CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries – Open tombs and empty rooms

The characters and their interactions keep me coming back for more on The Vampire Diaries. Tonight we saw Damon's complexity, Caroline's maturity and Elena's strength.

- Season 1, Episode 14 - "Fool Me Once"

“I didn’t compel you in Atlanta because we were having fun and I wanted it to be real. I’m trusting you. Don’t make me regret it.” – Damon to Elena

I’m into characters this week. I wrote about the great character moments of Cougar Town, Modern Family, Leverage and House, and The Vampire Diaries will not be an exception. Everything about the characters tonight hit a home run for me, and I’m so sad that this show won’t be back until March 25. Forgive me for saying so, but didn’t they just return from an insanely long hiatus a few weeks ago?

Elena continues to be gutsy from the get-go — the first scene with her sneaking over Ben and trying to get out of the hotel room was awesome. She’s not afraid of Damon, and she lets him take her as leverage, doesn’t hold a grudge when he dumps her alone in the scary, scary tomb to look for his lost love and then wholeheartedly expresses her sympathy for him when Katherine is not in the tomb.

Damon, who’s a little pathetic and a lot broody. I like seeing him like that, though, as opposed to the cocky bastard at Grams’ door. Then again, it was awesome watching her literally screw with his head. I got a vibe from Damon when he told Stefan that he sincerely hopes “Elena dies.” It partly sounded like a whiny brat, stomping his feet and just playing mean, but I also wonder if there is some love there for Stefan and he really would rather Elena just be dead and not turned (which would have been a possibility if she still had Damon’s blood in her system) so Stefan won’t have to deal with the angst and complications of Damon’s and Katherine’s relationship. Could he be that deep?

Caroline and Matt are super cute. Even though she’s insecure, he gets it and he’s sticking by her. She’s “cool and honest and open” and I love that she’s putting it all out there because she wants it to work so badly. Of course, now I’m crazy nervous that one of them will die before the season is through. The Vampire Diaries tends to kill people off without much remorse, like Ben and Grams … poof! Wouldn’t it be cool if Grams came back as a ghost, like Obi-Wan Kenobi or something? I vote for that.

Now, what’s going to happen next with the brothers? Damon’s certainly sticking around, as a lead character, but if we were going to be true to his character, he’d be jetting off to Chicago to hunt down Katherine, whether it be for love or revenge at this point. Will Stefan help him? The shot at the end with the two brothers sitting silently by the fire together spoke volumes to me, and I’m thinking they may be bonded again.

As always, I’m left with some questions:

  • Probably the answer is who cares, because I don’t imagine that Anna and Pearl will be around much anymore, if at all, but do we know how Anna is a daywalker? I know that way back when, Emily did a spell for them, and she looked as though she might have had a ring, but I don’t recall the present day piece ever being directly addressed.
  • Where was Alaric? Don’t you think he’d have a little stake in the whole tomb deal, since Katherine was his wife’s ancestor and Damon killed her? Now that we know Katherine’s around, it can’t be her ring that he has, unless she’s coming back to get it now….
  • Why was Jeremy searching for vampires on the internet at the end? Does he think that Anna’s one, because of the face thing? Why didn’t that come up before when he saw her face change a couple of episodes ago?
  • So the blood awakened random vampire guy and he got out of the tomb, but how? I thought the seal was, well, sealed.

Photo Credit: Quantrell Colbert/The CW

5 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries – Open tombs and empty rooms”

February 12, 2010 at 9:39 PM

maybe with grams dead, there was no more spell. Just a random guess.

February 13, 2010 at 8:43 AM

I know, I had thought of that, but the spell still worked with Emily dead so it would be weird for it to be that. Or, maybe Emily isn’t dead somehow?

February 19, 2010 at 10:01 PM

I actually watched the episode again to figure out the spell thingie, I was so sure the spell had been off ever since Grams and Bonnie did it to help Stefan and Damon out. But no, nothing in particular is mentioned. Grams says she doesn’t know if they can breakthrough the seal or if they can hold it for long. That’s it.

As for Damon, I really liked that he didn’t want to get out until Elena went to get them out (and all she had to do was say “please”).

February 23, 2010 at 4:13 PM

I’ve got another question for you.

If Damon & Stefan believed that Katherine got caught that night by their father and then put in the tomb for all eternity….when did Katherine change them into vampires? They certainly weren’t changed before she got caught according to this last episode.

As for how Anna can walk in daylight…I was under the impression that Emily cast a spell for Katherine, Anna & Pearl to walk in daylight. I didn’t think any of them had rings or anything like that. So if Emily’s spell on the tomb held after her death, then I would imagine her spell on the vampires would act the same.

February 24, 2010 at 12:44 PM

Someone commented on another post, and it makes sense, that Damon and Stefan each probably have so much of Katherine’s blood in their systems that when they die in the battle, they’ll be changed that way.

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