CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries – Katherine loves Stefan loves Elena loves …

Who's more gullible, Caroline or Katherine? Who's got bigger balls, Damon or Mason? Who loves who more, well ... that would take up the whole subtitle and more....

- Season 2, Episode 4 - "Memory Lane"

“I hear great things about you.” – Mason
“That’s weird. ‘Cause I’m a dick.” – Damon

Well, what do you know? It looks like Katherine really loves Stefan, and it was revealed to us in such a delicate way. I wonder how Stefan really felt when Katherine said, “I never compelled your love, it was real and so was mine.” Did his heartstrings tug just a little, or is he really filled with only hate? All that lovey-dovey stuff, and I’m still suspicious Katherine has another reason for being back. There are secrets buried underneath secrets on The Vampire Diaries , and it can’t be as simple as just love.

Speaking of secrets and love, I must be as gullible as Caroline is, because I completely fell for Stefan’s and Elena’s fight … well, maybe not completely. The first thing that popped into my head was, “What is Stefan talking about?” I didn’t quite understand it when he told Elena that Katherine had already come between them. What I didn’t do is make the connection they were trying to out Caroline. Well done, writers, because I was thinking we were getting a fairly hum-drum episode. I should have known they’d pull something out of their back pockets in the last minutes of the episode.

Then again, Katherine is fairly gullible as well, and I should have known she was really in love with Stefan the moment she fell for his mushy stuff, only to get her stabbed in the back … literally.

If you’ve read CliqueClack’s love triangles post, you’ll know that I wasn’t ready to consider Damon / Stefan / Elena as a love triangle, since Damon’s bit is so one-sided. After tonight’s episode, it’s definitely become a quadrangle, and I think the triad of Katherine / Stefan / Elena might be even stronger than the other three. Right now anyway … if there’s something we all know, it’s that things can change pretty fast on The Vampire Diaries.

This and that:

  • It’s better that Tyler knows how to activate the curse, because maybe he’ll control his anger now. I can picture him murdering someone by accident, in a rage. Thought now Tyler’s going to wonder who his father and uncle killed, and under what circumstances. I know I am.
  • Werewolves “exist in books and really bad movies.” Any dig at Twilight is a good one.
  • Caroline as Katherine’s bitch isn’t nearly as entertaining as Xander as Dracula’s manservant on Buffy.
  • I want to know what the moonstone is even more now that I know Katherine gave it to George Lockwood all those years ago.
  • Mason’s and Damon’s interactions at the party were hilarious, though Damon went too far as usual. “Now you’ve made an enemy,” says Mason, and I do believe Damon ought to take fair warning from that statement.
  • There was some product placement in there with the radio thingy in the car but I’m far too out of it to know what they were placing.

Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/The CW

3 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries – Katherine loves Stefan loves Elena loves …”

September 30, 2010 at 9:54 PM

It’s better that Tyler knows how to activate the curse, because maybe he’ll control his anger now. I can picture him murdering someone by accident, in a rage. Thought now Tyler’s going to wonder who his father and uncle killed, and under what circumstances. I know I am.

Actually I think Tyler’s father never killed anyone. Didn’t Mason say that Tyler’s father never knew about the curse. And the Mayor truly seemed confused that the gadget affected him. I’m guessing that the Mayor never killed anyone, so he never turned into a wolf and since Mason didn’t want to tell Tyler how the curse gets started, I’m thinking the Mayor didn’t know either.

September 30, 2010 at 9:56 PM

Ah, you could be right! When Mason said the mayor didn’t know, I thought he meant that he didn’t know Mason was a werewolf.

October 1, 2010 at 2:13 PM

Well this episode was awsome, but it got me confused..I started feeling sorry for Katherine, that she realy loves Stefan. Why she just coulnt be in love with Damon…they both fit more together-both killer nutts , and everyone would be happy-besides theyr victims. Stefan and Elena is just too cute together,hope they wount brake up.

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