CliqueClack TV

Greek – Dale’s a rat?

I can’t believe that the new twist with Dale is that he’s using his position as a friend of Rusty’s and Cappie’s to ingratiate himself with the Omega Chis. Can that be genuine?

I have no warm feelings for Star Wars, nor do I have any negative ones. I’m kind of indifferent, one of those people the movies mean nothing to. But even I could feel the sacrilegious nature of Rusty and Dana (Martha MacIsaac) using a scene from the movie as a prop during sex. That, and it’s really gross. I feel bad for Casey, who’s living in Rusty’s living room and overheard the entire thing. Ten times.

I saw Casey becoming ZBZ house mother coming as one possibility for her (my other guess was Casey and Evan moving in together), but I don’t like it. In part that’s because I think it’s not good for Casey — and it’s kind of hypocritical considering what she always says to Cappie about moving on — but also because it means we have to suffer through more Rebecca. There was a blink of an eye when I could actually stomach her, but that’s long gone now.

I loved the KTs “trying” for the first time with rush. Loved the fire that burnt down their illicit stall … nice to see Officer Huck (Kevin Kirkpatrick) back in the mix. It sucks that the KTs got their party shut down, but Pledge Spidey and his money should do good things for our favorite bum fraternity.

Over at Omega Chi, Calvin looked to be on the brink of getting impeached. Like with Rebecca, I liked Evan momentarily on the show, but now? He yells at Calvin for trying to mend a feud that he caused, yet he had the gall to steal from the house! It’s just like when he couldn’t forgive Rebecca for cheating on him (with Beaver!) after he cheated on Casey with Rebecca. Unless Evan magically snaps back to the guy he was last season, I don’t see rooting for him as the show winds down.

But back to Calvin. Why does he not realize that he should switch houses? The brothers totally did not take his relationship with Grant (Gregory Michael) well, and now they want to boot him out for solving a feud that didn’t really involve any of them anyway? He belongs at the KT house much more than with Omega Chi.

And I was going to say the same for Daley, except it seems he’s using his position as a friend of Rusty’s and Cappie’s to ingratiate himself with the Omega Chis. He picked the wrong team there … for his sake (and ours), this better be a scheme. Because if it really was Daley who called the cops on the KTs…. But before that I loved the idea of him rushing a fraternity. And when he yelled at Evan (again). Remember back in the pilot when Rusty walked into their room to find him hanging a Confederate flag?

Two other moments of note: one, Rusty was back in the lab doing an experiment. With all his time at the KT house, I honestly would have believed that he’d dropped polymer science. I guess maybe he decided to spend some time on that grant that he won last season.

Two, I loved that Heath’s sister is named Heather (Caitlin Thompson), pronounced like Heath. That’s got to make a younger sister feel great, essentially being named after their older brother. Why did ZBZ treat her like the “get” of the pledge class? They do know she’s related to a KT, right?

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Photo Credit: ABC Family

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