CliqueClack TV

V – There’s more to the rebellion than we know

- Season 1, Episode 3 - "A Bright New Day"


Last week, in my review of V, I complained a bit about the story line involving Ryan and the undercover rebellious V. This episode went quite a long way to solving that issue. With new mysteries and a little more details about the rebellion (though I would like some more), I have to admit that I’m starting to get more interested in V.

I can’t, however, say the same thing about the plot involving Tyler and Lisa. So… I just won’t even mention it any further.

I would still like a little light shed on the motivation of the rebel V. Some of the commenters in my review last week mentioned that the V could be rebelling because of their experiences as sleeper agents. That doesn’t really explain the actions of Joshua aboard the New York mothership: killing Dale and revealing himself to be a member of the resistance. I’m guessing that there must be some sort of civil war at work amongst the V, but some sort of clue would be helpful. There’s probably an interesting story at work, perhaps ABC should let us know what it is before the show hemorrhages any more viewers.

This episode did add to the intrigue of the sleeper V. Ryan’s old friend, Cyrus, mentioned something about being “reconnected” and that he “missed the bliss.” It seems like the main V have some sort of bond with Anna and that she provides them all with some sort of unnatural happiness. Doesn’t sound so bad. Do all of the earthbound V have to “disconnect?” Is this “bliss” some sort of mind control? Is it the root of the rebellion? I have to admit that I’m a bit curious about all of it, and I’m looking forward to learning more about it.

I’m really curious to see if next week is going to be a big episode. After all, ABC is yanking V from the lineup until March. I just can’t see the wisdom in that decision. When they did it for the third season of Lost, it had serious repercussions on the ratings. I hope that there is something big coming that will make all of us want to tune back in when the series returns. We’ll see.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows | V |

3 Responses to “V – There’s more to the rebellion than we know”

November 17, 2009 at 9:39 PM

I have to say, I liked this episode more than the first two. There were some shocking moments such as when Joshua revealed himself as a fifth columnist, the fact that Lisa is Anna’s daughter, and that the so called assassin was actually a V setup.

I am still not on board with the Erica/Jack storyline but hopefully the introduction of Georgie and Ryan into the fold will bring some intrigue into the new resistance.

I agree that it may not be the best thing for ABC to pull the program until March. It is hard enough keeping an audience with weekly programs but when it is pulled for that amount of time, people are going to find something else to watch and may not even remember this show.

November 17, 2009 at 10:38 PM

I’ve decided that the rebellious V are the intelligent, logical members of the group. Those that don’t need their fancies tickled in order to enjoy freedom of thought. And, I think freedom of thought would be their downfall if they stayed with the V and didn’t rebel. The Visitors are the corrupt, lying sort, and to be on their side requires you to do the same. Its nice to see that some of their kind feel differently.

November 18, 2009 at 2:04 PM

As much as Tyler and his friend annoy me to no end, I can’t bash on Lisa. I hope she eats them so she can move on to a better storyline. There is just something about her that makes me like the character (read: She is hot).

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