CliqueClack TV

Dancing with the Stars – What’s not to like?

'Dancing With the Stars' is down to the final six, but we could cut to the chase and just give the Mirabal trophy to Nicole right now.

- Season 10, Episode 07 - "1007"

Ahh, Dancing With the Stars! As host Tom Bergeron tells us,  it’s hot, hot, hot! It’s sexy, sexy, sexy! And this week, it was the Cha Cha challenge!

“Settle yourself down, Tara.  Come down off your cloud filled with sequins and feathers. Put on some of my tunes, and tell the people what they need to know. ”  Wait.  Is that you, Mr. Frank Sinatra?  He talks to me in my head sometimes.  Always with good advice too, except for the time he told me to bump off  my landlord.  But, I digress!

Someone recently asked me why I thought DWTS is so popular.  He’s a good friend of mine, from Texas, who loves meat, and can’t for the life of him understand my fascination with celebrities. This was a no-brainer for me, and while his eyes glazed over,  I explained. I’ll say to you what I said to him.

First of all, what’s not to like?  There’s music, cheesy costumes, and a snarky judge.  Even the husband can abide it,  as the girl dancers routinely wear as little as possible.  The viewers get a say in the outcome, through their votes.  (As Tom and co-host Brooke Burke will only remind you of 5 bazillion times per show.)  And dare I say it?  DWTS is good clean escapism. Families can watch it together.  If you’ve had a crap day, you can forget about it for awhile.  It wasn’t the most watched program on television last week for nothin’!

Of course, the best part is the celebrities themselves.  Some are so unbelievably bad,  I have to watch through my fingers, as they stomp and wriggle.  It’s painful.  I love it! The worse the better!  That’s why I’m praying Pamela Anderson and “her girls” stick around for a few more weeks.  I’m dying to see her boobage have some sort incident. It’s gonna happen, I know it!

Pamela, Pamela.  She’s dumb as a box of hair.  With extensions.

Sadly, Pam is so atrocious, she’ s most likely Ba-Bye in tonight’s elimination.  Darnit!  Listen for the sound of 15 million men sighing around that time.  I hope all that air getting collectively being sucked in and out so rapidly won’t cause some sort of  ecological disaster.  The judges gave her and partner Damian Whitewood a 24 for their individual performance. Bruno and Len made a couple boob jokes, and female judge Carrie Ann Enanba had to remind them to “focus.”  Awesome!

Also in a whole mess of trouble is comic Niecy Nash.  Now Neicy is rather um . . . big boned. We all know that anyone who is not in tip-top shape ever wins this show. You just gotta cheer her on and admire her tenacity, though.  The quick step she performed would’ve made me throw up and then die.  The judges gave her 25 points.

I’m running out of time here,  as I have to go have a fudgsicle.  So allow me to kind of wrap up the other four contestants in a little bow for you.  In no particular order, as my buddy Tom would say.

Olympic skater Evan Lysacek :  The judges loved him. But then again, Carrie Ann loves everybody.  She’s the Paula Abdul of  DWTS.  (Len is obviously Simon, and Bruno is Ellen Degeneres.)  Evan did the tango.  I thought he was a bit “stompy,” but what do I know? He got a perfect score of 30.   Look I said I don’t know anything!  Geesh.  He’s safe.

Chad Ochocino is a former NFL player.  Being in fantastic shape, jocks always do well on DWTS. He did a respectable Viennese waltz.  He made me a tad sleepy, but his partner Cheryl‘s dress was pretty.  The husband came out from behind his book to watch this one.  He digs Cheryl.

Sports broad Erin Andrews:  has reportedly had death threats from a deranged fan while doing the show.  She had to have bodyguards and all.  Not funny.  But she just keeps sailing through this.  Her partner is the evil and scary Maks Chmerkov-a something.  He’d scare the poop out of me, so I’m just giving the gal points for that.  She did an amazing quick step, and got a score of 27.

Finally, I arrive at pop princess Nicole Scherzinger.  I’ve never heard of her, but pop stars shouldn’t be allowed on this show.  They have too much dance experience.  Unfair.  Having said that, this chick’s gonna win.

But how — how — can I end this by not commenting on the Cha Cha challenge?  Two teams of three, Team Gaga (Pam, Chad, and Nicole) and Team Madonna (Evan, Erin, and Neicy).  The Madonna’s got their butts handed to them.  And their costumes were A-trocious.  Team Gaga got 27 extra points added to their score, to the other team’s 24.  Note to Pammie: You needed that bad, sister.

So, now you know.  It’s a fun show.  I like it.  But then again, I enjoy flossing too.

Now, to the fudgsicles!

Photo Credit: ABC

21 Responses to “Dancing with the Stars – What’s not to like?”

May 4, 2010 at 3:14 PM

Wonderful review, right on point, and damn I’ll faint if Pamela gets the boot!

I want a costume malfunction!

May 4, 2010 at 3:20 PM

Hubby and I usually watch DWTS religiously when it’s on. Sadly, we were both so turned off by Ms. Gosselin (how do you spell it, anyway?) that we did not tune in until the elimination show where she was voted off. Nobody left really called out to us, and so we’re pretty much giving this season a pass.

I really hoped that Buzz Aldrin would outlast Kate, but that didn’t happen, and 85 just didn’t impress me after Emmitt Smith and Jerry Rice. Here’s hoping next season they get some better celebs to participate.

May 4, 2010 at 3:21 PM

I can’t wait until they finally chose to decide this competition with a FAAAAAbulously sparkly version of the playground game Red Rover. I just can’t decide if Pam Anderson would win because of her built in fun…er,”air” bag impact abatement system or whether they would throw off her balance.

Although, now that I think about it, I guess her experience “performing” in heels will give her somewhat of an advantage too. Just don’t let her handle a POV camera (in an effort to enhance viewer immersion) while she does it, we all know that when she tries to film and perform physically demanding tasks, the camera work suffers.

Until then I’ll have to skim through it on the DVR, except for the Nicole Scherzinger parts. She’s dreamy.

May 4, 2010 at 3:26 PM

Thanks Bronsont. Let’s wish Pammie and Her Gals luck!

May 4, 2010 at 3:27 PM

Lisana, I was a late bloomer this season as well. And, it was because of the Gosselin. But I heard I missed tons of drama. Dammit!
Thanks for reading!

May 4, 2010 at 3:29 PM

Luna Tick. Do I detect some sarcasm here? And no worries about the lovely Nicole. She’s in for the long haul!

May 4, 2010 at 3:33 PM

Hokay …. “bazillion” ….. Is that “more than” a “gazillion” … or less?

Why all the Pamela Anderson hate? Huh? You no doubt missed the fact she was the only one of the three in the Team Gaga that wasn’t showing her bare midriff during the segment. And, coming from someone who has no, absolutely no, not a single bit of bias toward her believes she did a smash-bang job at her routine last evening.

You’re just jealous … aren’t you? You think you can do better’n Pammy, don’tcha?!?

“Team Gaga got 27 extra points added to their score, to the other team’s 24. Note to Pammie: You needed that bad, sister.”

Now, I’m certain of it. You’re just jealous. I bet you stand in front of a mirror in a mirrorball-sequined shorty-short dancy dress and prance and pout ala Pamela.

Don’t you? Huh? Huh? You do …. don’tcha … ?!?

P.S. Nice review. (‘Cept for the slammin’ Pam parts.)

May 4, 2010 at 3:46 PM

bare midriff? What are you, a 1950’s comic book censor? Any how, I hope you’re not suggesting that I wear “a mirrorball-sequined shorty-short dancy dress”. After all, the government has expressly forbidden me from doing so after the last…um,”incident”. How do you think the term “Disco Inferno” got coined, anyway?

The More You Know… [cue NBC PSA jingle music here]

May 4, 2010 at 4:45 PM

Hey, Tara? Who is this “Luna Tick” guy ….. if that is his real name, if’n y’know what I mean.

“Disco Inferno”. Right. The next thing you’ll tell me is you’re in cahoots with Al Gore, inventor of Greenpeace or the internet or Kool Aid. *snort*

And, Tick? I double-dog dare you.

May 4, 2010 at 4:55 PM

tempting as that may be, I’ll pass. If I were to prance around in a mirrorball-sequined shorty-short dancy dress, I think my marriage would become null&void in most states, regardless of the gender of the parties involved.

May 4, 2010 at 3:41 PM

Michael, what a back handed compliment there. No, I am not jealous of anyone who is 43 and cannot speak in full sentences.
And methinks you protesteth too much. Is Pam paying you Michael, or are you President of the Fan Club for her breasteses? Just askin.’
And what if I do wear a shorty short sparkly dress for prancing and pouting? Huh? What of it Sir?

May 4, 2010 at 3:45 PM

Pictures …. or it didn’t happen …..

May 4, 2010 at 4:18 PM

Small note for you, Tara, Chad is still in the NFL, a WR for the Cincinatti Bengals.

May 4, 2010 at 4:45 PM

Thanks for the heads up. I don’t follow football so I guess I assumed, since he’s doing the Dancing, that his career was done.

May 4, 2010 at 4:51 PM

One could argue that once you play for the Bengals your career IS done.

May 4, 2010 at 4:52 PM


It has been noted he plays for the Bengals. Read into that and apply ‘career’ and ‘done’ as you will.

May 4, 2010 at 4:53 PM

I’ve never watched it, but now maybe I will!

May 4, 2010 at 4:57 PM

Wow those Bengal guys must be bad!
And Tamsie–welcome aboard!

May 5, 2010 at 1:01 AM

Hokay ….

I just got done watching the results.

Do you see what all your hate hath wrought … ?!?!?

May 5, 2010 at 8:41 AM

Great review!

May 5, 2010 at 2:46 PM

Sorry Michael, but you’ll always have your memories.
And thanks Ruth!

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