CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack is back! With babies!

Tara and Michael are talking commercials once again. This time, Michael finds the E*Trade singing babies creepy, while Tara can't get enough of them. Give it a read and chime in on their poll! Should the babies shut up? Or not?

Michael: These E*Trade commercials freak me out. I mean … those babies are creepy as all get out….

Tara: I loooove these baby commercials! They kill me! How can you find this creepy? C’mon, it’s priceless when the one lil guy breaks into the Mister Mister song!

Michael: It’s not “priceless.” It’s creepy. They’re babies. And, if they’re so damned smart they can control their own finances, what are they doing sitting around in high-chairs? Riddle me that!

Tara: *sings* “Take these broken wings and learn to fly again….” Wait. Did you say something, Michael?

Michael: Stop that! *realizes this might be a tough sell talking to a wall* Look … no kid uses the word “venue.” Not a one. “Poo-poo,” perhaps … but not “venue.”

Tara: And you say women over-think things….

Michael: So … they can twiddle with their portfolios, but they can’t sit up without restraints to prevent them from falling to the floor? Gimme a break….

Tara: Are you through ranting?? All of your points above are what makes the commercial what it is! See, they’re babies, right? And they use big words and sing! Babies are not supposed to be able to do that … get it? Yeeesh.

Michael: Ranting? Look … I understand what you think you’re saying … you’re just not getting the fact they’re creepy. You have been blinded by the wiles of the Mister Mister tune.

Tara: *sings* “And learn to fly again….” What? He can’t flex the golden pipes? Michael, you’re going down on this one. You simply can’t hate on the babies.

Michael: *sigh* I said they were creepy! I don’t hate them. But I will tell you this: “Singing Boy” needs to run a comb through his mop.

Tara: I think you’re cranky and you need a nap!

Michael: Freakin’ naps. I hate naps. Naps are for wimps. And E*Trade babies.

Tara: I know you love baseball … so to have the last word here and get you to shut your yap, I will now quote Yogi Berra:

“Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o’clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap.”

Michael: “… and poo-poo in our pants.”

Tara: Very mature, there Michael. Very mature.

Photo Credit: E*Trade Financial Corp.

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27 Responses to “CommercialClack is back! With babies!”

June 7, 2010 at 1:07 PM

I’m with you, Michael, talking babies are totally creepy.

June 7, 2010 at 1:11 PM

*tips hat at Bob*

June 7, 2010 at 1:33 PM

M, I am afraid I have to dock you points for trying to take the logic road – that’s practically ad hominem in the world of commercials. And unfortunately, the bar for creepy has been raised far beyond this point for me; after enduring the horror of singing bellybuttons, what’s a little be-diapered jibber jabber? The visceral response mark is not even in view.

T, do I love’em? That’s aiming too high. Would I miss them if they were gone? You’re not going to like the answer. At best, I would have to register my approval levels somewhere just above the “don’t feel a driving need to fast-forward through this” line (which is no small compliment, mind you). Somebody put some effort into it, and I can appreciate that. The theme has been developed, so that’s nice. But lady, these babies are no Buddy Lee. “That’s not my car… that’s my car.” Classic.

And to the poll: All of the options for voting asked me to be polarized, even the 3rd choice of intense personal umbrage at the existence of the other poptions. This left me without an option to express my ennui regarding the subject matter. The tragedy today is that we all lose. Sigh.

I’mma go watch this again to cheer me up:

June 7, 2010 at 1:35 PM

I think they’re cute, but then I’m not an expert, since I usually fast-forward through commercials as quickly as I can! I like babies, though, and these aren’t as creepy as some of the previous ones I’ve seen.

June 7, 2010 at 1:39 PM

I liked the E-Trade baby commercials from winter 09 that they played during the Superbowl and whenever I went to a movie at an AMC theater. The new ones however I don’t like. The mouth looks more obviously fake and they just aren’t funny. I wouldn’t call them creepy. Plus anything that angers Lindsey Lohan to the point she wants to sue can’t be a bad thing.

If you want creepy look at something Quiznos has come out with ever. And if want annoying nothing beats those goddamn I’m a PC ads with the guy who I think has a sexual attraction toward zombies.

June 7, 2010 at 2:56 PM

OK, maybe it’s a girl thing, or maybe a girl thing of girls who don’t have babies – that’d be me, but I find the e-trade baby commercials just adorable!

I had thought they disappered for a while and then up they popped again….and they didn’t disappoint :)

The poll cracks me up, and the fact that there seem to be more guys commenting today makes me wonder if SOMEONE didn’t try to stack the deck so to speak :)

OK…..back to my coffee I go!!

XOXOXO….MissDivaBeth :)

June 8, 2010 at 3:48 PM

Beth, I would not be the least surprised at anything Michael does.

June 7, 2010 at 3:15 PM

I think the ‘stacked deck’ theory would hold more water if the response held to party lines… It’s back to Black Helicopters 101 for you!

June 7, 2010 at 3:46 PM

I didn’t like it…love babies, but not the commercials…I’m with UG/Rupe on this one!

June 7, 2010 at 4:00 PM

Sorry, but I’m with Michael on this one. I am super tired of the e*trade babies!

June 8, 2010 at 3:49 PM

It’s completely OK to disagree with me, I can take it! *sniff*

June 7, 2010 at 5:11 PM

The only thing freakier than the e-Trade talking babies would be the Bush’s Beans dog. Seriously, a talking dog is worth a lot more than some baked bean recipe. Keep the secret recipe but sell the dog to the circus.

These commercials are like bad ventriloquist acts and we’re the dummies.

June 8, 2010 at 3:50 PM

See, and I like that dog! What is the matter with me?

June 7, 2010 at 7:08 PM

Man, what a shankapotamus you are, Michael. E*Trade babies rule! Love ‘em. Tara, I’m certain we’re sisters from a different mister (mister).

E*Trade is so simple a baby could do it. And they are in the high chairs because they are too short to sit in a regular chair. Sheesh! CLOWNS are creepy. E*Trade babies are not, you milk-a-holic!

June 7, 2010 at 8:52 PM

Yes, Riss … they are creepy.

Oh …. they’re cute … ’till they start talking. Then it’s as if they become Chucky dolls or that Karen Black ‘Trilogy Of Terror’ or something.

Wasn’t ‘shankapotamus’ on H.R. Puff ‘N’ Stuff back in the day … ???

June 8, 2010 at 3:51 PM

Miss Riss, perhaps you and I should start having Family Reunion Picnics. We’ll play lots of songs from the 80’s!

June 8, 2010 at 4:59 AM

Is it just on YouTube that the sound seems to be recorded under the table while two traders are talking at lunch?

I mean it sounds so hollow and it’s as if somebody animated some babies to that recording rather than us listening in on those babies. Maybe it’s supposed to be what a webcam records. It just seems odd to me and I really don’t get the whole thing at all…

So I’m more on the “whatever” side of the discussion…

June 8, 2010 at 3:53 PM

Sebastian, I didn’t have a big problem with the sound, but it very well could be YouTube. Thanks for stopping by though!

June 8, 2010 at 3:58 PM

I think it’s fun that you guys are discussing the ads but I can’t really connect to the ones you chose up til now. But I like the category. I guess I’m not the only one who, back in the day, sat in front of the TV and did the guessing game with the family which ad was for which product. You know, back when ads were still rare and fun and there was no TV from 1am till 2pm the next day, there was a test screen during the night or ants playing soccer (you know, “snow”, static), the national anthem at the end of the broadcast etc. etc…

You know… 20 years ago. And in Germany ;-)

June 8, 2010 at 4:37 PM

Sebastian: Suggestions are welcome.

June 8, 2010 at 3:33 PM

Sorry Rupe, but I’m with Tara on this one. I loooooove these commercials, and the one you guys chose is my fave. Classic. Wasn’t it hilarious when Lindsanity Lohan tried to sue for use of her name? Now THAT was good! I think my all-time fave commercials have to be the “Must be football season” ones, which I think are for Southwest. Keep the articles coming. Love the format!

June 8, 2010 at 3:55 PM

“Lindsanity Lohan” is soooo funny! And never fear Marnie, we’ve got more CommericialClacks up our little sleeves . . .

June 8, 2010 at 4:36 PM

Really … ?!?!?

June 15, 2010 at 9:36 PM

Well, Tara, I will agree that the babies are entertaining. I watch all my tv shows after they air, on my DVR so I can skip commercials. But, if I see E*Trade flash by, I go back and watch, grab my husband and make him watch too. He doesn’t get as much enjoyment as I do, but definitely no rank on his creepy scale.

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