CliqueClack TV

True Blood – Eric Northman revealed

Seems just about every character we know is in a spot of trouble this week. At least things are taking a turn for the better for Lafayette. Not so much, though, for Sookie. Or Bill. Or Eric. Or Alcide. Or Tara ... Oh, especially Tara.

- Season 3, Episode 5 - "Trouble"

As with last week’s True Blood, we’re starting to see the different story threads come together in a way that explains the what he frak is going on without actually explaining what the frak is going on. It is becoming clear that both Sophie-Anne and Russell Edgington’s endgame is the lovely Sookie Stackhouse. Tara has gotten herself in a bit of a bind, but at least things are looking up for Lafayette and Jason.

I find it hard to believe that Edgington has had a legion of werewolves working for him for as long as he has with so few people (read: vampires and werewolves) not knowing about it. Alcide’s pack leader knew, but was too afraid to do anything about it. The King has more power than he rightfully should, and might be making more enemies than he can handle.

One of those enemies is Eric Northman. The revelation, to us and to Eric, that Russell and a pack of werewolves butchered his family, is one that will lead to the King’s downfall. Eric might be a lowly Sheriff, but the oath of vengeance he swore over his father is something that we now know he has carried ever since. The flashback several weeks ago of Godric and Eric hunting down the werewolves during World War II makes more sense now (Also very clear, is that he was the type of sire that would take up the quest with his progeny … Why did they have to kill off such a cool character so soon?).

Franklin Mott is one crazy sumbitch. We saw hints of it last week last week, but now we really know how far off his rocker this vampire is. As long as he has “feelings” for Tara, she is going to be in a world of hurt. I can’t imagine someone as unstable as Mott working for Russell as long as he has without screwing something up royally. I have a feeling, though, that Tara might be that thing that he does screw up in the King’s eyes. Either way, it will be one hell of a bad break up.

Poor, pitiful, almost-Deputy Stackhouse. At first I wondered why Jason hadn’t learned, with all of his years of having girls fall over him, that playing hard to get actually works. Then I realized that I had used the words “Jason” and “learned” in the same sentence, and felt like a fool. Too bad that while he may have found the girl, it doesn’t look like keeping her will be nearly as easy.

Notes & Quotes:

  • What was up with the freaky eye blink Mott did when he swore not to let the other vampires touch Tara?
  • I totally thought that Hoyt’s date reminded me of The Big Bang Theory’s Bernadette … Then I realized it was Bernadette, played by Melissa Rauch.
  • Crystal is a wood nymph, right? I don’t know if Jason really needs any kind of nymph.
  • “I’m hungry, and they brought me this. And I can’t eat day lilies.” – Tara
  • “We need to talk.” – Tara
    “Don’t say that. Women say that, everything goes black, and I wake up surrounded by body parts.” – Franklin

Photo Credit: HBO

One Response to “True Blood – Eric Northman revealed”

July 20, 2010 at 9:05 AM

Again, having read the books, it tickles me how so many books are being combined in this season.

I think Sookie is cute as a button, but get real…Eric, Alcide AND Bill panting after her???

Poor Pam & Eric. It broke my heart watching Eric see Pam strung up and in pain.

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