CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – iPeed (There’s an app for that)

In this CommercialClack, Michael and I talk rough and tough about iPods, blondes and dumb guys. Come along!

Michael: Just shoot me now. Or, better yet, let’s shoot Lance and put him out of his misery. We’ll be doing him a favor.

Tara: Although the temptation to shoot you is very strong, I would go for shooting Lance. Plus! He’s a geeky weird looking guy. Blonde Girl would NOT date him in real life. And hey. I laugh sometimes at the stereotype of blondes being dumb, but don’t you think this takes it a bit far??

Michael: Shoot me … ?!? No one else would work with you. You don’t know how good you have it.

Yes … Apple is taking this way, way too far. But that’s part of its ‘charm’, such that it is. Clearly, this is a ‘guy’ commercial … not for the female contingent. (They’ll eat this thing alive, anyway.) What do the marketing people want us to do …  just play along?

Tara: I can’t play along with an ad that thinks any woman could be this stupid. And! The payoff for the joke takes too long. She stares at that thing for 26 seconds. And still she doesn’t know what it is? Pfffft! A lot of buildup for a small bit of comedic payoff.

Michael: Right … right … of course you’re right. I hear you. But here’s what’s worse: Lance feeds the stupidity. He’s just as guilty … if not more so.

Tara: Don’t get me started. Lance feeds the stupidity to show all you guys out there that he has a “hot” chick who’s dim-witted, so hey! We must surmise from there that he’s getting some. And that’s all that matters. Big sigh. See? You got me started!

Michael: ‘Us guys’ … ??? Wrong! I don’t have an ounce of ‘Lance’ in me … nor would I muster a punch in the shoulder in recognition for someone like him.

If there’s anything that comes from a piece of advertising like this, it’s the marketing machine that got this thing approved was made up of a sly bunch of honchos who catered to the lowest common denominator … and that’s it. First viewing with all it’s fluff? Amusing. 15 seconds later? “What the hell was the point?”

Tara: I’m glad to hear you don’t identify. I guess this isn’t our usual hilarious post. But sometimes, ya just gotta point out when the media are doing more harm than good. I think this is a case. iPod is saying men are scheming liars and women are dumb as dirt.

Strangely, I still wish I had one though. I’d put all my fave ’80s tunes on shuffle! But! This commercial has nothing to do with my desire, for sure.

Michael: … unless your ‘desire’ was to come up with a good reason not to dye your hair blonde. In that case, this commercial works swimmingly well …

Photo Credit: Apple Inc.

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8 Responses to “CommercialClack – iPeed (There’s an app for that)”

July 23, 2010 at 1:07 PM

I have never heard of or seen this stupid ad till now. When is it even from? That Shuffle looks a lot bigger than the current “if you ever forget where you put it, you are so screwed” small size. This is the 1st iPod ad I’ve seen that wasn’t silhouettes dancing to U2.

Also why is there no Mountain Dew in my house?!

July 23, 2010 at 2:58 PM

This commercial made me…realize that it wasn’t a commercial at all but a comedy sketch posted on youtube.

Again, not a real commercial, no ad agencies were involved in the creation of this thing. Have a nice day :)

July 23, 2010 at 4:29 PM

I’ve never seen this “ad” before, and I don’t think it’s that great. But since you asked what the hell was the point, I think the point is clear – the shuffle is only good for music. No videos, photos, apps, etc. Just music. So don’t try to use it for anything else.

On an unrelated note, I love my 2nd generation shuffle – it has a nice big button. Way handier than a little stick of gum.

July 23, 2010 at 11:19 PM

Hmmmm. Not a real ad? Hmmm. I’m placing all blame on Michael.

July 24, 2010 at 9:50 AM

. . . . .

Well … of course it was a real ad. A really bad ad.

I wouldn’t lead you astray.

Nope. Not me.

July 25, 2010 at 8:14 AM

This… is not an Apple ad. So what’s the point? It’s a skit. I laughed. It’s funny.

I don’t get it. I thought you guys discuss commercials, not parodies of commercials…

“Yes … Apple is taking this way, way too far.”

Err no they don’t. This isn’t from Apple.

July 25, 2010 at 2:28 PM

This was a test Sebastian, and you passed!

July 25, 2010 at 4:48 PM

I awarded myself a cookie.

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