CliqueClack TV

In Plain Sight – Mary, Mary quite contrary

When we last saw Mary, she was on the wrong end of a gunshot. Leave it to our hero, however, to jump back into work as quickly as inhumanly possible.

- Season 3, Episode 1 - "Father Goes West"

Before we begin, a CliqueClack programming note. I’m just covering this week’s In Plain Sight for Aryeh. He, his happy fun look at Marshall Mary and Marshall Marshall, and his undying love for Mary’s personal life will be back next week. So you’re stuck with me this week, as we pick back up from the finale’s cliffhanger. When we saw Mary last, she had taken a bullet in a gunfight she should have never been in. Leave it to our hero, however, to jump back into work as quickly as inhumanly possible.

As much of a hard time as I give Aryeh, he is right in that the focus of the show was off last season. Quite a few of us thought that a change was needed, one it looks like we’re getting. The re-imaging of the show has begun, with cast members either leaving for good, or moving down to recurring status. APD Det. Dershowitz is “in Chicago” for a while, helping with a case that will probably allow him just a guest star spot this season. Jinx is on the way out, too, but I think Leslie Ann Warren deserves, and will get, more of an exit story. The seeds were put into motion, with her looking to apply for a job teaching ballet. Brandy, on the other hand, looks like she’s communicating with her and Mary’s father, a storyline that will end poorly for both of the sisters.

This week’s story was pretty damn good, too. Donnie Wahlburg was absolutely brilliant throughout, but especially his monologue near the midway point of the episode. I’m not sure if we’ve seen a story where a witness almost split up a family because he hadn’t been honest in the past, but it was an interesting twist. I had originally pegged the son, and had missed the idea that it could be the step-son. I had no doubt, though, that Wahlburg’s character would put down TJ if the Marshalls had gotten there any later.

I also really enjoyed Marshall’s quest to find Mary’s shooter. He really showed some balls pushing LaLa around in front of his posse. And the eventual “takedown” of the shooter was comedic gold. Next week, IPS taken with the flashback fever that seems to be sweeping the television landscape. Our two US Marshalls have such great chemistry; it will be fun to see how they first met.

Notes & Quotes:

  • “Fantastic, if I was shot by a smudge.”
  • “Or I say the three scariest words I know. Ready? See you later!”
  • “Has anyone gotten well from a “Get Well” card ever?”
  • “I was a dancer!” // “No, you used to dance. Big difference.”
  • “Now before we turn him over to the PD, we’re going to turn our backs for a second and hope that TJ here doesn’t fall down and break his nose or get a black eye.” // “Wait, what?”
  • “This is like a trailer for a movie called Geriatric Marshall.”

Photo Credit: USA

One Response to “In Plain Sight – Mary, Mary quite contrary”

April 1, 2010 at 11:42 AM

Oh for craps sake. I missed this, too! Thank God USA is kind enough to replay it a thousand time for those of us programming challenged individuals.

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