CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Childhood issues for Sheldon, adult issues for Leonard

- Season 3, Episode 7 - "The Guitar Amplification"

Leonard and Penny

Yep, if I have to put up with Leonard and Penny bed scenes, I’m going to make you all suffer with me. I’m still not seeing any boyfriend/girlfriend chemistry between them. They share no interests. As a matter of fact, their interests, their minds, their lifestyles — they’re all so far apart that, if this were real life, they’d have nothing to say to each other. I will continue to suspend my disbelief. At least their relationship gave us a good Sheldon episode tonight.

Poor Sheldon. The man has issues far deeper than we could have ever known. Now, we knew his mother is a some sort of bizarre religious zealot. But we didn’t know that the constant fighting between his parents when he was a child resulted in some deep-seated anxiety … and twitches.

When I watch an episode like tonight’s show, it brings me back to exactly why I enjoy Jim Parsons in the role of Sheldon so much. The writing is tailor-made to click with Parsons and he takes it, soaring to the heights of geekdom. But, as in the show tonight, Sheldon doesn’t fit in well with society. We know he doesn’t understand many of the normal human doings (although he knows his football). Now we know that arguing and fighting make him twitch and try to build his own fortress of solitude to shield him from it.

As for the PennyLenny fight, it just shows that she doesn’t think of Leonard as much as he thinks of her. Common sense would tell a woman with a boyfriend living next door that you don’t invite an old boyfriend to stay on your couch. Sure, they both got back together in the end. Lucky Sheldon ended up with the guitarist ex-boyfriend on his couch.

Uh-oh. What’s that going to do to Sheldon’s special spot on the couch? Yikes! I sense a new episode! New twitches! New anxiety! How will Sheldon ever deal with the taint of greasy denim and rock music on his spot?

All in all, I enjoyed this episode. I could have done with less of the Raj/Howard affair and you know how I feel about the Penny and Leonard relationship. But I got me some good Sheldon. I needed that.

Photo Credit: CBS

7 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Childhood issues for Sheldon, adult issues for Leonard”

November 10, 2009 at 3:33 AM

I really liked the Raj/Howard fight, and how both their parents’ arguing also drove Sheldon away.

I think Sheldon’s mother’s religious beliefs are portrayed as normal for an East Texas mom on this show. When she’s not discussing God vs. science, she seems to get along with the Californians just fine.

Sheldon’s impressions of both his mother and father just cracked me up. I expect he’ll end up sitting in his spot the entire night just to prevent the musician from touching it.

November 10, 2009 at 7:19 AM

Wow . . . way too much arguing last night. I mean, if the writers had the intention of ferreting out Sheldon’s quirks, I think they could have handled it better. Some arguments can be potentially funny. But when there are arguments around every corner, it starts to become abrasive. I’ll always watch the show–I’m a big fan–but for me last night wasn’t their best.

November 10, 2009 at 4:07 PM

I like Leonard and Penny and together. So all you did by posting that pic was bring a smile to my face. :)

November 10, 2009 at 8:53 PM

I’m gonna have to move to your side now. The Leonard/Penny relationship is wearing thin really quickly. I didn’t mind it for a couple of episodes, but the character dynamics just aren’t as interesting anymore.

November 11, 2009 at 3:43 AM

Ditto on the LP ‘relationship’ if it can even be called that. To me they are just friends-with-benefits (do we honestly need to see them in bed every episode? All it does is fuel my speculation that they’re just in it for the sex and that as relationships go that’s all it’ll be and hopefully not for much longer). Coffin meet nail … and soon please. Also ditto on everything else. Sheldon/Jim salvaged this last episode for me, he was absolutely brilliant. Actually now that I think about it Sheldon often saves episodes for me, hmmm guess I’m officially a Jim P. fangirl. :D

November 13, 2009 at 7:11 PM

Why in this show whenever some sort of bedroom scene is portrayed the guy always seem to have a tshirt on but the girl has a blanket covering her which would indicate that she doesn’t have a top on.
Does the guy not having a shirt on when he is bed with a girl raise the level of censorship classification to beyond family viewing hours or something?
Seems weird.

November 15, 2009 at 5:56 AM

It’s my understanding that in this case the actor is too muscular to appear shirtless, as that would not be in keeping with the character’s geekiness. His wardrobe is selected to conceal this as well.

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