CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Sheldon’s sexual tension syndrome

- Season 3, Episode 8 - "The Adhesive Duck Deficiency"

Big Bang Theory - Sheldon peeks at naked Penny

I think this episode is the gem I’ve been eagerly anticipating all season on The Big Bang Theory. Mind you, I’ve been enjoying the series all along. But it somehow had lost some of its chuckles for me. It’s been a bit lackluster. It’s been storylines which simply don’t rock my world.  While tonight’s main plots have been seen before it sitcoms, the Sheldon Factor in all of its glory shined.

I think we’ve all seen the old “marijuana in a cookie/brownie/you name it given to an unsuspecting victim” bit before on shows. While the reaction of the victims (Leonard, Raj, and Howard) was a bit over the top making Reefer Madness look tame in comparison, it had me laughing.

I loved their ramblings, especially Raj’s kingdom over the rabbits. As a matter of fact, I think this might have been the best Raj airtime in a long time. He actually got in a tad of versatility in the role other than squawking while talking to a woman. LeoNERD, I never realized it. Howard’s story creeped me out, but he generally has that effect on me.

But the Penny and Sheldon storyline was priceless. This is why no one could be Sheldon except Jim Parsons. Kaley Cuoco also ruled as Penny tonight. She’s becoming a master of perfect facial expressions. And, we saw just a smidgen that Sheldon might have an interest in the opposite sex — he peeked! Woohoo!

From the time he knocked three times (Penny, Penny, Penny) to the clothing Penny to the driving and all the way into the hospital paperwork, I chuckled. I snickered. When they sang “Soft Kitty” in rounds, I guffawed. This, my friends, this is what the show is all about. What was your take on it?

Pardon me. I better get some adhesive ducks for my tub while I’m thinking of it.

Photo Credit: CBS

16 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Sheldon’s sexual tension syndrome”

November 16, 2009 at 11:39 PM

I enjoyed it. Not any more than other episodes this season really, but it had some good moments.

BTW, it’s Kaley Cuoco.

November 16, 2009 at 11:47 PM

I’M DYING! This episode was so perfect! It’s like they went into my head and extracted all the things that would make it perfect for me and stuck them in an episode!

November 17, 2009 at 4:48 AM

I loved it, all of it though I particularly enjoyed having Sheldon/Penny back on my screen interacting together. Best episode of season 3 by a long-shot may be the best episode of the series thus far. Thank you Jim and Kaley.

November 17, 2009 at 8:09 AM

I loved this episode. It was easily the best of the season so far. Every single thing worked for me, and I didn’t stop laughing the entire time.

November 17, 2009 at 8:21 AM

I haven’t laughed that hard in a LONG time.

November 17, 2009 at 10:26 AM

The funnitest episode of the season. They Penny/Sheldon sequences were, by far, the best. Particularly the moments in the hospital waiting froom where Sheldon is filling out the medical forms. Then, he tries to comfort Penny and produces the scariest smile this side of The Joker. The best moment was the round of “Soft Kitty” and the reaction of the audience when it was done. I’ll be okay with mildly amusing BBT episodes for the rest of the season thanks to this one.

November 17, 2009 at 12:46 PM

I actually got the opposite, I think the hot girl needing to be helped has been done to death, but it was so funny to see Sheldon and Penny doing it
Didn’t get anything sexual from Sheldon he peaked because that is what “the hero” is supposed to do lol,, the knocking on each door was very funny, that never loses it’s luster for me
The pot filled cookies, while done before, had to be the best part of the episode because of the way the guys were.
They had me rolling with laughter moreso than the old naked girl needs help from unsuspecting male sitcom stand by.
The jokes were so funny in the camp scenes, the actors were in top form and makes me think they need to let Johnny Galecki out of the role of ‘straight man” to do more comedy.
Simon Helberg was in top form and Kunal is becoming the break through performer this season
All in all I am not sure whic of these is the A story and which is the B, but from the sounds of roaring laughter from me and the audience i think the camping scenes were the A story

November 17, 2009 at 3:23 PM

The Penny/Sheldon storyline was a gas. I loved it. “It doesn’t feel like an arm.”

The three stooges out in the desert to see “something important” wasn’t the best storyline, but you have to admit Leonard’s desire to be named Angelo because it has the words “angel” and “Jell-O” in it was pretty hilarious.

November 17, 2009 at 3:29 PM

So what if he peeked-the hero always peeked. I loved this episode. No to a P/S hookup, cannot happen, must remain friends for sake of preserving qualities of best sitcom character ever.

Two things-if Penny couldn’t get the water off or get up, how’d she get the towel around her? And secondly, “I can’t wait that long” for an ambulance? Ha! It took her ten times as long with Sheldon.

Oh, one more thing. Today I got dressed with one arm-the same one that Penny did not hurt. I didn’t move my shoulder, and did it all with no help at all. Come on, Penny, let’s be independant (and never break it off with Leonard love those two 2gether!)

November 18, 2009 at 2:55 PM

It wasn’t a towel she was wrapped in but the blue shower curtain.

November 18, 2009 at 3:16 PM

I agree with BT: the story that did it for me was the guys camping. Couldn’t stop laughing!

Penny and Sheldon… meh.

November 22, 2009 at 6:13 PM

This was the funniest ep I’ve seen in a long time. Sheldon and Penny were comic gold, and my BF and I couldn’t stop laughing. I also loved Raj’s rabbit empire, but I found Howard sleeping with his cousin more creepy than funny.

December 16, 2009 at 3:18 PM

I think this might be the best episode of all times!!!
It was just sooo great, I couldn’t stop laughing the whole time!!
And yes, howard has reached a whole new level of creepyness, that I didn’t even know existed!!
I love the sheldon-penny thing, I wish that they got more scenes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

December 16, 2009 at 3:22 PM

that doesn’t seem like an arm.Well maybe you should let it go then!!
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

January 4, 2010 at 11:41 PM

Hmm hmm, gosh I loved this episode. They keep telling us that Sheldon would never have a girlfriend, they kept repeating that they would kill each other if they went out, yet they keep throwing all these flirty scenes at us! TT_TT I love it. Sheldon peeked, at Penny, come ooon ;)

March 3, 2010 at 12:26 PM

I am not sure i want Sheldon and Penny together, wait i don’t want Penny and Sheldon as a couple but i really enjoy their scenes together, they are priceless !

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