CliqueClack TV

Breaking Bad – Walter White could use rehab himself

Season three of 'Breaking Bad' picks up several days later from where we left off, and the odd opening scene alone will give you flashes of last season's mysterious pink stuffed animal in the pool.

- Season 3, Episode 1 - "No Mas"

“You’d be amazed at what I see partners hide from one another.”

Dear lord, it’s good to have Breaking Bad back. I may have been looking forward to its return more than Bob Degon has. I was so crazily anxious to see the new season that I wore my fingernails down waiting for the screeners to arrive, which I finally got in the nick of time this past Friday. What, did AMC expect me to have to watch these episodes along with the rest of the country?!

You might recall how last season started out, with the completely weird scene from what turned out to be the bottom of Walter White’s pool. For months we all wondered what the heck that pink stuffed animal meant, where it was, and who was puling it out of the pool. I don’t think anyone could have made the guess as to how it got there once we saw last season’s finale — not in a million years. As it turns out, that stuffed animal haunts Walter into this season, though only a tiny piece of it.

We start this season off with an equally bizarre scene — if not more-so — with a bunch of Mexicans crawling on the ground on their knees and elbows. It seems they were all heading toward some sort of voodoo temple to pray, or make a wish, or whatever you call it. It’s not clear if they were all heading to that same temple, but the two mysterious, silent bad-asses certainly were, and we saw them post up none other than Walter White, aka “Heisenberg.” I’m still not really sure what to make of the rest of what these two guys do, though it would appear they were ordered by someone in the U.S. to head to the U.S. to take out Walter. The visit to the “temple” was just their way of having whatever deity they believe in on their side.

Walter, as we saw, is trying to figure out what’s next. His family is torn apart, and his partner is off in rehab. He’s got a ton of money but does not for a second want to believe he did anything wrong in obtaining it. Walter sure does know how to talk himself into — or out of — something, to see how things aren’t his fault or aren’t wrong. This was especially highlighted in that incredibly awkward speech at the school gymnasium. Jesse accepts who he is, Walter does not. Why would Walter try to change who he’s become when he’s already lost? With his secret revealed to Skylar, how could he possibly hope to repair his marriage? How can such a lie be swept aside and Walter be trusted again?

What’s next for Walter is clearly going to have to do with that offer for three million dollars for three months of work. That would fit in perfectly for the length of this season. Will greed alone be enough to get Walter to take the deal? Will he find some other reason to “need” that money, one that he feels is enough to justify the wrongness of what he’s doing? And what about Jesse? Has his acceptance for who and what he is led him to allow himself to continue to deal for Walter, or is he going to try to free himself from that at all?

I have to imagine that Walter will do that new job for a reason other than saying “ah, screw it.” Maybe he needs to pay off some big lawyers or judges to get him what he wants for child custody? Would he do that?

Photo Credit: AMC

13 Responses to “Breaking Bad – Walter White could use rehab himself”

March 21, 2010 at 11:23 PM

Yo everyone knew where the Teddy bear was and who took it out of the pool but if you are dumb enough not to have figured it out yet the Teddy bear came from the plane crash and landed in Walter whites pool it showed the explosion then they showed the Teddy bears view of the fall and then they show it splash Walter white. The people taking the Teddy bear out of the pool are the investigators or clean up after the crash. They were the people who were cleaning up all the debris and body parts. What I can’t figure out in season three episode one was why all the mexicans were crawling on their stomachs. What was the rellivance of that other than to introduce the cousins or at least that’s who I think they are. Another thing I don’t get is when they posted the picture of Walter white at the shrine they lit a black candle. Was it some sort of voodoo thing because in another show a voodoo priest roughly presented a woman with a black candle and she kept it and something happened to her. So does that black candel mean death or bad luck or satainism or something? Any one who could answer that would be great.

March 21, 2010 at 11:35 PM

Not sure where you got the idea that I didn’t know where the animal came from or what it was. Of course I knew.

March 22, 2010 at 2:25 AM

“For months we all wondered what the heck that pink stuffed animal meant, where it was, and who was puling it out of the pool. I don’t think anyone could have made the guess as to how it got there once we saw last season’s finale — not in a million years” now do you get why i explaned it that was a direct quote from you saying you couldnt figure it out. It didnt take me more than a second to figure it out.

March 22, 2010 at 8:52 AM

OK that may be poorly worded on my part then. What I meant was that, since the season two premiere — when we first saw that animal in the pool — we waited for months to find out what the story was behind it, in the finale. This season we have the two mysterious Mexican dudes.

March 22, 2010 at 10:20 AM

I knew the bear had to do with Jane her drugs and her dad as soon as they came onto the show and it had obvously come from a great hight and one of the only thing that really goes that high is a plane crash. It was simple to figure out once you factor in all the elements.

March 22, 2010 at 11:11 AM

Wow, you’re a genious!!

Seriously, you should be in the FBI, your precience is second to none.

Really seriously, you’re an arrogant wrongcock. The only thing the bear had to do with Jane was the tenuous link with the accident, so to say you knew it was going to happen & to argue with Keith about the (frankly RIGHT) things he described is irritating & stupid.

March 22, 2010 at 11:39 AM

Keith, I love that you are recapping Breaking Bad, one of my favorites. Plus I would also add..that I totally understood your recap! lol

March 22, 2010 at 12:48 PM

You guys are stupid losers who can’t put two and two together they wouldn’t have brought the bear and two new characters if they wernt connected you gits. Why don’t you go back to school and actually lernt to think like some people do. You guys are just stupid. And the original recap in these comments SUCKED I showed it to 300 people and no one understood it but they all put it together in the beginning too. Guess it’s only Mensa people who could put it together which obvously you don’t have the same brain power as we do so I’ll just let you learn the story as it goes with your dumb mind figuring things out as the show explains it but me I will keep predicting as I watch bye losers

March 26, 2010 at 4:16 AM

Ugh V can you shut the fuck up, please, douchebag? The very first hint that we had that the stupid bear came from the sky was the NTSB trucks in the opening scene of the finale. Everyone questioned that shit with the exception of those people who have esp (such as yourself I’m sure). For you to say you knew it was going to come from the sky is a down right lie. Now if you were to say that it was very ominous of a terrible thing about to happen and even being almost directly caused by Walter’s shortsightedness, then I would think you were a person with intellect. However, you did not say this and you acted like you were able to predict that airplanes would crash overhead and a teddy bear would fall as a result of a heart broken air-traffic controller’s relapsing daughter dying, caused by Walter’s refusal to act on preventing her death. This makes you the foolish idiot who needs to try to be a little more honest with himself.

I am loving the new season myself. Thanks for the article, Keith. Keep it up.

March 22, 2010 at 12:53 PM

Normally I would delete the above comment because it lacks anything useful or insightful to the post and is just plain mean, but I think I’ll leave it for comedy sake.

March 22, 2010 at 11:09 PM

Let the jackass tell us how the eye under the bed will play out. Right now.

March 23, 2010 at 9:43 AM

Glad the show is back. Jesse seems to have really turned a corner. Will he be able to stay that way or slip back though?
So Skyler knows. Now what? She said she wouldn’t turn Walk in if he signed the divorce papers and left the rest of the family alone. Considering he initially started this whole thing for his family, I don’t think he’ll be able to walk away from that. Especially since Skyler wouldn’t be willing to take any money he’s earned anyhow. He probably should have let the money burn in that case.

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