CliqueClack TV

House hits rock bottom for the last time … we hope

I'm thinking I might need some therapy to get over the extreme ups and downs of the season finale of 'House.' Imagine watching the whole episode and not knowing the final scene existed ... I'm calling my shrink.

- Season 6, Episode 21 - "Help Me"

Imagine watching the House season six finale without the final scene … that would have sucked, right? Well, that’s exactly what I did several days ago, not knowing until, well, now, that there was an unrevealed scene on my screener copy. You get the pleasure of reading my first reactions and my edits — in bold — after I saw the final scene. Enjoy the stream-of-consciousness that is my befuddled brain!

Seriously? I had to wait a couple of days for the House season six finale to settle into my brain before I could even write this up. Talk about a downer! When all is said and done, I’m really proud of House, whether he decides to take the Vicodin or not (OK, good job dude), and Lisa Cuddy, you should be ashamed of yourself! Or not, because you totally redeemed yourself when you dumped Lucas on his adorable private eye behind and finally confessed your love to House. House wasn’t the only one thinking it was a possible hallucination….

Let’s forget for a moment that House has been a completely annoying thorn in Cuddy’s side for the last six years. We know his assery gives Jennifer Lopez and her insured buttocks a run for their money. I’m still not seeing this as an excuse for Cuddy to not only act out of character, but to be downright mean. She basically told House he had nothing to live for — ouch! But he does — her love … booyah!

Then again, House perhaps needed to hear it in some ways, because it spoke to his healthy self. He didn’t react with anger and spite. Instead, he was able to talk the patient, Hannah, into amputating her leg to save her life. It was a catharsis of sorts for House when he was able to convince Hannah that she didn’t want to end up like him. Perhaps he needed to have this catharsis so that Cuddy could really see how much House has changed and grown. I bet she never would have confessed her love if he had reacted differently to Cuddy’s dressing down.

Again with the then again — he already knew all this. I just couldn’t stand seeing Cuddy be so mean to him. He had gotten pretty close to the bottom last week when he realized everyone around him was happy and that he had spent a year trying to do good things. Realizing that being good doesn’t mean that good things happen to you isn’t exactly the epiphany anyone wants to have, and he tried so damn hard to change, even to find some sort of spirituality amidst it all. So now will House have a different outlook? Will he be all sunshine and roses and realize that the law of karma does in fact work for everyone?

With the exception of maybe two episodes this season, I have embraced everything about season six, from the awesome TV movie that was the premiere to the Cuddy- and Wilson-centric episodes. Heck I could even tolerate Thirteen getting some airtime this season. I simply did not think this season warranted such a dark, painful (still think it was) episode for its finale. Seriously — this was the “shit happens” episode. We’ve seen House hit rock bottom before and we’ve watched him pick himself up and change without losing the qualities that we viewers embrace about him — being an ass, for one. Throw the good doc a bone here — he deserves some happiness, not hitting rock bottom all over again. I now consider the bone thrown … and it’s about time!

Observations and questions:

  • Do you think House was trying to be an ass when he gave Cuddy the book written by her great-grandfather, addressed to her and Lucas?
  • Can I nitpick a little? Why didn’t they send the ER staff to the scene, or the trauma docs? I really can’t imagine that the Dean of the hospital would be down in the trenches, scrubs and all.
  • It’s not often that a patient gets attached to House, and it was really unfortunate that House picked this one to get attached to right back.
  • That amputation was so awful, I didn’t think I could ever see such a horrible thing on a TV show. And then Hannah died of a fat embolism. Good times. And just so painfully unnecessary. Yeah, that part still sucks.
  • Did you notice that House left his cane hanging at the entrance to where Hannah was trapped? Was it symbolic of the fact that at least he had a leg, whether or not he was in pain with it everyday? I’ve thought about this and I think I’m somehow missing some deeper symbolism in all of that — anyone?
  • “I did everything right and she died anyway.” – House
  • What’s up with Thirteen? Is it just the shakes or is something new going on with her? We’ve known about her Huntington’s for a while and this seems a pretty sudden departure unless something new has cropped up.

Photo Credit: Adam Taylor/FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “House hits rock bottom for the last time … we hope”

May 18, 2010 at 12:18 AM


They never told you that you weren’t getting the finale scene? Even knew there was a missing part. The episode would REALLY be depressing without the last minute.

May 18, 2010 at 7:14 AM

You’re such a douche Oreo…

May 18, 2010 at 8:47 AM

I know, right? ;-) I think Keith and I need to have better communication about the paperwork that comes with the screeners….

May 18, 2010 at 2:24 AM

Maybe this House and Cuddy will find happiness. But I find neither of them bear any resemblance to the House and Cuddy of season 1 when I fell in love with the show. The love of a good woman will save House from vicodin? Oh really?

I wish they would give House and Cuddy their own spin-off, let Thirteen join them, and I could watch what’s left on the show.

May 18, 2010 at 8:48 AM

I don’t think the message is suppose to be that the love of a good woman saved House from Vicodin. After all, he’s been Vicodin-free for a year now. It’s a message about happiness, karma and allowing good things to happen to you, something House put up walls around before his therapy.

May 18, 2010 at 8:13 PM

Everything after the cave in was a hallucination. When House asked Cuddy if she was real, that is what popped into my head. House is unconscious and dreaming her in the bathroom again!

If my theory is wrong (probably) I wonder if House will give up on his leg and have it removed…

May 25, 2010 at 10:27 PM

The first scene and the last don’t match up.

hence hallucination

June 8, 2010 at 8:17 PM

In answer to the second bullet: I think they sent pretty much everyone in the hospital. It was a horrible accidnet, and there were over a hundred people. They needed everyone on hand. Cuddy wasn’t more use back at the hospital.

I had to pause the show to cry after the part where House yelled at Forman. That was a very sad, angry, emotional moment.

Forman: It’s not your fault! There was nothing you could have done.
House: THAT’S THE POINT! I did everything right, and she died anyway. How is that supposed to make me feel BETTER?
(paraphrasing from memory.)

In answer to bullet point five: I think they emphasized the fact that he left his cane. I think the point is that he was so involved in what was happening that he didn’t even remember that he was in pain. He was too busy with Hannah.

June 9, 2010 at 10:40 AM

Darn, I missed the last scene too! I was so depressed about House all this time, and now I finally read a review of the episode… Haha.

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