CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – It’s Thanksgiving!

Tara and Michael are gearing up for Thanksgiving. Do you pay attention to Thanksgiving commercials? Maybe you should....

Michael: Here! It! Comes! Thanksgiving!

Tara: Yeah! An excuse to break my diet!

Michael: Oh, holiday of holidays! Where the dressing comes out the bird! Where the cranberries are fresh! Where the peas mingle with the pearl onions! Where the turkey liver and the turkey neck are mine … all mine!*swoon*

Tara: You won’t have to twist my arm to get the liver and neck. In fact, I don’t think you’d have to twist anyone’s anything for that. I’m thinking maybe you should have been born “back in the day” when my ancient Aunts and Uncles fought over what we kids called “the gross stuff.” Yes, that includes dark meat.

Michael: Cooked right, the neck is one of the best parts of the turkey. And dark meat? Good stuff, Maynard.

Hokay! Commercial time!

Tara: “You want ME to be the turkey? You. Want. Me. To Be. The Turkey. I don’t think so.” I love that! Those of us who have always quoted “Taxi Driver” appreciate this. The young ones probably won’t get it.

Michael: Love. The. De. Niro.

And, speaking of Thanksgiving traditions (weren’t we?): Do you know, to date, I have never seen a Macy’s parade?

Tara: I’ve only seen parts of them. They’re kind of corny and long in my opinion.

Michael: Well … I’ve now seen one. And Crystal and De Niro were on a float. That’s enough for me.

It isn’t the Rose Parade on New Year’s day, let me tell you …

Michael: Hey! Waitaminnit! How’d this get in here? This isn’t a television spot … is it?

Tara: I gotta tell you. I wanted to put the above commercial in for a reason. The only time I attempted to cook a Thanksgiving turkey, I kept apologizing to the dead thing, as I shoved stuffing up its butt. It was a slimy feeling, and as my husband was listening in the next room (watching football) , he found it hilarious.

Michael: I bet he did. Haven’t met him yet … love him already.

Michael: So … yeah … we all have an “outlaw” in the family just like Uncle Randy … who’s kind of creepy … and stays a week. Don’t we?

Tara: As far as I can tell, this commercial never aired. It was a spec commercial. But I totally agree that everyone has some sort of Uncle Randy, and at several times during the holiday season, I WISH for a light saber.

Michael: There have been times …

Tara: Glad we are sympatico. And by the way I prefer Sweet Potato pie over Pumpkin, so get busy. Happy Thanksgiving!

Photo Credit: YumSugar

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6 Responses to “CommercialClack – It’s Thanksgiving!”

November 19, 2010 at 2:20 PM

. . . . .

Best black & white turkey I’ve ever seen …

November 19, 2010 at 2:24 PM

(rofl) bring on the turkey and Uncle Randy!

November 19, 2010 at 5:14 PM

Watching DeNiro and Crystal argue does not equal watching the Macy’s Parade. Its 100 times better because you don’t have to listen to the musical acts that randomly show up and suck. Its a lot to have to put up with just to see Snoopy float by.

And I know the stuffing has some purpose in cooking (does it I have no idea) the turkey, but who honestly chooses the stuffing from the ass cavity over the stuffing that was made on its own? The ass stuffing just winds up sitting there untouched every year at my family’s Thanksgiving.

November 19, 2010 at 5:53 PM

AC, the stuffing in the bird is much more flavorful and moist. My family never ate the extra cooked on its’ own. But that could be because my Mom was kind of an awful cook too.

November 20, 2010 at 1:24 AM

. . . . .

What Tara said.

Cavity stuffing: Superior. Especially with parts of the liver … walnuts … sage … jalapeños … celery … onions.

Your’s sits there, ac, because it’s not made correctly.

Even my wife admits the cavity stuffing is better than the stuff that’s just baked. And this, coming from someone (my wife) who grew up on flavorless stuffing …

November 19, 2010 at 8:05 PM

What would be better?… Thanksgiving ass stuffing or a Thanksgiving ass whoop’n? I’ll take the whoop’n, on the side.

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