CliqueClack TV

Men of a Certain Age – I thought Owen would go with Lakers tickets for the boss

- Season 1, Episode 5 - "Powerless"

For the second week in a row, Men of a Certain Age gave us a taste of the couple of the future — Terry and Owen. And for the second time running, the pairing of the two “backups” played more like they were the stars than just fillers.

Honestly, in the beginning I thought it would be Owen and Joe who’d be going one-on-one more than anything else, with Owen lending a shoulder to Terry from time to time as well. But I love the direction things have gone in instead! Terry and Owen, on equal footing, make for a really great viewing experience. And Joe on his own isn’t too shabby, either.

A part of me got a little 7th Heaven vibe watching last night’s episode. Not in a cloyingly annoying way, but in an older kid problems sense. The Barone kids dealt with little more than not eating their dessert and questioning the meaning of life. Joe’s daughter Lucy, on the other hand, experienced a potentially dangerous ex-boyfriend stalking her post their breakup. This was a whole new side of Ray Romano, one that he appears to have slipped right into. I think his kids are just hitting this age, and it looks as if he’s learned the art of applying real life to his character.

Aside from his time with Owen, Terry had a nice arc with Annie, who was back again after a brief absence. I think she’s great for him, because she’s pushing him to grow without pressuring him into a relationship that neither one of them seems interested in. There was Terry, digging out his watch, hopping a ride with a bike messenger, and actually looking remorseful at having made her wait after she gave him a second chance. For his sake, and ours, I really hope Annie’s here for the long haul.

The main focus last night, yet again, was Owen, and I continue to be impressed week after week by the incredible talent that Andre Braugher oozes.  Owen’s so beaten down, and yet such a joy to watch onscreen. And I don’t think the problems he endures with his father are getting repetitive, nor do they fall into that most frightening of categories known as cliche. His profession as a salesman also extends beyond just a job for him — his ability to find the mythical “key” that Melissa made mention of is just an innate part of who he is.

And it helps make him such a good friend to Terry and Joe … he understands people and what makes them tick. Do you think he was off-base when he asked Terry if he’d ever looked in the mirror and questioned who he was? That’s going to play a major role in Terry’s development going forward.

Nothing special happened with him last night, but thus far I’ve neglected to mention how much I enjoy DaShaun (Little JJ). He’s the vessel that allows us to get a glimpse of office Joe, actually the only version of Joe that lets Romano kick it old school, with his music and dated references. And I think DaShaun may end up with some drama of his own, because how else will we know just how big manager Joe’s heart can expand?

I know there’s no weekly action going on here, but I also know that you’re enjoying MOCA as much as I am. What’s been tickling your fancy about the show? Let me know in your comments below!

Photo Credit: TNT

3 Responses to “Men of a Certain Age – I thought Owen would go with Lakers tickets for the boss”

January 5, 2010 at 3:37 PM

So glad I decided to check out this show.
The Rocky bits made me chuckle. Especially the ex-boyfriend having no idea what Rocky was. Made me feel old even though I wasn’t alive when that movie came out.
I was initially waiting for a fire when Owen and Terry hooked the power back up. Glad that didn’t happen.
And the ending put a massive smile on my face.

January 5, 2010 at 11:15 PM

Kind of creeps up on you how good it is, right? :)

January 6, 2010 at 9:36 AM

Yeah, there are times where it seems to just be moving along, interesting, but nothing exciting, and then one of the actors will have a line, or group of lines that just floor me. Pretty clever writing and I think this is some of the most ‘real’ acting I’ve seen on TV. Everything so far has been very believable. Not too many shows on like that.

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