CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – We were had, and not by a slutbunny

May Sweeps hype, or perhaps the wet dreams of a bunch of geeky nerdy comic book fanboy scientists. A very odd episode which, years from now, may be remembered solely for its bizarre existence and extreme kinkiness. I call shenanigans on this episode!

- Season 3, Episode 21 - "The Plimpton Stimulation"

“Wow! You really make science come alive!” – Leonard

You heard the hype leading up to this episode. I heard the hype — “Look! Look! Sheldon is having a lady friend over! He might be having SEX! It’s the episode you thought you’d never see!”

Yeah, right. What it is is misleading May Sweeps hype, or perhaps it’s the wet dreams of a bunch of geeky nerdy comic book fanboy scientists. And what it was was just a very odd episode which, years from now, may be remembered solely for its bizarre existence and extreme kinkiness. I call shenanigans on this episode!

Okay, it’s plausible that Sheldon might have a correspondence going on with a great-minded female scientist on par with his own. It’s possible that she might be interviewing at his workplace. Yes, she could even have an aversion to hotel rooms. I personally kind of hate that unable to open the window thing.

But all that other stuff just ain’t gonna happen. Did you see that Sheldon offered reading gloves to her so she could peruse his comic book collection … when he won’t be present? No way! What if she dog-ears an issue? Gets a crease in a cover? Spills something on one? You know that Sheldon would NEVER let a stranger, no matter how great the mind, mess with his beloved comics! Shenanigans!

Oh. And then there’s the kinky sex role-playing games with everyone except Sheldon. No. This would be the perfect episode for one of the boys (any one of them since she was hot for ‘em all) to wake up and find it was only a dream — a kinky dream at that. Shenanigans!

About the only good thing I can say about this obvious made-for-sweeps episode is that it got me to use “shell-shocked” for Sheldon being shocked about Leonard’s sexual romp with Dr. Elizabeth Plimpton (played by Judy Greer). And that’s not even good as I can’t figure how to fit it in this review. Oh, wait. I just did. Never mind.

At least Sheldon and the boys stayed true to character. Sheldon was upset because Leonard stole his new little buddy to play with and they didn’t include him. But had Sheldon been included, it would have been interesting. He’d probably implode or something. I don’t think he could handle it.

I don’t know. I hope they don’t do this to us again. I don’t like total shenanigans and that’s what this episode was. The only good thing is that maybe Koothrappali finally got some.

Photo Credit: CBS

3 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – We were had, and not by a slutbunny”

May 11, 2010 at 9:08 AM

I was kinda fine with the contrived story just to have most of the episode happen in the apartment.

What really irked me was that Wollowitz broke up with his GF. To just mention that in passing fealt really off…

May 11, 2010 at 10:59 AM

Really funny episode. The funniest thing: Sheldon’s attempt to prepare for having a ‘lady friend’ over, so he gathers feminine hygiene products, scented candles, and yoghurt designed for the female digestive syste lol. I don’t think, as an episode, it stood out as being any less funny, but it was an interesting clash of kinkyness and nerdyness, where usually it’s a clash of ‘normal’ relationships and nerdyness…though there is the season 1 episode where Wollowitz is set up with a hooker. But the reality is that none of the characters engage in ‘normal’ relationships, partly because normal relationships don’t necessarily make for great comedy, and partly because none of the gang are ‘normal’.

May 13, 2010 at 3:51 AM

Sheldon maintains an active correspondence with Leonard’s mother, so his doing the same with a female genius actually in his field is even more believable.

It never entered my mind that Dr. Plimpton might damage one of Sheldon’s comics. The mere fact that he would give up his bed for his guest sort of said it all. I think he considered the both of them to be so akin intellectually that the thought of her doing so would never occur to either of them. Also, much of his hosting duties would include both hospitality and good manners, doubtlessly instilled by his mother.

And Raj definitely got some. Very smooth with the NyQuil.

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