CliqueClack TV

Chuck – Morgan is quite the instigator, isn’t he?

Maybe it's just me, but I didn't find a lot to love in the latest episode of 'Chuck.' One kick-ass scene between the super model spy and Sarah on the runway does not an episode make.

- Season 4, Episode 2 - "Chuck vs The Suitcase"

For an episode where the gang is hunting down a weapon being hidden by a super model, I would have expected a bit more fun. I was kind of bored, finding it difficult to pay close attention. There were no surprises, no boundaries were crossed. Meh.

There wasn’t much Morgan didn’t toy with in “Chuck vs The Suitcase.” First, he tells Chuck that every relationship that is going well will soon find its Achilles heel. Since it’s been eight months and Sarah hasn’t yet unpacked her suitcase, he was certain this was theirs. Of course, it was on Chuck’s mind while they tried to track and conquer the super model, and the idea eventually solved the case for him, but it was kind of ridiculous for him to consider given that Sarah literally has about four outfits and is always on the road. Yes, there was a reason she was unpacking, but it never involved her relationship with Chuck.

Thanks to Captain Awesome freaking out over the possibility of Ellie smelling a rat at the Buy More (will she think Chuck is still a spy? OMG. Sigh), Morgan opened his big mouth again and told the General that their cover would never stay intact with the impeccable team of agents manning the floor of the store. He’s right, but I was wincing as we were accosted by Lester and Jeff.  Their completely useless characters (seemingly only around for fanboys who like fart jokes and the like) are back and just as annoying as ever. For doing this extremely good thing, saving the Buy More cover, the General made Morgan the store manager. I assume that means she won’t be hanging around in the store any more. Which sucks, because I thought the only saving grace of the herd coming back was having to answer to her. No such luck. I can only pray their role is greatly diminished as the weeks progress. No, I really don’t expect those prayers to be answered.

Morgan, sage that he is, thrust himself into Casey’s relationship with his daughter, Alex, too. He was just everywhere, butting into everyone’s business and not being that funny as he went about it. Speaking of butts, what WAS funny was when he was the butt of this simple line, delivered by guest star Isaiah Mustafa (the Old Spice Guy): “You’re a very tiny man, aren’t you?” I think it was the best moment on the show.

There were a couple of guest stars in the credits, and one had me scratching my head. Bronson Pinchot. He was on for approximately two seconds and I don’t think he even said a line. Why bother? Is he cleaning the lot of the production studio or something and they just put him in a guest spot? Seemed very odd to me.

Bits n Bobs:

  • Chuck slapped guest star Lou Ferrigno with his glove. This has always made me laugh elsewhere, but here it just fell flat.
  • “Rumor has it you’re pregnant. Is there room in that womb for two? Let me know.” – Jeff to Ellie
  • Sarah in a red wig reminded me of Nina Sharpe on Fringe. There is one color & cut combination that Yvonne Strahovski cannot pull off!
  • “Cars have been following us for months!”  – Lester
    “How do you know they weren’t just driving behind you?” – Casey
  • I really don’t get the ‘let’s keep Ellie from the truth’ thing – she lost her family and raised her brother, but she can’t handle the truth? How insulting.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Chuck | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Chuck – Morgan is quite the instigator, isn’t he?”

September 28, 2010 at 9:19 AM

How opinions can differ! I thought this was one of the best episodes yet. I agree Jeff and Lester are essentially throwaway characters but I did like their “on the lam” video, and Lester’s semi-successful Jedi Mind trick attempt.

I also loved how they are handling the Chuck/Sarah relationship, though I didn’t like the final suggestion of upcoming trouble due to marriage/baby talk. I like the show much better with C/S together!

Chuck was going to tell Ellie last week, but didn’t at the last second because of how happy she seemed that he wasn’t doing the spy thing anymore. And given that she’s now 13 weeks pregnant, that’s more reason not to upset her. He’s trying to protect her, like she always tries to protect him.

I loved her in the wig! Nina Sharp should BE so lucky!

September 28, 2010 at 11:49 AM

I think with this episode we see where I am in my second year of viewing versus where fans from the start may view the episode. I was very underwhelmed, and disappointed that they gave us a flash of the super cool Mrs. Bartowski last week and left us hanging this week. If it drives discussion, that’s a good thing!

September 28, 2010 at 2:31 PM

I’m a big Jeffster fan, and I thought they were great in this episode. The two quotes you listed were my favorites from them. I also liked the slow-motion entrance with the wind blowing that’s usually reserved for hot females, but since it was Jefster, Morgan had to hold the fan. And the Alice Cooper song was an excellent choice. I was hoping for some interaction with General Beckman, so hopefully we’ll get that at some point even though she’s out of the Buy More.

Another personal favorite moment was Chuck wanting a “Spiderman kiss,” only cause that’s exactly what I would be thinking if I were hanging inverted next to my upright girlfriend

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