CliqueClack TV

V – That’s a soldier? Really?

'V' continued to show that it's one of the most fun action rides on television as we got our first look at one of Anna's soldiers.

- Season 1, Episode 9 - "Heretic's Fork"

I have really been impressed with the pace that V has been on since it’s return from hiatus. It has really been in non-stop action mode, and I love it. The stakes have been plausibly high and the action has been solid. It’s still goofy sci fi and one shouldn’t think too hard about it, but it’s proven to be one of the best rides on television. I just wish more people felt the same way. The ratings are not stellar, though it has some stiff competition in the time slot. Given a choice between V and FlashForward, I would definitely put my support behind V, though I’m afraid we won’t get either next season. Here’s hoping I’m wrong!

I was excited to finally see one of these mythical soldiers that we’ve heard so much about. As you could have guessed, I was a little disappointed. I was expecting some massive lizard-y killing machine, not a wiry little nerd with a knife and lizard vision. Oh well, I can chalk that up to budget issues, as I’m sure a giant lizard man would have cost a pretty penny. They could have at least found an actor who was a little more imposing. I mean, Ryan seems like a much bigger bad ass and he’s just a “worker.” Maybe it’s because the soldiers aren’t quite done gestating yet, and that was just a prematurely hatched example. Time will tell.

Seeing Anna discuss the danger that Ryan and Val’s hybrid baby posed got me thinking. If the big fear is that the hybrid could introduce human emotion into the Visitor race, something seems to be missing. I understand how Ryan and the other Visitors on Earth have succumbed to human feelings, but how the heck did Joshua and the others aboard the ship? Presumably they never had contact with humans. How would that happen? See, there I go thinking too hard. In the scheme of things, it really doesn’t matter.

I was really glad to see that Ryan and Val’s story wasn’t too drawn out. Sure, it wasn’t resolved in this episode, but the truth came out at least. There is certainly going to be some more drama between the feuding lovers, but right now they did a good job keeping Ryan with the Fifth Column.

Chad is becoming more and more interesting by the week (thank goodness). It’s still unclear what his motivations are, but it certainly seems that his loyalties lay with the Visitors right now. Even that I’m unsure of, however. I’m almost hoping that he sticks with the Visitors for a while. I think it would add a nice dimension to the show to have a human working with the aliens. This show could benefit from a Gaius Baltar figure.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows | V |

4 Responses to “V – That’s a soldier? Really?”

April 28, 2010 at 7:57 PM

Before this episode, I didn’t hate Tyler. Now I most definitely do. What a spoiled brat. Erica, that’s what you get for “peerenting” (as Phil Dunphy calls it).

I too was disappointed with the soldier. With all the talk of “cleaning up” after him, they made it sound like he would go berserk and leave a path of destruction a mile wide. Instead, he turns out to be a totally unscary, “wiry little nerd with a knife and lizard vision” (perfect description, Bob). But you know what this reminds me of? Robert Patrick’s T-1000 in Terminator 2. Initially, the T-1000 doesn’t look that threatening (especially compared to Arnold), but he’s impossible to kill. That’s what I was thinking when the V soldier started pulling the hatchet out of his chest.

April 28, 2010 at 8:21 PM

It’s kind of funny that I didn’t even think to mention Tyler. He is super annoying and selfish to the point of being unrealistic, definitely the weak link in the show.

April 28, 2010 at 8:22 PM

Good point about the T-1000 too

April 28, 2010 at 9:53 PM

The worst thing about Tyler is that if he’s so broken up about the situation with his mother, why hasn’t he once asked WHO his real father might be?

I have a hate/hate relationship with the way kids are fleshed out on SciFi shows. I remember the Bionic Woman’s sister in the show’s reboot, John Connor from the Sarah Connor Chronicles, the daughter from the Pilot of Caprica…. they constantly flesh the kid characters so one dimensionally.


As far as the creature is concerned, I think the difference is that a) it doesn’t “dissolve” so if one is killed it will leave evidence and b) it doesn’t seem to care too much about stealth so the potential for a lot of witnesses makes it a messy solution. These would definitely warrant a need to clean up after their missions.

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