CliqueClack TV

The Celebrity Apprentice finale trumps Lost

In the final boardroom, Donald Trump picks his new "celebrity" apprentice. And in a surprising turn of events, NBC airs the finale to be remembered the following morning.

- Season 9, Episode 11 - "The Final Boardroom"

I know that I’m making a controversial statement, but there it is — I wasted four hours last night on Lost, choosing to watch it “live” (delayed is more accurate) over the finale of The Celebrity Apprentice, and what did I get for my 121 hour commitment? Garbage. The show didn’t even bother to try.

On the other hand, The Celebrity Apprentice was a treat as always. From the unnecessary coat that Donald Trump was wearing — all, it would seem, to necessitate a coat girl to take it from him on stage — to the final “You’re hired!” the show stayed consistent to itself, and kept me entertained.

Was anybody else wondering where Goldberg and Sharon Osbourne were? Every other fired contestant made an appearance on the episode (was it really necessary to play that clip of Maria after she agreed to come back and help the other person who made the finals?), so where were they? Goldberg, if you remember, was not very happy when he got cut (it looks like he couldn’t make it back because his kid was sick). But Sharon? I was surprised that she didn’t come back with Maria and Curtis for the final task, so I really failed to understand why she wouldn’t at least appear on stage with everyone else, live from New York City.

Funny that Maria was the one editing the commercial yet again. The last time the other person who made the finals had her do so was during the Right Guard challenge, and that did not end well — for Maria or for Selita, and that was back when the other person who made the finals should have first been fired. And I have to say this: that record-setting fundraising total was a combination of dollars raised by two teams, the $24K that 24 Hour Fitness tossed in, and $10K that Maria won in the free throw shooting contest. The other person who made the finals may have given a check for $347,893 to her charity (Trump seriously couldn’t round that up?), but she raised less than two-thirds of that total. Let’s just be clear.

It was tough to watch Bret competing from beginning to end because of what we know about what he’s been going through medically of late. And I’m not sure if it’s the right time for jokes, but at one point he looked very Captain Jack Sparrow. It’s impressive that Bret has the dedication and commitment to each and every thing that he does to have shown up for the finale, but the guy has no idea how to take care of himself. He has guts, but would that have mattered had he collapsed at the table? Coming on stage, he could barely walk! Come on, guy.

I didn’t get Bret’s commercial, so I thought it was really funny that the crowd (and the executives) reacted so positively to it. Snapple’s a weird brand, I guess. Which would explain why they took to Bret so enthusiastically … and boy did they. It was blatantly obvious that Bret had dominated the task, yet Trump came out with his usual, “This is a tough one.” For someone who expects everyone else to make bold declarations, he sure plays it safe sometimes.

Speaking of which, shame on Summer for her lukewarm support of Bret. I don’t care how close she and the other person who made the finals have grown. Is that the way to support your team? She may be an individual sport athlete, but I’m sure she knows what it means to be a part of a team. She acted shamefully.

I don’t know about you, but I fast-forwarded right through Cyndi’s warbling. And I was disappointed that in the end both charities received a big check, at least as publicly as they did. I mean, Kumbaya is lovely, but this competition is about winners and losers. The moment reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where the gang goes to watch the NY Marathon and someone screams out, “You’re all winners!” As George pointed out, Roxanne (the yeller) put herself in contention for “Lord of the Idiots” with that one.

But in the end, after all of the unnecessary health questions and inappropriate sexual comments, Bret stood alone, victorious. Did he win because of the sympathy vote? I’m not so sure. You see, while Bret’s a controversial choice for the traditional definition of Trump’s apprentice, as an ambassador for his charity, he surpassed every single other player out there. Even the other person who made the finals. Because as devastating as it is for your child to be diagnosed with a disease, no one can live the reality of it like the person who’s sick. And the fire his own diabetes has lit within him to work towards ensuring that no one else has to live like he does? Wow.

Rock on.

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5 Responses to “The Celebrity Apprentice finale trumps Lost”

May 24, 2010 at 1:50 PM

You almost made me read more than the first paragraph.

Funny way to challenge your own frustration about “Lost”. I understand that you can hate the ending but The Apprentice? Puh-leaze.

All I can say is that the “Lost” finale reminded me of the “Six Feet Under” Ending and “Lost” didn’t compare in the least. Still it could’ve been worse. Much much worse.

But again… the Don? With “The Thing(tm)” on his head? Oh boy.

May 25, 2010 at 8:27 AM

That’s how bad Lost was. The Celebrity Apprentice! My wife and I both bemoaned our decision to watch Lost immediately … it sucked! :)

May 24, 2010 at 2:06 PM

I’m glad you pointed out that Holly didn’t raise the entire 347 thou. And I noticed Trump just throwing away his comment, that in fact she did lose a few tasks as project manager. I snortled when she said “I not as mean as I appear on the show.” Um, yes she is. Just because she pulled out the tears during the finale for Bret, we are supposed to forget her manipulation and callousness week after week? Not me.
Even when Bret was not PM on his tasks, he was given most of the responsibility anyway. Sick or not sick, this decision was clear.

May 25, 2010 at 8:27 AM

I noticed that too … “So you lost a few tasks….” Countless people have been fired for less, right?

May 24, 2010 at 3:33 PM

I was wondering where Sharon was too, and that there was not even a mention made of her (or Goldberg for that matter).

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