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Supernatural – Sam and Dean open Marcellus Wallace’s briefcase

The road to the inevitable apocalypse continues as another of the horsemen is revealed. This time, Sam and Dean take on the rider of the black steed, Famine. We're reminded that Sam still hungers for demon blood, and we learn the shocking news of just what is inside of Dean.

- Season 5, Episode 14 - "My Bloody Valentine"

Come on Castiel... Give us a hug...

Hold it just a second. That was not the episode I was expecting, at all. I generally avoid spoilers as well as I can, so I came into “My Bloody Valentine” with exactly three pieces of evidence. Cupid, the photos the CW sent over showing Cupid in his diaper, and the fact that Cupid would be played by Lex Medlin all led me to believe we were taking another ride on the Supernatural comedy train. Not even close. Sure, there were the occasional witty one-liners (Are we fighting? Is this a fight?), but this story was dark. Dark for the town, and for the Winchesters. That darkness sends us staggering into another all too long break pondering just where everyone is in the big game.

First, a word about the opening. Wasn’t it just so cute? Sweet little Alice, looking all Felicia Day-esque, out on her first date. Yeah, it was cute right up until it took a leap to the top of the leaderboards as the most disgusting scene in Supernatural history. Jeez-o-peete. I’m a fan of horror films, and splatter movies where you measure the bloodspill by the 55 gallon drum, but even I had a bit of the wiggins from watching the lovebirds eat each other. I think it was the sound. The visuals didn’t help, but that sound… Gah.

Anyway, back at the story… Despite the inclusion of War in the previous scenes,  it never occurred to me that this was all building to the reveal of another horseman. In this case, the black horse, Famine (James Otis). That revelation from Castiel is where the episode really took off for me. Clearly, we all knew exactly what Sam’s hunger would be. But what of Dean? No appetite for food, or sex? And on Unattached Drifter Christmas? It was all very puzzling. What did you think it would be?

My operating theory, right up until Famine made his speech was that the thing Dean hungered for most of all was to end the coming apocalypse. And given that Famine was the next domino in the line to stop it, his hunger is what would let him win this round. Wrong, of course, but it does knock around the edges of what is really going on. Dean does really want it all to be done with, but it’s not that he hungers for that. It’s that he is just empty inside, and struggling to keep going through the motions. Suddenly, Dean finding himself, and his place, becomes a very interesting piece of the bigger story.

On Sam’s side, there was a lot less surprise. We all knew he’d want the demon blood. The fact that he also recognized it, and took steps to stop it, says a lot about how far he has come, even if it didn’t work. And really, isn’t the not working for the best? Didn’t everyone want a quick (not permanent!) return of Dark Sam? I’ll also give bonus points for inventiveness in having Sam rip the newly consumed demon souls out of Famine.

And so we head into the break wondering what’s to come of the boys. I’m feeling pretty good about Sam bouncing back once he dries out at Bobby’s. Dean, on the other hand, I just don’t know. That last scene was just tragic, and if you didn’t have thoughts that included the words “Michael” and “yes” then we are watching the show in completely different ways. I want to say they’d never have Dean say yes, but I’ve long since learned my lesson about trying to predict what the Supernatural scribes will and won’t do. That’ll do it for a few weeks. Next time Bobby’s back, with zombies!

Photo Credit: CW

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | Supernatural | TV Shows |

12 Responses to “Supernatural – Sam and Dean open Marcellus Wallace’s briefcase”

February 12, 2010 at 12:25 AM

The way Dean was pleading at the end just broke my heart a little. And I’m not sure what creeped me out more- the couple eating each other, or Famine himself. Dude seriously gave me the willies.
I have to say, though- how great was it watching Castiel eat his many burgers? “What are you, the Hamburgler?” Classic.

February 12, 2010 at 2:46 AM

I was this close to using the Hamburgler line for the title of the post.

February 12, 2010 at 2:39 AM

Castiel was hilarious as usual. The gore was very… gory this episode, not good for anyone eating or thinking about eating anytime soon. The Horseman reveal was pretty surprising, and James Otis was so creepy. It was perfect casting. Dean pleading at the end was heart-breaking and, yes, the two words going through my head were “Michael” and “yes”. We’re definitely on the same page with that one.

One of my favorite scenes was when we were introduced to Cupid.

Castiel: “That’s their handshake.”
Dean: “I don’t like it.”
Castiel: “No one likes it.”

The deadpan delivery made that my favorite line of the night.

These next 5 weeks are gonna be tough.

February 12, 2010 at 2:47 AM

I really liked the introduction of Cupid as well. My favorite bit was Dean’s confused reaction to all the hugging, “Are we fighting? Is this a fight?”

February 12, 2010 at 6:03 AM

this episode really wasn’t what I expected it to be and that’s what I love about this series. Dean at the end almost broke my heart, he so seemed on the verge of a yes, but a plea for help, he’s a broken soul.

Cas and the burgers was great, very Dean-esque too, so he has really connected to the Winchester boys.

I just wish now that there wasn’t such a long break until the next new episode…what will I do?

February 12, 2010 at 9:46 AM

I felt like I was going to yak while watching the opener.

Something that wasn’t mentioned that I felt really contributed to breaking Dean was the revelation of how/why their parents got together. He was not a fan of hearing that, and it really feeds into Michael’s talk about a master plan from upstairs.

February 12, 2010 at 9:56 AM

I had a different reaction to Dean at the end. While I did think of “Michael” and “yes”, my stronger suspicion is that we are being prepared for the introduction of God into the mix. Dean’s plea at the end was the prayer of a desperate man who is finally ready to accept that he can’t do it all by himself — if you are at all religious, that is when God enters the life of most people.

February 12, 2010 at 11:56 AM

Interesting. I was thinking that Dean’s plea to God would go unheard just based on all the talk we’ve heard from the angels about God being missing or dead. But now that you mention it, that would all be a perfect setup for his return to the picture. And it would also be the perfect catalyst for changes in Dean considering he is, as you put it, desperate and ready to accept that he can’t do it all by himself.

February 12, 2010 at 10:07 AM

Also — did anyone else get a “Pulp Fiction” flashback when Sam and Dean opened the briefcase?

February 12, 2010 at 11:42 AM

I was thinking more along the lines of God too, because I doubt Dean’s talking to Michael.

I know Brett got a flashback, considering the title

February 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM

Kevin, I agree with you. I thought this is what God was waiting for. The build up of the master plan had to break Dean down to nothing and have him ask for God’s help. This is it. I think I heard spoilers about the boys going to heaven or something and even God making an appearance. Maybe this is the set-up for that. Can’t wait. And I can’t believe another hiatus. It’s killing me!

February 12, 2010 at 8:34 PM

great episode, i agree with the idea of bringing god into the mix now that dean so opently asked for his help (that was what i was thinking in that moment anyway).

I’m just a little confused about what Famine said when he touched dean, does that mean that dean has no soul??? just a thought. :)

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