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Supernatural – Dean makes a deal with Death

A horsemen double-shot finds the boys going after Pestilence and Death as they continue their quest for the four rings. Meanwhile, Bobby's deal with Crowley takes an unexpected turn, and Castiel is not quite himself.

- Season 5, Episode 21 - "Two Minutes To Midnight"

There is a lot to talk about with Supernatural this week, but one line really stood out to me. “Remember when we used to just hunt wendigos?” That’s a nice callback to episode two, but it also perfectly illustrates why this show is so great. In the beginning, the boys did pretty much just hunt wendigos, or the woman in white, or whatever the monster of the week was. And look at how far they have come. Next week? Toe to toe with Lucifer, for the world.

The real secret, though, is how smooth that transition has been. This show has slowly built from those humble beginnings all the way to this huge point. Sure, there were a few episodes here and there along the way that took a break from that. Overall, though, it’s been one continuous journey. And Sam’s wendigo reference wasn’t the only one that pointed to that. We also have the return of the Croatoan virus.

Remember back in season two, when the boys first came up against it? THEN — There was a moment where Sam refused to shoot someone infected with the virus. NOW — He dropped every last one of them without a second thought. Everything we’ve seen Sam go through over all these episodes has changed him dramatically, and that, as much as anything else, shows just how much. It also gets us right back to the plan that Sam hatched last week.

Are you on board? I have to admit, I wasn’t, but I started wavering about half-way through. And by the end of the episode I was also sold on the idea. Bobby’s recollection of how Sam handled himself at the warehouse was good. And I really liked Castiel’s line about how Sam and Dean “have a habit of exceeding my expectations.” The part that really brought me around though, was the demon blood. Yes, it’s dangerous, and makes Sam as unstable as can be, but I also see it giving him the power to overpower Lucifer.

Certainly, there is that big question of, “Then what?” But given the circumstances, we’re at that “You have a better idea?” stage, and nobody does. Not even Death.

I suppose we should talk a bit about the horsemen. I was very happy to see that we got the Pestilence showdown that seemed to be missing from last week. Matt Frewer is awesome, and he was in top form here. However, he might have been upstaged by Julian Richings as Death. That is some great casting, and his entrance was just perfect.

So, as we head into the big season finale next week, we’re left with a few questions. First, why did Bobby have to use tongue? More importantly, will the plan work? Will Lucifer be returned to his cage? I’m also very curious to see how that plays out. It sure seems like Lucifer/Sam is going to find himself in a fight with Adam/Michael. Although, I do wonder if there isn’t still a way for Dean to take over for Adam, as the Sam vs. Dean showdown would be epic.

Finally, while I believe that the boys will succeed, I think the bigger question is what price will be paid? Supernatural has never been about rainbows and happy endings. Something this big is going to have big consequences with it. The nature of the beast suggests that Sam and Dean will live to fight another day. But Bobby? Castiel? This has all the makings of the best finale of the series.

Photo Credit: CW

5 Responses to “Supernatural – Dean makes a deal with Death”

May 7, 2010 at 11:39 AM

Great episode!!! loved the way death was introduce, and how Dean got his ring. Can’t wait for the finale, just hope that Castiel and Bobby will keep breathing to see season six.

May 7, 2010 at 1:32 PM

Last week when watching the promo for this week’s episode, I got the chills. And I wasn’t disappointed this week. This episode has, by far, been one of the best. I can’t wait to see where it all leads and how this particular storyline is going to be wrapped up. I have to say, I’m glad there’s going to be a sixth season because I would hate not to see the aftermath of all of this. Supernatural never ceases to amaze me.

May 7, 2010 at 4:51 PM

Hey Brett – did you catch Misha Collins’ tweets during the episode? I was laughing out loud at some of them. He mentioned how ironic it was that HE used to hunt wendingos, as well. LOL

This episode was everything and more. You can really feel when a cast and crew is in sync, and this was one for the textbooks. Misha and Mark Sheppard were on fire.

I can’t imagine what is coming up, or how things will play out in season 6, but I know that as with every other year, missing a single episode is not fathomable.

May 7, 2010 at 10:27 PM

God I laughed out loud at the “did you kiss him?” scene. Funniest moment of the season, I think.

Anyone else get really, really hungry for Chicago pizza after seeing that pie they were eating? My god, someone send me one of those!

May 24, 2010 at 10:56 PM

Fantastic show, great actors, super humor, just enough drama… storyline is amazing, addictive and always enticing. Obviously there are a few “fillers” in the series, but overall, this has been a show that has kept me looking at the calendar almost every day waiting for the next show.

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