CliqueClack TV

FOX kills The Office

What happened to Phyllis? Was it Bob? Because the nice, sweet lady in the office has gone super-freaky … did anyone not feel uncomfortable hearing about her and Bob seeing one another naked for the first time?

- Season 7, Episode 8 - "Viewing Party"

I’m sure if I were a fan of the FOX series featured so prominently on last night’s episode of The Office I’d feel differently right now, but as it stands I’m not. So the show’s major role in the story on last night’s episode of The Office seriously turned me off. And was NBC really okay with the gang going crazy for a rival network’s show? Are things that pathetic at NBC (a rhetorical question) that there aren’t any in-house shows with the same type of fervent following?

The cold open was lukewarm for me. With bsgfan2003’s theory in mind, for a minute I thought we’d discover that Timothy Olyphant’s Danny was the Scranton Strangler. Instead we got to watch Michael collect some of the gravel that the car chase had ridden over. Crazy exciting!

Is Michael versus Gabe going to be a factor in Steve Carell’s swan song plot line? The thought hadn’t occurred to me until I sat down to write my review, but the theme’s been lying in the weeds of late — first Michael getting upset that Darryl went to Gabe with an idea, and now Michael’s childish behavior at Gabe’s apartment. Might the Sabre interloper muscle Michael out fifteen episodes from now? Or maybe Michael will finally throw his hands up and walk. I don’t like Gabe, but if Michael’s leaving ends up not requiring Holly (Amy Ryan) to return, I’d be on board.

Erin’s need for Michael’s approval, and the reveal last night that she sees him as a father figure, is super creepy. Erin went from some sweet, innocent girl to someone who clearly has really serious emotional problems. I don’t think Michael’s the guy anyone wants helping her through them.

I’m enjoying the relationship that Andy and Darryl are developing. Once again Andy came to Darryl for advice — I’m not fully over the thought that Darryl’s increased visibility might be the start of something big for his character. But even if it’s not, he and Andy make for great friends. On the other hand, Andy was an idiot for listening to Ryan and trying the seahorse virility powder. Doesn’t everyone realize how dumb that guy is?

The real stars of the night (returning to prominence for the first time in an inordinately long time) were the trio of Pam, Jim, and Dwight. Dwight quieting Cece was cute, and I loved his line about the Schrute family — the youngest child always raises the others. The rest of us have been doing it wrong for all these years!

I loved seeing Pam whoring Jim out in exchange for Dwight’s help getting Cece back on a good sleeping schedule. That’s what I might have imagined, had I had the ability to do so, for a post-baby Jim and Pam — their baby working with their existing roles in the office structure, not branching them out in new, and unfunny, directions. Jim was still rusty, but Pam trying to convince Dwight that she’d always considered them close friends was priceless.

And, as a parent, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Dwight’s soothing remedy: tying a block of congealed fat to a string, attaching the string to the baby’s foot, and sticking the fat in the baby’s mouth … I know, right?

What else made me laugh … Gabe’s sound-scopes (they reminded me of Ross’s keyboards on Friends), and Kevin wanting to eat his pigs-in-a-blanket in a blanket. So I guess FOX didn’t kill it dead … but it didn’t help.

“Of all feelings to base a show around … glee? Thirst; now that’s a show I’d watch.” – Dwight to Angela

51iVeE9Lt2L. SL160 The Office Nice moves tackling Angela, Kevin!51oc6QJyVEL. SL160 The Office Nice moves tackling Angela, Kevin!51jJqu3mGTL. SL160 The Office Nice moves tackling Angela, Kevin!

Photo Credit: NBC

14 Responses to “FOX kills The Office”

November 12, 2010 at 1:35 PM

Don’t take credit for Olyphant as the strangler, that’s mine if it proves out. :)

My thought is that Michael is going to use the gun in his desk to apprehend Olyphant! Proving his maturity somehow to Holly and then they can ride out into the sunset together.

Erin seeing Michael as a father figure is not creepy! She’s stunted, she needs him, he now likes that he’s needed, it’s sweet. Stop being mean Aryeh!

The Dwight/Pam/Jim stuff was a hoot. Loved this episode!

November 12, 2010 at 1:53 PM

My fault! I didn’t forget, just forgot to credit you. See the fix above. :) And I like how you’ve interwoven plot points from this week to support it.

Maybe I’m being protective of Erin. The last thing we want is for her to see Michael as a father figure, fall in love with said father figure, and then really be in trouble.

So now who’s mean? ;)

November 12, 2010 at 2:00 PM

Ok then, I hope they don’t try to pull that on us, gross.

Actually, I’d like to see Gabe gone, and get some of the others more time.

November 14, 2010 at 11:12 AM

Don’t worry … I think if they went to that dark a place it would only be if Ricky Gervais were playing the manager, something I doubt will ever happen. ;)

Seconded on Gabe!

November 12, 2010 at 3:44 PM

The Erin/Michael father-figure scene was actually really powerful when you remember that Erin is an orphan. I liked it.

November 12, 2010 at 5:14 PM

I agree.

And all the stuff with Dwight, Jim, Pam, and the baby was hilarious and cute.

Not a bad episode at all.

November 12, 2010 at 9:41 PM

This was the episode that finally convinced me to give up on the show. I’ve watched it since it started. This season and most of last were so disappointing. Diminishing returns. Then last night, about halfway through, I gave up. Another plot of Michael acting like a spoiled child. All the characters acting painfully weird. Plus, now they’re relying on cute baby scenes. I’ve had it–I’d rather remember when the show used to make me laugh, before it became soooo bored with itself.

November 14, 2010 at 11:24 AM

While you’re probably making a smarter move than the rest of us, I’d always wonder what I missed in Steve Carell’s final 15 episodes. I’ll try to keep you informed so you’ll know when to check back in. ;)

November 13, 2010 at 11:14 PM

You’re focusing too much on the Glee MacGuffin. It was just a way to get Michael and Gabe (and really the entire cast) interacting outside of the office. Totally worth it though, hearing Kelly/Mindy Kaling rip into a show she obviously loves.

“That show. I mean, first they say that Mr. Schue doesn’t know anything about choreography and then three episodes later, he’s this fantastic choreographer? Pick a lane, people.”

“And what was with Jesse’s sudden turn on Rachel between Dream On and Funk? Where the heck did that come from? Honestly, that show… it’s just— it’s irresponsible.”

Seriously, Kelly Kapoor needs her own TV blog.

November 14, 2010 at 11:28 AM

Intellectually I know that the show was just being used as a tool, but I felt it was so overexposed as to obscure the rest of the episode. It’s my own bias, but then I can only express the way I experienced the episode.

As for Kelly … if Ryan didn’t hold the spot himself, she’d be the worst thing about The Office for me. I just don’t see it.

November 14, 2010 at 11:33 AM

I so agree with you re Ryan and Kelly.

November 14, 2010 at 12:04 PM

Thanks Ruby! If I have a youth vote behind me I know I’m on to something. :)

November 14, 2010 at 12:11 PM

I think Ruby and I have a pretty good agreement record, but I have to break and say that I find Kelly hilarious. Probably because on my BAD days I’m a composite of her, Angela, and Dwight :)

Be honest folks, we all identify with these quirky people in some way.

February 12, 2011 at 10:45 AM

kelly’s funny! it’s just comedy people, not a dick dont take it too hard

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