CliqueClack TV

Quotation Marks – The one that network TV failed to show for

"I know when my Vicodin isn’t Vicodin. Do you know when your birth control pills aren’t birth control pills?" – House to Cuddy, on 'House'

This is what virgin diary summers are meant to be about — leaving the rest of us confused as to which shows are airing now and which are, as TI would say, “dead and gone, dead and gone.” Or, you know, which are still on but in a totally different season from the one that the below quotes refer to … I didn’t say it was simple!

House virgin diary

“And now you’ve electrocuted yourself and set a patient on fire. I like the dedication.” – House
“Thank you.” – Kutner
“It wasn’t a compliment.” – Taub
“Yeah it was, the insult comes now. You’re insane.” – House

“This looks a lot better on 24.” – House, walking into the CIA hospital

“Who were you going to kill in Bolivia, my old housekeeper?” – House
“We don’t kill people.” – Dr. Terzi
“I’m sorry, who were you going to marginalize. If it was my old housekeeper, she had it coming. Cleaning windows means cleaning both sides.” – House

“Can I have a kid too? I’m working too hard.” – CTB
“I could hook you up.” – Taub
“If I had two minutes and some anti-nausea meds I’d take you up on that.” – CTB

“It was a joke. See, I became a doctor because of the movie Patch Adams.” – House

“It’s the story of life. Boy meets girl. Boy gets stupid. Boy and girl live stupidly ever after.” – Wilson

“Just a warning. If we have to start getting consent every time we do a procedure, soon they’ll be asking for informed consent.” – House to Cuddy

“[Lying on the table] It’s a little much for a first date?” – House
“Obviously you’ve never dated me.” – Thirteen


“For a den of evil spies, this place smells delicious. Hardison, confiscate some pastries.” – Parker

“Any of you ever trimmed a Bonsai?” – Nate
“I mean … uh … I did. I was in Osaka, and I met this Japanese police woman in a geisha bar, and I….” – Eliot
“Another time.” – Nate

True Blood

“We could all use a moment to let … cooler heads … prevail.” – King

“And lets face it, would feel safer with me patrolling the streets or Andy Bellefleur?” – Jason
“….” – Hoyt … One really has to wonder
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” – Jason

“You remember how I was asking how you would … what you would do … if I killed somebody by accident?” – Jessica
“Did you call the hypothetical hardware store and buy a theoretical chain saw?” – Pam

“If you throw a punch you’re sure one of us.” – Tommy, to Sam arguing with their father

Burn Notice

“Sometimes people need to fight their own battles. Still, it’s better to have Michael Westen than a 2×4.” – Madeline

“Someone’s getting a little too flirty for his own good.” – Fiona
“Fi, I’m trying to snatch Kendra off the street and tie her to a chair.” – Michael
“You are not helping your cause.” – Fiona


See all the great quotes from last week’s episode in Keith’s Futurama post.

Photo Credit: HBO

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