CliqueClack TV

Greek – You know you’re in trouble when Rusty’s the experienced partner

It's Mardi Gras at CRU, and all of Greek Row's in party mode. Except for Casey, whose future is calling to her loudly. And when that same future calls Katherine as well, can Rusty help her answer the call?

Between the ages of 14 and 22, I went to school right smack in the middle of New York City. I attended a lot of people’s fair share of parties. And never once did I hear that Mardi Gras was a regularly celebrated holiday. Not even in college. Is that really an event?

Apparently it is at CRU, because Greek turned an entire episode into one giant Mardi Gras celebration. With parades, flasher beads, and debauchery. Not that I’m offended, but do these kids really need an excuse to party?

Casey could have used one, because she was busy preparing for her LSATs, which come unusually soon for a test that takes time to prepare for. But I guess the point is that she’s running out of time now that she’s finally chosen a path for herself. For herself … not for everyone around her.

Which is a lesson she needs to learn with regard to Cappie. I get her frustration at his inability to plan for the future, and the idea that he might never be ready to graduate — an exaggeration, I’m sure, but still — is kind of hard to grasp. But whether or not it means they’ll never work together, that’s his decision to make about his own life. I’ve always had a problem with people putting pressure on others to do what they want them to do. Everyone should get to decide the trajectory of their own life — we each only get one person to steer. Let’s keep that balance in order. Discuss it. Talk through some options. But applying pressure on Cappie to move on before he’s prepared to? That doesn’t sit well with me.

Neither does Dana (Martha MacIsaac). I know he’s a nerd, but is Rusty incapable of befriending or dating normal girls? I think Rusty should have balked at the idea of helping Katherine check something like losing her virginity off of a list, but I really can’t stand Dana and her judgmental ulterior motives. And how about the unnaturalness of Katherine’s emotional distance? I don’t buy that that’s just social awkwardness. She’s too removed from everyone around her. I think her character needs to be fine-tuned a bit. But I also think that Rusty should have discussed his misgivings with her instead of just walking out. That was weird too.

Anyway, there were actually a lot of poor couplings last night. Aside from Rusty and Dana, creepy Washington guy Joel (Sam Page) and Casey turned my stomach. And while I’m glad Evan is hip to Rebecca’s game, seeing how brazenly she could go behind his back was even more sickening than Joel — what’s he still doing in Cyprus?

It was great to get some Daley again, but as the ZBZ sober sister? With Rusty more involved at the KT house and with his independent research, it looks like the writers only idea for how to involve Dale is to shoehorn him into the ZBZ house. Bad idea. Make him something for the KTs if you must, but he has no time for humor if he’s cooking for Casey and escorting drunk girls home.

By the way, did we know that Rusty’s full name was Russell Alan? I liked how Casey pulled out the full name in frustration.

“I always thought that Al Gore was rather hunky.” – Katherine, on her “bad boy” fetish

“I am prepared to dance for you.” – Katherine to Rusty, before they were going to have sex

“… And if he doesn’t find his way back to Cyprus tonight, well then res ipsa loquitur….” – Casey, on Pete
“Ooh; is that Harry Potter talk?” – Ashleigh
“It’s lawyer talk, for ‘the thing speaks for itself’.” – Casey
“Fancy!” – Ashleigh

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Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Greek – You know you’re in trouble when Rusty’s the experienced partner”

March 9, 2010 at 8:44 PM

I like Casey but if she has to change Cappie for them to be a couple : it is not good..not good at all. I hate people in relationships who are judgmental and try to change others. Yes Cappie is somewhat a big baby but he has to grown-up by himself not because Casey say it.
Evan and Rebecca are mismatch, i repeat they are mismatch so stop this mess !! Let them be friends who understand each other because of their wealthy background and find love-interests for them who can challenge them ,please writers ! (plus i see NO romantic chemistry and it bother me…i need to see chemistry for believe in a pairing).
Dana..i don’t know she is annoying right now but i guess it is because deep down she is insecure so maybe the writing for her will improve and she will be interesting for Rusty..For Katherine i like her character and her cute awkwardness vibe with Rusty but it could be old really fast so..we will see..
Dale i agree is wasted, he deserves a good storyline where his awesome comic timing is used.
Grant is growning on me, i hope it continue.
You think Joel is creepy ? He is ok for me and has some chemistry with Casey, anyway he will not last (and he is great eye candy, ok pretty shallow of me and Evan/Cappie are already here but still lol).

March 11, 2010 at 1:55 PM

I think Joel seems a little too much like a stalker/predator. I can see viewing his appearing at the LSATs as sweet, but I saw it as calculated. It just depends on the angle you’re viewing from.

March 10, 2010 at 11:15 PM

Some sadish news….

Question: Please could you serve up a tasty helping of Greek scoop? —Kelly R.
Ausiello: The show’s just-announced, 10-episode fourth season — slated to debut later this summer — will most likely be its last. “That is the plan,” confirms series creator Sean Smith, who hopes to lure back some old faves like Charisma Carpenter and Michael Rady for the final stretch. “We’re all looking at this as an opportunity to come back, wrap up the show, and end strong. ABC Family could’ve ended it, but they gave us this opportunity and I don’t want to squander it.” Meanwhile, an ABC Family spokesperson insists buzz that Dilshad Vadsaria (Rebecca) is leaving the show (perhaps to star in a new pilot) is not true. The rep says all of Greek’s regulars will be back for season 4.

March 11, 2010 at 2:06 PM

Come on! Why go to what will certainly be “all the trouble” of bringing all the graduating seniors back just to cut out after another half-season? That sucks.

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