CliqueClack TV

Is Heroes about to blow our minds?

Elizabeth’s back guest-clacking for us again, after sharing her thoughts about Fringe last time.

So it’s hiatus time, and of course Nathan’s dead again. For real this time. That body Sylar/Nathan and Peter found in the storage unit did look suspiciously well-preserved, though. As daring as it would be for them to make it stick this time, I for one am going to miss Nathan.

As opposed to Sylar, Nathan was always the creep with the heart of gold in the end. He was generally more likable than Peter, and in a lot of cases more of a realist than almost anyone else. You almost have to wonder if it’s a running joke with the writing and production staff — you know, “and then Nathan dies.” At least he finally mentioned Claire. It’s seemed odd to have their relationship so completely ignored after it was so emphasized last season. They seemed to become so close, but they haven’t seemed to be in touch or even to be talking to each other anymore. Claire’s been going through a lot this year, so no doubt it’s going to be tough on her when she finally finds out — and hard for Bennett to support her after losing her other father.

This volume has the opposite problem of the last one: “Fugitives” started so well but lost direction and faltered in the last few episodes, and “Redemption” seemed to be going nowhere at first but is now finally hitting its stride. The real problem now is that the stakes have still never really been established.

There is no mission. Samuel’s recruiting for the carnival would work better if we knew more about what his real agenda is, other than world domination. The suggestion of some kind of vendetta against Bennett is promising, though. All of this might even (*gasp*) be tying into Hiro’s story. Could this be a real attempt to get back to the glory days, when a variety of slowly building stories came together, to save the cheerleader and save the world?

The show’s attempt to trim down the storylines has worked out for the better, too. It’s made some of the storytelling a little choppy, but they’ll have less trouble making the overall plot more coherent heading into the climax. Part of the reason they’ve taken so long to set up the end-of-season mission is that, like the beginning of season two, this is in many ways an aftermath story in the wake of everything that happened last year. Now the show finally looks ready to move on, and since the end-of-season mission is usually the best part (ignoring last season’s crash and burn), we can hope that this show is about to totally blow our minds in January. Like Hiro, I prefer to think that anything is possible.

Photo Credit: NBC

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7 Responses to “Is Heroes about to blow our minds?”

December 7, 2009 at 1:20 PM

I’m certainly hoping they can pull everything together for what may very well be the series finale, but I’m skeptical.

December 7, 2009 at 1:57 PM

People still watching this show are like abused spouses. Every season, they hope it’ll be good, and every season they’re disappointed that it isn’t. I got off the train last year, and am much happier. Leave your abusive spouse, people, and give up on this show!

December 7, 2009 at 2:53 PM

I think you made a mistake, the topic about Rihanna is a few posts down.

December 7, 2009 at 3:29 PM

So very true. I gave up on the show long ago, yet…

Somehow I found myself watching a few episodes this season and wondering what the hell I was doing.

December 7, 2009 at 2:54 PM

The only thin that blows my mind about Heroes is that people still watch it!

December 7, 2009 at 4:29 PM

Oreo: Consider your mind blown every Monday night, then eh?

Granted the show has lost A LOT of quality. But there are still several reasons to keep watching.

What blows my mind is the amount of time you spend talking about how you don’t watch it anymore :P

December 7, 2009 at 5:19 PM

Yeah sadly I have too much time. :(

However there are 9 million other ex-viewers who feel the same way. :-p

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