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Supernatural – Castiel is back!

A seemingly random case brings with it the return of Castiel and news about a civil war among the angels. Those revelations could be our first clues about who is collecting monsters, and who brought Sam and Samuel back.

- Season 6, Episode 3 - "The Third Man"

Last week brought Sam and Dean back together. And this week, the third part of the team returned as well. Now we can get down to business. Castiel (Misha Collins) has had quite the run on Supernatural. He’s gone from an interesting guest, to a great recurring character, to (as the episode title puts it) the third man on the show. He’s the ultimate straight man, who also happens to open up a whole new world of stories to tell.

And boy howdy, did they drop some story on us this week. When we saw the first of the cops start to drop, I was sure that this was some sort of monster of the week episode. Week three, let the big picture stuff simmer for a bit. Bring back Castiel and have a few yucks. That really wasn’t the case. The civil war amongst the angels has the stuff to outshine the Winchester/Campbell feud.

The fun really begins when those two cross paths though, and I think we got our first hints at that tonight. Last week the  question was, “Who is collecting monsters?” This week, we can make a pretty good guess. The smart money is on one of the archangels. Which one? Take your pick. Balthazar (Sebastian Roché) has decided to collect holy weapons and souls to prepare for the fight. It stands to reason that someone else is building a demon army.

That’s also our best clue as to who it was that brought Samuel and Sam back. Although, not necessarily the same angel for both. It’s possible that Samuel knows exactly who brought him back, and believes he is doing the right thing by capturing and delivering the monsters. After all, an angel appeared and asked him to take on the task. Just as it’s possible that another angel brought Sam back because the Winchesters do have a reputation.  When all of this becomes known to all involved, it’s going to be explosive.

Of course, through it all, we also have the constantly shifting relationship between Sam and Dean. The brothers are back together, but their latest round of struggles has brought some issues. They’re not exactly new issues, but in some cases different. Did anyone else flash back to “Croatoan” (S02E09) when the discussion turned to Sam’s reaction to Castiel torturing Aaron Birch (Adom Osei)? The roles are completely reversed, but the discussion is very similar.

All the beating around the bush about how Sam is changed and what happened to him has me wondering if /when we’ll hear about his time away. I’m also curious to know just how long he was away for. We do know that the passing of time is much different there. But from what we’ve learned so far, Sam’s trip was much shorter than Dean’s.

At the end of the day, another very good episode. It’s great to have Castiel back, and he brings with him what could be a spectacular story for season six.

One last bit of random trivia: Remember Father Reynolds (Denis Arndt) from “Houses of the Holy” (S02E13)? Arndt is appearing in God Of Carnage at the Seattle Repertory Theatre right now. I saw it this week and it is a fantastic show. If you’re in the Seattle area, check it out.

Photo Credit: CW

4 Responses to “Supernatural – Castiel is back!”

October 9, 2010 at 2:29 PM

Sam is definitely not … Sam. I’m thinking he’s a little bit Sam, maybe a little bit Lucifer. Maybe half-and-half. Sam sleeping around with random women isn’t the Sam we knew. Could it be the monsters are being gathered to repopulate a new Hell, one that Sam-ifer will be in charge of?

October 17, 2010 at 4:45 PM

Not just sleeping around, but with hookers? That in itself was jaw-dropping to me.

Also, to Brett, I did NOT make the connection about who’s collecting the monsters or that it might be for the same reason that Balthazar was collecting weapons. Great catch.

I’ve got a question though: When demons collect a soul, that soul is burned in hell for eternity. If an angel collects a soul, would that soul go to hell or heaven? Either one seems pretty strange, so I’m thinking neither, but then what?

October 9, 2010 at 7:26 PM

Great episode, and it felt like the good old supernatural to me.

October 10, 2010 at 8:57 PM

Finally got to watch the episode, it was pre-empted here for a basketball game on Friday night. It was great to see Cas back. This was the first episode that really seemed like Supernatural was back.

I was a little confused by that whole girl in the room with Sam. And, to see Sam toning up like that … wow! And, then the torture scene, thanks for the reference to the previous ep. Something definitely is up w/ Sam. Looking forward to watching this story unfold.

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