CliqueClack TV

The Boss might be on Glee?!

There's a rumor that we may see Bruce Springsteen make an appearance on 'Glee' this season. I'm all a-shiver! Me and the Boss go way back....

Bruuuuuuuce! It was my battle cry during college. I saw him at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit in the late ’80s and almost fainted. Not only because he’s adorable — and he is, even now at 61 years old. I almost fainted because his show averages four hours, and the entire time the crowd was on its feet. I was a dripping mess! Bruce himself said in an interview once that he loses five pounds during every concert. He’s very into hydration as a result.

I recently took a poll at a party about Bruce (I’m always taking polls and asking silly questions at parties), and just as I’ve always suspected, people have strong feelings about the Boss. Those who like him do it like it’s their job. They’re very ferocious about it. And those who don’t … well … I find they’re pretty ferocious too. The naysayers are often vicious about their reasons to hate Bruce, mostly due to his gravelly voice. “Humph!”, I say to them! (Because I’ve learned to argue about Springsteen will get you nowhere.) He’s like broccoli: you love him or you hate him; no in-betweens.

Which is exactly how people I know seem to feel about FOX’s mega hit show Glee. I myself fully admit to being a “gleek.” It’s got everything! Smaltz! Romance! Music! And Sue Sylvester! Tell me, what’s not to like? I know. I know. Those very reasons are why some folks hate on it. But if you’re like me, and you’ve got a passion for Bruce and for Glee, then you must be as thrilled as I am about last week’s rumor that the show will not only feature Springsteen songs, but have Bruce do a cameo as well. Fantastic, I say! Bring it on!

Springsteen has a ridiculously amazing songbook. Yes, I agree with the three songs Glee will supposedly feature: “Born to Run,” “Dancing in the Dark,” and “Born in the U.S.A.” Those have the Glee kids written all over them. But, in a perfect world, here’s what I’d love to see …

  • Bruce singing “She’s the One” to Sue Sylvester. Now that would be funny. Think about it.
  • “Brilliant Disguise” featured somehow. You know how someone is always having a problem with someone on every episode of Glee? This song could fit in.
  • Finn and Rachel dueting “Tunnel of Love.”
  • Bruce must sing “Fire.” I don’t care if it completely doesn’t fit the storyline. It’s just smokin’ when he does it.

Which Springsteen songs would you like to see on Glee? Or do you think he shouldn’t be featured at all? Let’s discuss.

Photo Credit: nydailynews

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