CliqueClack TV

The Closer – Who’s on the short list?

Big changes for both Fritz and Brenda are afoot, and Chief Pope is caught in the crossfire.

- Season 6, Episode 7 - "Jump the Gun"

All season, I’ve been interested in how The Closer is going to stay fresh, now that it’s a procedural in its sixth season. That question was answered pretty quickly in the premiere with the whole Chief of Police job opening. Now, we get another way in which the show is changing– Fritz is joining the force.

Okay, he’s not leaving the FBI for the LAPD, but his is the FBI liaison, which means that he’s going to be hanging around the squad room a lot more. Is it a contrived plot-point? Of course. But after a week with no Fritz at all, this was a welcome contrivance.

Also welcome was Tome Verica as the guest star. I’m a big fan of his, as well as of Dean Winters. I mention Dean Winters because my brain initially thought it was he who played the SWAT officer in this episode. I guess I saw the swagger and the pompadour and shut off after that.

The big news, however, is the short-list for the chief. It’s coming out, and it’s leaving Chief Pope feeling a little nervous. He thinks that Fritz’s appointment to his new position is bad news for his chances, and it turns out he’s right. I figured that Chief Pope wouldn’t get the job, but I was pretty shocked when he didn’t even make the short list. Not as surprised as Chief Pope of course, but still.

Although everything is clearly pointing in Brenda’s direction for the job, I’m still having a hard time believing that it’s actually going to come to pass. It just seems like it would be so boring to see Brenda as Chief of Police. It makes the most sense to have someone completely from left field come in and get the job, so Brenda would have plenty of opportunities to clash with the outsider. However, if they just bring someone random in, it kind of makes it seem like we’ve been wasting our time with the whole selection process storyline.

Who do you think should be chief? Would the show still be interesting if it’s Brenda?

Photo Credit: TNT

6 Responses to “The Closer – Who’s on the short list?”

August 25, 2010 at 4:25 PM

What role did Dean Winters play? I watched the entire episode and didn’t even notice him. This is a great injustice, as I have been a huge fan since OZ (I STILL have a naked screen shot of him in his cell on my computer), and love his car insurance commercials. So – what character was he?

I like that Fritz is coming on board, and I feel bad for Pope (although he’s been a total ass this season).

I don’t know why Brenda would clash with the Chief of Police. Do we ever really see the Chief of Police on the show? Is it bad that I don’t even know who it is?

August 25, 2010 at 4:57 PM

Oh, here’s the answer to that: I’m totally drunk and kept on thinking Dean Winters when I was seein Tom Verica. I also love Tom Verica. He plays an excellent bad guy.

August 25, 2010 at 8:40 PM

HA! Kona – you silly girl. I’m actually laughing out loud. I can’t stop…

August 25, 2010 at 10:40 PM

I was saying to myself that I don’t remember Winters in the episode, but… :P

August 27, 2010 at 11:51 AM

How about Captain Rayder (sp?)as the new chief. Plenty of irritation between the two women now, just imagine if Rayder had the upper hand.

September 10, 2010 at 4:36 PM

I think Brenda will become the chief, and Fritz will take on major crimes having to report to Pope who will be caught in the crossfire of bossing the husband with the wife being his boss… how interesting!!!

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