CliqueClack TV

The Closer – Will Brenda just pick a job already?

'The Closer' moves into 'Weeds' territory when they investigate a string of armed robberies at medical marijuana facilities. Provenza would hate the Botwins.

- Season 6, Episode 12 - "High Crimes"

After the first half of this season was taken up with the question, “Will Brenda be Chief?” I was looking forward to the second part of this season getting back to normal a bit. Instead, we have “Will Brenda be Assistant Chief?” Seriously? I’m starting not to care, people. Especially because this is playing out exactly the same way it did before: Brenda doesn’t want to step on Chief Pope’s toes by taking the job, but he’s not going to have the job anyway, so that may change things, blah blah blah.

We only have one season left of The Closer, so she needs to take a different job. If she doesn’t, then all the the back and forth that we’ve had this season will just be a waste of time. Although, I did find Brenda’s insistence that Pope stay until “the bitter end” to be a little weird. Brenda can be selfish, but even she has to see that it’s in Pope’s best interest to leave before he’s kicked out, right? Resigning a job amid a regime change always looks better than being fired, doesn’t it?

In any case, I enjoyed this week’s medical marijuana case, if only for Provenza’s “I told you so” at the end. Although I kind of agreed with him about the whole “drug-dealing hippies” thing, I couldn’t really get behind him when he was saying how the LAPD has already wasted enough time on this case as he was standing over a dead body. It just seemed a little unprofessional, shall we say.

Regardless, when he got to go up to Chief Delk and rub the fact that the murder was committed by two drug dealers over money, it was pretty funny. I like how Provenza is just the old dude who can get away with saying things that other people can’t.

There were a couple of funny moments toward the end of the episode, including the name of the show that the robbers worked on: Cop Lawyer, M.D. Based on what’s popular on television, I can totally see why they thought it was a lock. Maybe if Charlie Sheen was in it, it would have made it past two episodes. I also loved the rationale of using fake guns so they wouldn’t be charged with armed robbery. As a person who has extensive legal knowledge based on television, that sounds like a solid line of thinking to me.

Photo Credit: TNT/Karen Neal

2 Responses to “The Closer – Will Brenda just pick a job already?”

December 19, 2010 at 3:06 PM

I took Brenda wanting Pope to stay as her responding to Fritz telling her Pope still has feelings for her. Brenda realized how important Pope was to her as well. At least that was what was written all over her face during that scene. It was a little surprising she would feel that way after how Pope treated her during the Chief race.

I think there will be further ramifications from their relationship and feelings.

December 22, 2010 at 11:43 AM

Don’t even go there with the Weeds comparison!
It sank into ridiculousness, and if the Closer gets that bad, I’ll be soo disappointed.

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