CliqueClack TV

House manipulates, Cameron judges, and we’re back to square one

- Season 6, Episode 7 - "Teamwork"

house teamwork“House is back in charge … and we’re treating a porn star.” – Foreman

Is it wrong that the most memorable moment of tonight’s House episode was in the cold open, when the teeny little porn director was the exact height of the swarms of boobs around him? No wonder the guy got into the porn biz….

I’m really torn about the events of this episode. I never missed Taub and Thirteen, and I was really enjoying the old team being back together again. I liked House’s growth, because he could be an ass without being downright cruel, but all that got thrown out the window tonight. So did we see Cameron’s growth instead, only to have the door hit her on the way out? Is there no room for growth on House?

As soon as House gets his license back, he turns into a huge ass again. Is this whole thing really about Cuddy and Lucas? I get that he’s hurt, really I do, and I also get that his feelings for Cuddy were basically what got him shipped off to the funny farm in the first place. I really thought that he had learned enough that he had the tools not to ruin others’ lives though. What’s up with the cruel manipulation? It just didn’t work for me. There’s no vicodin or delusions driving his behavior — just November sweeps, I guess.

I knew Jennifer Morrison was leaving the show, so they’d have to find a way, and I suppose it fits that she’d leave in a huff of judginess, since that really has been her modus operandi from day one. They even — cleverly? — gave us a case-of-the-week where she could show her holier-than-thou-ness. The thing is, do you think on some level she’s right? Has House corrupted his entire staff?

The one thing I was thrilled about is that we got to see more of Lucas (Michael Weston) in this epsiode. FOX finally got the message that we love this crafty little P.I., who can manipulate with the effectiveness of House, only with kindness. My favorite scene was the pep talk that Lucas gave to Chase in the break room. Give him his own show, already … you know we’ll be watching!

I’m not sure where they’ll be going for the rest of the season, but this episode brings me back to season five’s stagnation. They did a beautiful thing at the beginning of season six and they seem to have thrown it all away with this episode. I only hope we won’t keep taking steps backward, because I’ve already seen those episodes.

Photo Credit: Chris Haston/FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “House manipulates, Cameron judges, and we’re back to square one”

November 17, 2009 at 12:02 AM

I like the way everything was handled for the most part. I wish they separated who came back to the team over a few weeks. I also wish more people were leaving, like everyone!

In all it was good. I really hate 13 and Foreman through, can’t stand them. I find it interesting that Chase is now like House because a few seasons ago Foreman couldn’t get a job because he was so much like house. Maybe Cameron will be back because she is so much like House too. Or maybe a spinoff! :)

Cameron and Chase had done nothing for years so it’s nice to see them grow even if it was to grow apart.

What I don’t get is why House’s team needed to be three members. House’s Team last season was 4 before what’s his name killed himself.

November 17, 2009 at 12:23 AM

The curious thing in Cameron blaming House for Chase’s actions is that Chase did something that arguably House would not have done.

House is all about solving the puzzle regardless of who his patient is. He cares little for who they are or what they’ve done apart from whatever relevance it might have to the illness being treated. Chase came to the point of killing the dictator because he became emotionally involved in the case, which is something that sounds more akin to Cameron than House.

November 17, 2009 at 8:52 AM

Really good point. She blames House for corrupting the team, for not seeing the patients as people and not understanding the value of a human life, but I think Chase did just the opposite of that.

November 17, 2009 at 9:02 AM

I took her blaming House for corrupting Chase into the belief that the ends justifies the means.

Why did they have to bring 13 back. Can’t they do seances for the diagnostic meetings and bring Amber back instead?

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