CliqueClack TV

Modern Family’s dangerous birthday party delivers the laughs

- Season 1, Episode 9 - "Fizbo"

modern family fizbo

“We can’t get Luke a crossbow. He pokes himself in the eye every time he uses a straw.” – Gloria to Jay, about Luke’s birthday present

What do you get when you cross How I Met Your Mother‘s non-linear storytelling with the action-packed Crocodile Hunter with the classic horror tale of a killer clown? This week’s episode of Modern Family, of course!

Modern Family has proven tonight that, yes, watching people get hurt is funny, but it can be just as funny trying to figure out who will get hurt, and how. There’s nothing like a good pratfall, and when Luke slipped on the lame beads and broke his arm, amidst all of the actual danger, it was hilarious.

How did Phil escape the hazards of the zip line — twice! — and live to tell the tale? Somehow, Haley and the rest of the guests narrowly escaped being stung by a poisonous scorpion. And still, the lives of Luke’s schoolmates were spared due to the bravery of Manny Delgado, Man of Action. Do I even need to mention the crossbow, and the delightful domino effect that little mishap set into play? Dude, if my father ever got Owen a crossbow….

I loved the tease, and at times, I even felt like Inspector Clouseau was somehow behind it all, it was so painstakingly orchestrated.

You get the killer clown part, right? If Fizbo can make a redneck hick quake in his boots and apologize, that ass kicking clown is only one small step away from a murderous rampage. Classic, and frighteningly funny.

Comb sheath? Those of you who went to elementary school in the early ’80s definitely carried a comb in your back pocket. Now wouldn’t that sheath have come in handy? What will they think of for this generation — perhaps cell phone charms? Er, um … never mind.

I leave you with my favorite, super-subtle quote of the night:

“People are going to stare. They’re not used to seeing one clown in a car.” – Cam

Photo Credit: ABC

3 Responses to “Modern Family’s dangerous birthday party delivers the laughs”

November 26, 2009 at 10:21 AM

OMG…. lol, I could type more but my stomach is still hurting from laughing. I love this show.

November 28, 2009 at 8:22 AM

Jungle Lady: “I used to have a cat…”

I think my favorite bit was Fizbo’s single clown shoe stomping onto the ground, him stabbing his finger into the jerk’s chest, and then pulling his giant alarm clock out from under his coat to check the time.

December 2, 2009 at 2:53 PM

“I AM brave. Rollercoasters? LOVE ‘em. Scary Movies? I’ve seen Ghostbusters like 7 times. I regularly drive thru neighborhoods that have only recently been gentrified. So yeah… I’m pretty much not afraid of anything.”

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