CliqueClack TV

South Park – So complex and trippy and cool!

The tenth episode of the season brings us a double parody of the movie 'Inception' and the TV show 'Hoarders.' Plus, we got a glimpse of Mackey as a kid! Here are some of the better quotes of the episode.

- Season 14, Episode 10 - "Insheeption"

“When a chick says we needs to talk, you might as well just punch yourself in the balls, dude.” – Cartman

“Excuse me, but I am a sheep herder.” – Shepherd
“It’s pronounced ‘hoarder,’ and yes you are.” – Dr. Chinstrap

“Just because an idea is overly convoluted and complex doesn’t make it cool. Going into multiple dream levels sounds like a really stupid idea.” – Sharon Marsh
“You just don’t get it because you’re not smart enough.” – Cobb

“Will they be able to wake Mackey up?” – Sharon Marsh
“If they don’t, it will be the end of Europe as we know it.” – Dr. Chinstrap
“Why?” – Sharon
“Because.” – Dr. Chinstrap

“Is this the dream, or the dream within a dream?” – Cobb
“I think it’s the dream inside the Matrix inside the dream!” – Other guy
“Oh well, just keep shooting!” – Cobb

“So you’re saying that all those people in there are somehow trapped in one person’s dream?” – Firefighter
“Yes, and so that’s why I called the fire department. I don’t know where else to turn.” – Dr. Chinstrap

“Alright, we’re in a pickle again and we need your help. Got some people trapped inside a dream.” – Dr. Chinstrap
“Told you a long time ago, I gave that up.” – Freddy Krueger

“So he was hoarding because, when he tried to throw things away, his subconscious would remember Woodsie’s voice saying ‘give a hoot, don’t pollute,’ and touching his penis with his wing?” – Firefighter
“Wow! That is so complex and trippy cool!” – Doctor

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

3 Responses to “South Park – So complex and trippy and cool!”

October 21, 2010 at 12:01 AM

. . . . .

“When a chick says we needs to talk, you might as well just punch yourself in the balls, dude.”

Don’t watch this, but when I read the above I guffawed.

Real. Life. Experience.

October 21, 2010 at 12:08 AM

I liked Freddy saying, “I’m sorry I couldn’t save the sheep herder.”

October 23, 2010 at 2:44 AM

OMG – Mackey as a kid was like my dream, mmmkay? Oh look! It’s Zoom! Box 350 Boston Mass ooohhhh two oneeee three fooourrrrrr. NO PERSON MY AGE does not remember that address.

Thanks Keith – your quotes have brought be back to South Park, mmmkay?

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