CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Girls, girls, girls

Patience, people. With a few more 'Idol' eliminations, we'll finally get there.

- Season 9, Episode 16 - "The Top 10 Girls Take The Stage Live"

Hey … let’s just do some straightforward critiquing, shall we? (I know, I know. I’m fooling myself.)

Crystal Bowersox: She does CCR well. She’s the one to beat with her soulfulness and confidence and straightforwardness. It doesn’t appear there is anyone else who comes close. (Video below)

Haeley Vaughn: Who would’ve thought a Miley Cyrus song could conquer an Idol contender? Not me, that’s for sure. But it certainly was that for Ms. Vaughn. A bubblegum piece that got stuck to the bottom of her shoe.

Lacey Brown: She took Kara’s advice and did “Kiss Me” by Sixpence None The Richer. Did it fit her as Kara and Lacey thought it might? Yup. However, what came out was the unevenness of her stage presence. And, while it seemed a good fit for her initially, it was shaky, shaky, shaky, and didn’t do her any favors.

Katie Stevens: She did Corinne Bailey Rae’s “Put Your Records On.” It was nice, smooth, and creamy, just like a good yogurt. But her performance was “Plain Jane” tasting. Katie ain’t got no pizazz. Period. And good gordness! Kara said something intelligent in her critique: “There are certain songs that just are great songs on the radio, but when you perform them there’s not enough that you can do with them to have that impact that you need to have….” Bullseye, Kara. I didn’t think you had it in you! Thanks for removing the sandpaper from your mouth, if only for an evening.

Didi Benami: “Lean On Me” by Bill Withers. I like Didi. I especially like the lilt in her voice. It’s reminiscent of Katharine Whalen of Squirrel Nut Zippers. But her performance — much as I enjoyed it — didn’t wow anyone, obviously. Regardless, I stand by my liking her.

Michelle Delamor: Creed’s “With Arms Wide Open,” committed with exceeding breathy-ness. That … and it was “pitch-tastic.” She could have slayed it, but she stumbled in my opinion. And man, is it ever hard to concentrate with a dress spilling all over the place when the camera pulls back. Get her to take off the gloves and give the girl an iron. Was she biker stylin’? Or was she early for the Oscars? I’m so confused….

Lilly Scott: I think Lilly’s (over)use of throat spray is affecting her singing. Really. And it’s not for the better. She’s been taking “emoting lessons” from some of the boys. Her performance of “Change Is Gonna Come” wasn’t soul. It was sole … as in the bottom of her shoe. Reaction — an onomatopoeic “gag.”  Yup. I know. I’m in complete and total opposition with each and every judge regarding Lilly this week.

Katelyn Epperly: “The Scientist” by Coldplay. Her first time playing an instrument on Idol worked okay in my estimation. While I enjoyed her interpretation (a bit slow, however), it still wasn’t enough to convince me chicks with tattoos can win Idol. I laughed my butt silly at DeGeneres’ “I liked that you played guitar” … when she didn’t. (Uh, Ellen? Idol‘s a tough job.  But remember … you’re on a huge show and you need to keep yourself awake, even when you don’t want to. Suggestion — replace your Coca Cola cup contents with a Monster or a Red Bull.)

Paige Miles: “Walkaway” by Kelly Clarkson. Ouch. This … was … one … hot … mess. Screechy. Screamy. Convoluted. Stagey. Paige was the first contestant this particular evening I thought might be going home come elimination time.

Siobhan Magnus: Aretha’s “Think.” I’d have rather had four fried chickens. And a Coke. Maybe some dry white toast. McUgh.  Hated it.

The “Alex Lambert Factor.” Really? There’s an “Alex Lambert Factor,” Kara? Mind explaining that to me?

Photo Credit: FOX

3 Responses to “American Idol – Girls, girls, girls”

March 4, 2010 at 2:20 PM

I like Siobhan, but that note hurt my fillings. Seriously. And Crystal is obviously just blowing everyone away…so she’s not interesting to me right now. I have no patience for, well the obvious. Obviously.
I’m behind Di Di the waitress, as well. For some reason, Simon hates her. I don’t think she deserves that.
My prediction? Bye Bye Haeley Vaughn.

March 4, 2010 at 5:14 PM

Bye bye Haeley! I know she is a youngen’ but sumthin about that Marsha Marsha Marsha bubbly grates my old nerves.

March 4, 2010 at 10:50 PM

Rupe, I’m so with you on Lilly…I just didn’t get that performance. Love your comparison of Katie’s performance to a good yogurt…right on! Ya know, I hate to be an age snob, but I rarely like those young ones…probably just envious, I’ll bet. :-)

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