejected. I also love that despite his bad habits and train wreck of a love life, he really loves his daughter. I’m not sure I would go so far as to say that he is a good parent, but he definitely gets an A for effort. There is no doubt that Becca is the number one thing in his life.

Let’s face it. Hank Moody is a charmer. If you’ve seen the show, you’ve seen him charm many an unsuspecting woman (alright, so they were all probably suspecting it a little). Who doesn’t like a wise ass? This guy is pretty much 90% id, and I find him a little cathartic to watch. He doesn’t put up with bullshit, he says what’s on his mind (regardless of how inappropriate it may be) and he is never, ever intimidated. Bottom line: the guy is fun to watch.

So, what is my point here? Well, I love Hank Moody a whole lot more than I love Californication. I suppose that’s a stupid thing to say. Hank Moody is Californication. At the same time, though, I feel like if Hank were put in more interesting situations, or at the very least surrounded by some characters that could come close to matching his level of awesome, I would be thrilled. Maybe season three will impress me more than season two, I don’t know. Like I said at the beginning of the post, I really do like the show, but I like Hank Moody so much more.

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Californication | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Is Hank Moody too good for Californication?”

January 14, 2011 at 12:27 PM

I think you fell into the “I don’t get Lew Ashby” hole; the truth is his character was actually brilliant next to Hank, but a lot of people had trouble seeing past his boozy exterior.

Regardless, season three takes things to an entirely new level. You won’t be sorry for having watched it.

January 14, 2011 at 1:07 PM

No, I enjoyed Lew. It’s really the Runkles. They both annoy me and I don’t really get what they add to the show. They feel forced, like the writers just needed more than Hank to fill up a half hour every week.

January 14, 2011 at 2:34 PM

First of all, phew! (about Lew).

I know what you mean … about Marcy. I never quite felt that about Charlie, and his character development in season three may give you a slightly different impression of him.

That said, what’s interesting about the show is that you need to try and see the world around Hank as the actualization of who he is, rather than the world within which he lives. Meaning, it’s not why can’t Hank catch a break and be with Karen, but why won’t Hank let himself be with her. Everyone else — Charlie, Marcy, even the awesome people who come in for season three — are just players in that game.

January 15, 2011 at 9:53 PM

I agree, the first season was very mixed, the season season was so bad I stopped watching.

However season 3 is nearly, if not perfect. It’s been months and months since i saw the season 3 finale and I still remember the closing scene. It’s just that great.

I don’t get Showtime so I will not see the rest of season 4 for awhile, but it seems to be fun. If you don’t like season three then just ditch the show, it’s not for you.

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