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Diary of a Curb Your Enthusiasm virgin – Groat’s Disease is a killer

Forget about hyperactivity ... doesn't Tom know that Groat's causes sufferers to forget how to multiply, and taste peaches no matter what they're eating?

(Season 2, Episodes 5-6)

Not only are the guest stars that Larry gets to appear on Curb impressive, but he also utilizes them really well. It must be tough to decide who plays themself and who plays a character … but what a problem to have.

2.5 “The Thong”

A lot of crazy goings on in this episode. First of all, I absolutely did not need to see Larry’s therapist (John Pleshette) in a thong, or what was supposedly a thong and looked a lot more like a striped sock with sides and a back. I can totally get behind Larry’s desire to never see the guy again in any setting, especially not a professional one. But going with “I’m happy” as his reason for leaving therapy? The claim would be more believable coming from anyone else … except maybe George Costanza.

Rob Reiner totally sucker-punched Larry with the Groat’s Disease charity auction thing (I wonder why they went with a fictional disease). Funny that it’s the same fake disease that Michael Richards fears he has in season seven. But how come we didn’t get to see the auction? I thought this was heading somewhere different — lunch with Larry getting panned at the auction, leading Larry to go off on the crowd about who he was, etc.

Instead, we were privy to a guest appearance by the wonderfully amusing Tom McGowan, better known as Bernie Gruenfelder on Everybody Loves Raymond, and Kenny Daly on Frasier. Not that it does anything for you, but I got to meet McGowan a few years ago when I went to hear Phil Rosenthal talk about his book, “You’re Lucky You’re Funny.” I believe the two are somehow in-laws.

Anyway, the $4,000 lunch was hilarious even before Larry chose not to wait for Tom’s food to arrive before starting to eat. Larry is totally nuts, and it’s clear he has no idea how to interact with normal human beings. I actually think it could have been funnier if McGowan was playing himself, but it’s great as is.

2.6 “The Acupuncturist”

Now this is what I’m talking about: Larry’s finally starting to realize that he has some money in the bank. A five thousand dollar bonus to the acupuncturist for fixing his neck atop a five thousand dollar loan to an old writing colleague now working the meat counter at a deli. Cheryl needs to take it down a notch, but Larry’s finally getting it … not to mention orchids as a thank you.

Was Scott Adsit anybody before 30 Rock put him on the map as Pete Hornberger? Here he played Joel the estate lawyer, tripped up by that stupid casual Friday. First of all, casual Friday is suppose to mean no jacket and tie, not jeans. Second of all, it’s the worst creation in the history of business. Put your suits back on and stop whining.

What possible reason could the waiter in the restaurant (Koji Kataoka) have had for getting mad at Larry after Larry put his flaming arm out? That was very weird, and completely inexplicable.

I expect Larry’s the type to ruin a lot of surprise parties, but what was with Barry’s wife going on and on about it? “Can you believe what they did to me?” I think she ended up not even appreciating the party as a result. Classy.

Ed Asner (here as Barry’s father) is awesome. It’s great to see him in any guest spot he’s willing to do.

510APXWAVHL. SL160 Diary of a Curb Your Enthusiasm virgin For Cheryls edification, Larry gets a fetish in season seven51vDsx153ZL. SL160 Diary of a Curb Your Enthusiasm virgin Should I or shouldnt I?

Photo Credit: HBO

One Response to “Diary of a Curb Your Enthusiasm virgin – Groat’s Disease is a killer”

October 15, 2010 at 1:09 AM

Interesting. I also love Asner.

Glad to hear that “Walk Across America For Groats Disease” is over. Usually they show video clips of the whole thing and I want to see the crowds.

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