CliqueClack TV

It is time to start watching Mike & Molly

Go find 'Mike & Molly' and watch this week's episode! What are you waiting for?

I have been watching Mike & Molly since the premiere, but it hadn’t really hit the right comedic spot until this week. Mike and Molly have met, played the does he/she like me, gone on their first date, had their first kiss, split up because of a misunderstanding, but now they are in a good place. And, that has led to one of the funniest episodes of a comedy I have seen lately. (Though, I don’t watch that many comedies.)

While their physical imperfections are core to the show and what makes this couple unique from others on television, last night’s episode was the first where fat  jokes weren’t prominent. I found those to be a bit annoying and overplayed in previous episodes. The episode succeeded because it highlighted common apprehensions that anyone involved in a new relationship would face. And, it was particularly funny because this episode was about them facing the big one, having sex for the first time.

If you haven’t given this a watch yet, I recommend finding this week’s episode and giving it a try. I don’t think you will be disappointed. Though a lot of people are watching, as shown in Brett’s Weekly Ratings Clack, with 10-12 million viewers and demographics of 3.5-3.9.

Here are a few quotes from last night’s episode for a hint of the fun. The first, I had to post as a die-hard Cubs fan.

“Molly’s coming over Saturday night” – Mike
“You dirty, dirty dog” – Samuel
“All right. I told you he’d get laid before the Cubs won a World Series” – Carl

“Now is your apartment ready for entertaining a lady? ‘Cause the last time I saw your bathtub it looked like you’d washed a gorilla in it” –Carl
“Don’t worry. I’m going after it with a grill brush and some degreaser. Plus, I’m buying a new shower curtain, nice sheets, some of that liquid soap the ladies seem to favor.” – Mike
“Good idea.  Now you don’t have to worry about plucking your pubes outta the Irish Spring”- Carl
“Oh, that is tedious work. I live with five roommates. Our soap looks like a wet cat.”-Samuel

Do you watch the show? Why should others tune in?

Photo Credit: cbs

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “It is time to start watching Mike & Molly”

October 27, 2010 at 10:29 AM

Glad to see you posting on it, Carla. Although I hate the broad comedy, I love the romance (both of them)!

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