CliqueClack TV

The Discovery Channel nixes Michael Jackson’s autopsy re-enactment

I’m trying to figure out who, exactly, would find any entertainment value in a program such as this. And I’m coming up blank.

Wow. Could there be a “better” decision to come to light from our buddies over at The Discovery Channel than this one? It seems The Powers That Be at the station offices have decided to nix (indefinitely) their showing of the re-enactment of Michael Jackson’s autopsy.

Gloved hand and all. I’m not kidding.

“I make my living off the evening news
Just give me something, something I can use
People love it when you lose … they love dirty laundry”

So many questions come to mind:

Who was the team of Bozos that came up with this rating’s wonder? Did a musty light bulb come on above Joe Schmo’s head and the rest of the creative team flock around it like mindless moths to a flame?

“We got the bubble-headed bleach blond, comes on at 5
She can tell you ‘bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
It’s interesting when people die … give us dirty laundry”

Better yet: Which head honcho gave the green light to launch this little project? For starters, did he (or she or they) not think this would completely outrage fans of the iconic singer, let alone the Jackson Family? Was the motivation purely monetary, filled with ratings-envy, not a single shred of regard for anything or anyone other than kowtowing to the bottom line of The Discovery Channel’s televised exposure?

“Can we film the operation? Is the head dead yet?
You know the boys in the newsroom got a running bet
Get the widow on the set … we need dirty laundry”

Folks: We’re in interesting times with the introduction of the New Year (and with a new decade to boot). It’s a whole new ballgame for some of us. But, creeping over from the “2000’s” (and before) is our nagging, niggling curiosity of the macabre which causes us to metaphorically slow down to a crawl on the freeway and gawk at passing accidents. It’s called “Train Wreck Syndrome.”

And, while I’m just as guilty as the rest of us at indulging in this “innocent” pastime on occasion, a re-enactment of a Jackson autopsy is just not on my menu of guilty viewing pleasures. And I don’t think it’s stretching the imagination in stating it’s not on anyone else’s schedule, either.

Let’s hope the “indefinite” postponement decision by The Discovery Channel becomes a concrete one.

“We can do the innuendo, we can dance and sing
When it’s said and done, we haven’t told you a thing
We all know that Crap is King … give us dirty laundry”

Photo Credit: tinyprints / Dirty Laundry lyrics by Don Henley

7 Responses to “The Discovery Channel nixes Michael Jackson’s autopsy re-enactment”

January 3, 2011 at 3:36 PM

I think this little gem was straight from the creative team at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce! You know those Mad Men are pretty slap happy when they get into the Vodka :-)

January 3, 2011 at 4:26 PM

Eww… people are creepy!

January 3, 2011 at 8:58 PM

I was really looking forward to it

January 4, 2011 at 10:16 AM

Would you watch a car accident as well? SICK!!

January 3, 2011 at 10:03 PM

Well,snap…as Robert…I was soooo looking forward to this. And now you are telling me my anticipation was all for naught.

January 4, 2011 at 10:26 AM

I am so glad this show got cancelled. What were these morons thinking? Going up against Michael Jackson’s fans is a no win situation. Discovery Channel now knows this first hand. A discussion on the subject matter is fine but please leave out a reenactment of the gory details. Totally, unnecessary and gratuitous!

January 4, 2011 at 2:30 PM

Thank goodness we are spared another show about Michael Jackson. I am sick to death of hearing about it already. I am not a Michael Jackson fan….but before the haters come after me I do appreciate his music. See I remember the original Michael when we were kids and he was somewhat normal just had a great voice. That Michael I liked what he grew into was just sick to me and that is just so sad like so many celebraties that lose sight of reality. But I am so happy not to have to hear about another show. Yes I know I would not have to watch it if I did not want to but it would not keep me from having to hear about it from every news person in the world.

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