CliqueClack TV

Stargate Universe – Telford’s situation could be worse

Telford may be in a bit of a strange and possibly dire situation at the moment, but he should keep his chin up. It's unlikely that it's the last we'll see of the Colonel.

So far I’m really pleased with how this season of SGU has been going. Usually after the first two episodes of a season, things taper off pretty drastically in the third. Not so this time. The seed ship, the aliens, what happens to Telford … awesome stuff. Of course, I hope they can keep this pace up for the rest of the season.

The seed ship turned out a lot more interesting than I thought it would. The gate manufacturing line was very cool, even if Rush thought it was meh. I don’t believe it’s far fetched to guess that enough juice was sucked out of Destiny in order to give the seed ship whatever power the aliens wanted to get from it. I’m not at all convinced the aliens had bad intentions in mind, even if they did shoot one of the humans. It’s likely they were stuck on that seed ship for who knows how long, going batshit crazy and pouncing on this miracle of an opportunity for possible rescue.

Sure, Telford may be stuck on the seed ship with those aliens, but I sincerely doubt it’s the last we’ll see of him. And, for that doubt alone, I believe it’s unlikely the aliens are a foe for the humans. We’ve already had the evil aliens thing once. The question is how will Telford meet back with everyone again, and in a way that’s not eye-rollingly convenient. Since the ship is a sort of sister ship to Destiny, that alone would have it make sense for the two to meet again. Or there are all of those incomplete gates that might be put to good use.

What if Telford finds a way back to Earth, and the next time Young uses the stones, there’s Young! I said that before about those who stayed back on that planet last season, but maybe it happens with Telford instead. Also, isn’t Brody stuck with him on the seed ship too? (Thanks @MattyVBoston for the reminder!)

As for Rush and the hidden bridge, I’m about ready for the rest of the crew to discover it, or at least Eli. There’s obviously so much untapped technology in there, and it’s frustrating to not see it being put to full use. And what is Rush’s allured-to “dream” that may have made him want to detach from the seed ship? To continue to travel the heavens ’til death? Anyone have a guess?

Photo Credit: Syfy

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8 Responses to “Stargate Universe – Telford’s situation could be worse”

October 12, 2010 at 11:16 PM

I have to completely agree with you Keith. SGU has really found it’s legs.

I very much doubt that this will be the end of Telford. Granted, he will be gone for a few episodes I am sure. The aliens did not seem that hostile, so I don’t think he will be killed off by them. Also, I cannot see the producers dropping a lead like that in such a plain manner.

Also, am I the only one hoping we finally discover the Furlings somewhere out in the universe?

October 13, 2010 at 2:35 AM

I’m probably only a fair judge of alien flesh, but I think the the fruit snack alien was kind of cute.

Great episode for me.

October 13, 2010 at 1:12 PM

I agree. Col.Telford will be back. I have a feeling the aliens are definitely not hostile, and like Rush assumed, they are a science team. When the humans brought back power online they woke up, and they were just protecting their own interests when destiny started absorbing all of the seed ships power. I think that Telford is going to work with the aliens, and i think the aliens are going to become allies to the humans, out in unknown space. who knows how long the aliens have been riding shotgun on the seed ship, stuck in hibernation? Im thinking these guys are going to become something like the Asgard from SG1 in terms of allies. Man i love this show!!! anyone know if season 3 is in the works?
ps. Brody did make it back. remember how he fills up Col. Young’s flask during the closing sequence? I was really excited there for a second, but alas, no such luck. Telford’s on his own.

October 13, 2010 at 8:16 PM

Im just waiting for the furlings to show up, But i agree there is already 2 hostile alien forces (Lucian alliance and the blue things)so another would be stupid. Maybe the aliens wanted destinys power to stop it from leaving until they could fix their own ship but thats just a guess. I really hope we get to see some more Alteran tech in this season!

October 14, 2010 at 11:54 AM

I don’t think Brody is stuck there, if he is then why do we see him giving Young the alcohol from the still in the montage at the end.

October 15, 2010 at 5:23 PM

The aliens actually look friendly as well, their clothing and body language wasn’t at all threatening. They came across as completely passive thou curious.

October 17, 2010 at 2:25 AM

I agree. The aliens are probably not evil, judging from how cute and non-threatening the captured alien was.

I don’t like it when a character hallucinates on a show. It annoys me when I know that something is not real, but it just won’t go away or be explained. grrr

October 17, 2010 at 9:36 AM

I the only one hoping we finally discover the Furlings somewhere out in the universe

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