CliqueClack TV

Chicks with tattoos don’t win American Idol … until now

You really believe there is anyone who can make off with the 'American Idol' crown this season other than Crystal Bowersox? You're living in a dream world if you do.

The temporarily removed Elliston, Ohio and current Hollywood, California resident is bound for the winner’s circle on Idol without doubt. Many have touted the Season 9 crown is rightfully hers ever since the Hollywood rounds.

The reasons are many and varied.  She’s “got the chops”. Her dreadlocks are envied by many and are becoming up on stage.  Her “single mom” status is a source of power to many a fan. Her lyrical abilities come oh-so effortlessly during her performances.  (Several are showcased in videos below.)  And it definitely doesn’t hurt how she flings the critical comments right back at the judges when they critique her.  Kara once remanded her that one of her performances “… was out of your element.”  “No … it wasn’t out of my element,” she immediately deflected right back. Spicy!

She’s even got the sympathy vote on her side with her well-publicized health issues, but still she surges forward in her efforts.  (Even when she stumbled, Ryan Seacrest aided in keeping her from calling it quits back in early April. Crystal was ready to walk off Idol, stating she was done with the competition and didn’t want to continue.  But a pep talk by Seacrest convinced her to stay, much to the relief of many a “MommaSox” fan out there.)

“But she’s always got that guitar in hand,” you might offer. Well, no … that’s not completely true.  In a bold move, her turn during the “Inspiration” episode of Idol was sans guitar … or any instrument.  As a matter of fact, that selfsame performance (“People Get Ready”) was the only true inspirational offering of the entire evening.  No other contestant came close to doing as well as she did that night.

It’s been said this is the year a girl will win American Idol.  Three years have come and gone since we last had a gal reign supreme on Idol’s final night – Jordin Sparks in Season 6.   And the girls have been dropping like flies this year.  It’s been a couple weeks since we’ve last had two of ‘em in the running – Siobhan Magnus having been the second to last gal ousted, leaving Crystal to fend for herself in a pack of five guys.

But there’s one specific and – for me – personal reason Crystal Bowersox will win American Idol. For years … season upon season upon season … I’ve preached one predominate thing over and over again:

“Chicks with tattoos don’t win American Idol”

(Not blatant tattoos, anyway.)

But guess what folks? This is the year a female with an obvious tattoo — Crystal and her giant sunflower — are going to prove me wrong. And I don’t have a problem with that. Not in the least.

Go ahead. Try and prove me wrong …

Photo Credit: Nino Munoz / FOX

Categories: | American Idol | Clack | General | TV Shows | Videos |

22 Responses to “Chicks with tattoos don’t win American Idol … until now”

May 13, 2010 at 3:12 PM

I wish she wouldn’t win though … just so she could be released from American Idol sooner….I won’t be upset about her winning though…not at all!

May 13, 2010 at 9:50 PM

Loretta … remember: This is Idol. Nothing is a given.

(More than likely, however, it is in this particular case …)

May 13, 2010 at 3:19 PM

Yep, yep, yep, that’s one GINORMOUS Duh for me :)

May 13, 2010 at 9:51 PM

I kinda figured that, MissBeth …..

May 13, 2010 at 4:12 PM

“Chicks with tattoos don’t win American Idol” is just one more reason to watch the finale. As a fan of Rupe, I’m dying to see if his theory holds up or if he’s destined to eating his own plate of crow :-) Crystal’s the obvious pick to win but with this show anything goes and more than most.. obvious usually comes in second.

May 13, 2010 at 9:54 PM


I know you’ve seen me preach this year upon year.

I’m finally ready to give it a rest. But only because I honestly believe she will win this thing.

“… but with this show anything goes and more than most.. obvious usually comes in second.” And I’m right there with you. Proof of this? The Screaming Mimi from last year. He was “the obvious” … but I predicted he would not win.

I even wrote about it here on CliqueClack:

….. and got lambasted for it.

May 13, 2010 at 5:04 PM

I want one! I want a Crystal tattoo….. never mind it’d take twice the ink and would look a little wilty but what the hell? Nobody would see it but my dogs and my understaker anyway…. and I’d feel really cool…. High time a tattoed babe made it to the top spot. And she will…… mark my words.

May 13, 2010 at 9:55 PM

“Gloria hath spoken. So let it be written … so let it be done …”

May 13, 2010 at 7:11 PM

As a gal with ink, I say “Go Crystal!!”

May 13, 2010 at 9:56 PM

Just a few short weeks and we’ll see, Kwizgiver …..

May 13, 2010 at 8:44 PM

Oh for criminy sakes Glo. Get your tattoo already! You’ve been yapping about it for years. Use this as your excuse. Hurry, before your 90th bday. (Don’t worry Michael. Glo and I go way back. No rumble is about to start on your turf.)

And well well well Michael. This should be interesting. The tats were the suspected demise of Carly now weren’t they? I say we spare you the crow. It’s not like you’ve been all over that theory this season. It’s sooo 2008/2009!

May 13, 2010 at 9:59 PM

Lois: Gloria doesn’t need an excuse. She just likes to yap. She’s special that way. That’s why we all love her.

And … have we just met? No. I didn’t think so. Leave it to you to give me (even more) flak about my tattoo theories. You were tired of hearing me spew that venom when we were on the Idol site time and again.

Isn’t it comforting that some things never change?


May 14, 2010 at 12:30 AM

“Lois: Gloria doesn’t need an excuse. She just likes to yap. She’s special that way. That’s why we all love her.”

*BLUSH* except for the reference to my big mouth*

May 14, 2010 at 12:28 AM

Ya better hope I don’t, Lo…… cause I’m gonna make you LOOK AT IT!!! At my age it sort of hard to tell my back from my backside and it might be in the wrong vacinity on any given day….. things shift anymore depending on which side I sleep on.

I have been yakking about it for years, haven’t I? *sigh*

May 13, 2010 at 8:46 PM

I really don’t care who wins Idol. i’m not feverishly backing a contestant. There isn’t even much worth snarking about. However, if someone handed me 3 cds from the final 3 contestants, I’d pick Crystal’s tunes over Spiral Perm Ken and Humble Lee.

May 13, 2010 at 9:15 PM

I love MamaSox…her or Lee, I love them both! I would love to see the finale with the two of them in it!

I had no idea her tattoo on her back was a sunflower…I love it!

May 13, 2010 at 10:01 PM

So … you’re saying all my asshattery over this season has been for naught, MissRiss … ?!?

*sniff, sniff*

Not everything can be Idol Season 5, y’know … !!!

May 13, 2010 at 10:02 PM

And Ladies and Gentlemen: It’s the ever-wonderful MXB … !!!

You’re wish will certainly come true, Shaya. Just you wait and see …..

May 13, 2010 at 11:41 PM

The world is divided into two kinds of people: those who have tattoos, and those who are afraid of people with tattoos.


P.S. Go Mommasox!

May 14, 2010 at 12:01 AM

Who was that Psycho Hose Beast … ?!?!?

May 14, 2010 at 1:33 PM

Gloria and Lois. Kill. Me.

And frankly, my dear, I don’t care who wins this thing. Lee/Crystal whatev. BUT! I’ve admired Crystal’s poise and ‘tude. That girl is just comfy in her skin. Tattoos and all.

May 14, 2010 at 1:48 PM

Yes. She is comfortable. It’s as if she can just about handle anything.

That’s why her Seacrust-deflected ‘defection’ was so interesting at the time. But she’s soldiering on and looks to make it to the very end …..

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