CliqueClack TV

Greek – Nice hat?

Were we meant to learn something from Ashleigh’s experience in New York? I don’t know what she expected as an unpaid intern, but she seems to be having a better go of it than most.

Back for its last hurrah, the season four premiere of Greek began with the unexpected. Don’t get me wrong — I’m glad we got to see Casey, Evan, and Ashleigh graduate; I just wasn’t sure that that’s where we’d begin.

When we last saw our friends, the seniors were enjoying their final spring break. Season four could have gone in a number of directions, like leading up to graduation or starting with the following school year. While the show essentially chose the latter, I am glad that we weren’t robbed of watching the gang graduate.

I’m still trying to figure out which set-up was worse: Casey staying on campus for the summer for “law school prep,” or the way the show ultimately held her back at CRU for law school itself. We all knew it was coming … I just thought they’d do a better job of it.

No school admissions officer would have given Casey the time of day, let alone the amount of information that she gleaned about her application. The Joel (Sam Page) thing was both petty and stupid, the former on account of his recommendation letter, the latter on account of Casey herself. I can see her getting upset that Joel could be so small, but her lame excuse to Cappie about not wanting to leave CRU just yet rang hollow. Casey has taken on different forms way too many times for any one to fit her just right, but the one that’s fit her best is the persona that’s ready to move on to the next stage in life.

I’d wondered, either to myself or aloud, why the KTs and the Omega Chis would stop fighting just because Rusty and Calvin devised some truce plan, and I was right. Whether they have reason to hate one another or not they do, and no love between two (or more — did we know that Calvin and Heath were together?) brothers will change that. Besides, I’d rather watch them duke it out for the next nine episodes than have them make nice.

I’m wondering if Evan’s financial woes and Casey’s late enrollment at CRU Law will find them living together. I actually think that Casey’s remaining on campus could work out for her and Evan better than for her and Cappie — I don’t want it to be like that, but I could see it.

My favorite plot was Dale returning as the ZBZ hasher. Is Abby (Olesya Rulin) a relatively new fixture in the house? It would be awesome if Dale ended up with a sorority girl. And the house mother interviews were fun — that could also be a direction for Casey — save for one thing: Rebecca. She ruined that entire story line for me. I thought she was no longer that person, but unfortunately I seem to have given her way too much credit. Maybe Daley can bring her down.

I expected Rusty challenging Cappie for KT president to end differently. Apparently Cappie’s not ready to move on just yet, despite the fact that stepping down would be a good first step for him and Casey. But I think this way is ultimately for the better, because Rusty as KT president? Fun speeches, though.

In the light of day I’m feeling better about the episode than I was last night, but I wasn’t so thrilled with the premiere. Hopefully the writers have better in mind for the little time we have left.

Greek Chapter 5 DVD review – Get set for the final season! [51ow3t0tivL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Greek Chapter 5 DVD review – Get set for the final season! [61ILAA QyDL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Greek Chapter 5 DVD review – Get set for the final season! [51DU6uQgstL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: ABC Family

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