CliqueClack TV

Cougar Town – They’ve taken this title thing too damned far

This was supposed to be a Thanksgiving episode; a nice holiday with my 'Cougar Town' friends. Instead we're 10 minutes in and I'm pissed off.

- Season 2, Episode 9 - "When the Time Comes"

You know, I get it. They made a title decision based upon a term that made the leisure suit seem like a great point in fashion history. Get over it. If there can be a diet aid called Ayds that still makes a buck, then they can make due with the title. Get your marketing pros off of their asses and force Americans to realize that Cougar Town has barely anything to do with cougars. Isn’t that the point of marketers? They force stuff down our throats that without their “skills” we would never stomach (Chia Obama, anyone???).

So, why am I so riled up? Tonight’s title was….

Regretfully, We Give You Cougar Town

Really? So you regret giving me a great show because you’re too damned stupid to learn how to make the best of a bad situation? Guess what! Most people don’t even see the title, so that doesn’t exactly bring in more viewers. I expect better. And enough of the regret. Regret! A great cast, some truly funny television moments and you regret giving it to me. What the hell is that supposed to make me think?

The characters are all being thankful on Thanksgiving, and you’re telling me you regret giving me one of my favorite television shows. No thanks.

The only nice thing I will say is that I understood every single thing Bobby said. So there.

Photo Credit: ABC Television

6 Responses to “Cougar Town – They’ve taken this title thing too damned far”

November 25, 2010 at 10:49 AM

I bet the official “Cougar Town” Twitter feed just went “irk irk irk” :-)

November 25, 2010 at 2:07 PM

I didn’t make it in time to let me wrath be known last night. Now I have shared. :-)

November 25, 2010 at 10:54 AM

Did you just decide to not write a column today, so instead hark on the title? It was a pretty good episode, in my opinion…if you don’t like the extra headings, it’s easy enough to ignore them.

November 25, 2010 at 1:30 PM

Nope – I had every intention of writing about the actual show. But the mind does what the mind does. I thought Laurie was funny trying to find the right outfit and loved Bobby’s being a mumbly. But all I could focus on at the time was that the writers regretted giving me Cougar Town. Made it difficult for me to want to praise what they gave me.

Happy Thanksgiving, nonetheless! (even if you’re not in the US). :-)

November 25, 2010 at 10:16 PM

I thought it was one of the funnier titles of the season. The writers regret the title, not the show.

December 13, 2010 at 4:29 PM

You know they change the title every week, right? Maybe they were just sorry they had to work on Thanksgiving week. Maybe they were just checking to see if anybody notices the bit they put above “Cougar Town”

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