CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Top 3 reveal time

Michael Lynche -- the human sausage -- can now strip off his casing and go be a father....

- Season 9, Episode 39 - "Top 4 Elimination"

Casey James. Lee DeWyze. Crystal Bowersox. These are the American Idol Top 3 for 2010.

Yes … it’s elimination night on the ‘ole Idol stage, folks.  And the stage didn’t disappoint this evening.

Look! It’s Fantasia Barrino.  Season 3 winner of Idol.  She was fantastic, wasn’t she? (No. She wasn’t.) After her performance and her little chat with Ryan Seacrest, she headed back to her regular job at the car wash as one of those “brushless” washing rotators … with no-spot finishing rinse, of course. (Didn’t her hair look just like one of those things?) And then, she can make her way over to the animation studio where I’m certain she’ll be doing voice over work for some tertiary character in an upcoming Phineas and Ferb cartoon.

Look! It’s the dreaded Ford commercial.  *sigh* But, the thing that gave me a bit of a warm fuzzy was the fact the music used was World Party’s “Put The Message In A Box.” One of my favorite tunes from this band.  Moving along….

Look! The ‘families’ of the contestants are on stage! How nice! Ryan does his thing, talkin’ to the contestants about their duets. Then Casey is cut loose as the first Idol to claim safety.  We’re off and running.

Look! There’s Daughtry!  Everybody’s favorite Top 4 ousted from Season 5 — probably the best season of Idol in its history. (He didn’t look like he really wanted to be up there post-performance chatting with Mr. “Seacrust” … did he?)

Look! Did you see that?  What the hell was that … ?!?  Light kept flipping off and on across Kara Dio Guardi’s mug at the judges’ table.  What was the deal there?  She didn’t have enough attention paid to her the previous night with the “Mrs. Robinson” debacle?  Well … I guess you can never get enough of a “good thing”….

Look! There goes Lee! Off to take a seat safe and sound beside Casey and the Idols’ families. He’ll be headed to Chicago come next week for a visit with the ‘ole hometown.

Look! Here comes Bon Jovi. Best part of him being on Idol this evening?  His quote when asked by “Seacrust” how the band keeps on going: “The harder we look, the luckier we get,” he said. *guffaw* Ladies and Gentlemen: John Bon Jovi. They’ll be at a venue near you this summer. Keep an eye out for them. (And please … don’t slip on any of the dripping sarcasm I left behind.)

Look! It’s Michael and Crystal, the last two Idol hopefuls “wondering” who will be the final contestant to make the Top 3.  (Look! More of that sarcasm!)  In the arms of each other, Crystal is called out as the final contestant to get the nod. (Duh!)

And there you go. As if there was really any question who was going to be with us next week.

And Michael? That was a nice send off you left us with, guy. It was interesting in that you committed a better performance of Michael Jackson’s “Will You Be There?” than you did the previous night.  But that’s okay.  Now … go be a father … and go well.

Photo Credit: Fox

19 Responses to “American Idol – Top 3 reveal time”

May 13, 2010 at 11:51 AM

Coming to you from beautiful Everett, WA (north of Seattle). Missed the first half of the show…darn, Sal didn’t get to see his **cough cough** favorite of all seasons perform. Darn…and we didn’t set the DVR to record at home. Not sure if Sal would even let her hear his truck for a brushless car wash.

**sigh** only a few weeks left of your recaps….which will be the one thing I will miss about this season.

May 13, 2010 at 10:04 PM

Let’s just revel in the remainder of the season, shall we Mikki?

May 13, 2010 at 12:03 PM

The lights DID flicker off! I thought I was having one of my usual Wedsnesday night mini strokes! WHEW! I even says to my husband “Husband? did you see that?” He looked at me in his usual ‘the old gal is losing it’ look so I shut up. It works everytime…..

Anyhooooooo…… I was my usual wreck-self. If I still had teeth my fingers would be bloody nubs this morning. I take this stuff way too seriously… Good to see Daughtry and Fantasia and Bon Jovi. Didn’t fast forward once….. well except for the commercials. Good Luck, Mikey! Give ‘em hell Crystal, Lee and Casey.

May 13, 2010 at 10:05 PM

You call your husband “Husband” … ?!?!?

I love that … !!!

May 14, 2010 at 12:35 AM

……. he prefers it to dumb ass. Go figger.

May 13, 2010 at 2:02 PM

Fantasia was good….what are you talking about??? LOL
I liked the show

May 13, 2010 at 10:06 PM

Loretta: I know you’re talkin’ ’bout the Disney film, Willis.

May 13, 2010 at 2:06 PM

*Cripes … !!!

I completely forgot about the shoehorn …. er, I mean the Crisco …. no, no, no, no, no … I mean the ‘5 Really Big Men’ who ‘assisted’ Big Mike into the teeny, tiny space that was the interior of the Ford vehicle of note during the Idols’ car commercial. I was laughing and commenting mightily at his efforts. It was almost as if the shotgun seat needed to be free of a body in order for his ownself to get McSituated in the driver’s seat.

May 14, 2010 at 12:38 AM

….. I was waiting for the airbag to deploy. It oculd have happened.

May 13, 2010 at 2:36 PM

I didn’t even notice the lighting faux pas. I was probably snoozing, like I was through the rest of this totally boring episode. But I’m glad Gloria wasn’t having a stroke! lol!

The only thing I might go back and watch again is Big Mike and the Ford Fiesta. The car nearly hit the ground and then exploded from the impact. I guess it’s a true testament of the sturdiness. ha!

Fantasia…car wash…she’d better hope she can get a job there after that debacle!

Great write up as usual!

May 13, 2010 at 10:06 PM

*runs off to review the commercial to see if the car really did hit the ground*

May 13, 2010 at 2:36 PM

Things that stood out for me…

The ford commercial?? What was that about? I simply didn’t get it.

Daughtry… I’m probably the only American Idol fan that was NEVER a fan of Chris but I’ll give him props.. he’s doing quite well for himself and is growing on me. He did give me my all time favorite Idol moment when he was given the ole boot. That jaw dropping expression was priceless. I still get the biggest kick out of that. At the time.. I felt his ego was in dire need of such a reality check. Loved, loved, loved it and still do.

Fantasia… There’s really nothing to say other than, it was far better than her last appearance on Idol.

Bon Jovi.. Typically good as usual but wow, he’s aging fast.

I’m on the fence with regards to the families being on the stage. Not sure I get the purpose of that. One thing is for certain, I was utterly annoyed that Mike’s 3 month old baby was there. To prop a child at that early age with all those scary lights and sounds is just downright mean and cruel. Shame on them for doing such.

As for the Top 3 remaining.. I’m a happy camper. Until next week… Carry on peeps.

May 13, 2010 at 10:07 PM

I agree, Jeni. The kid should not have been up there on stage. Even my wife was going on about that …..

May 13, 2010 at 3:25 PM

I slipped and fell on your sarcasm, and you will be hearing from my lawyers.
Having said that (as Simon would say) I am totally with Jeni about BM’s little bm being up there. Was it even healthy to expose the lil thing’s ears to such loud sounds? I don’t know, I’m not a mom, but the producers shouldn’t have allowed that, if BM and Mrs. BM were too stupid to care.
This was a no brainer boot, in a no brainer season. But Mikki’s right. It’s great to see you all again!

May 13, 2010 at 10:08 PM

Just want you to know, Tara, that your ‘lawyers’ will have a difficult time finding me.

That is all.

May 13, 2010 at 8:21 PM

I’ve commented in a couple of places that the baby being on stage was cruel. Although it was an Idol moment to end the show with her crying (appearing to be) upset for Daddy’s loss. I really dislike when people are insensitive to their children’s needs.

I love Mike’s body type description Michael. His physic sort of reminds me of Buzz Lightyear.

Michael…Fantasia….retract claws. Me thinks you protest too much. We know you luv her. MEOW

May 13, 2010 at 10:09 PM





May 13, 2010 at 8:56 PM

Great post!

I thought Fantasia looked good. And Bon Jovi (the whole band) looked old.

Ready for the judges’ choices!

May 13, 2010 at 10:10 PM

The years are starting to show on ‘ole Jonny Boy, Kwizy …..

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