CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – Sam and Dean Survive A Japanese Game Show

- Season 5, Episode 8 - "Changing Channels"


The powers that be down at Supernatural HQ had a little something up their sleeves with “Changing Channels.” Judging by the previews for the episode, and all that we’ve learned about the show over the years, this one had all the makings of a classic Supernatural romp. As we soon found out though, things were not exactly as they seemed, and the story took a decidedly darker turn once the real culprit behind the Winchester’s trip to TV Land was revealed. That move back to the bigger story, combined with some well crafted shots at Grey’s Anatomy, Knight Rider, and CSI: Miami, made for another very fun episode.

Starting with TV Land, it really was a fun gag. Dr. Sexy, M.D. was my favorite of the bunch, for the simple fact that the little jabs were so well done. Things like Dean’s all-too-knowing descriptions of all of the characters, “Dr. Ellen Picolo, sexy yet earnest doctor at Seattle Mercy Hospital.” Or, the good natured jab at one of their own, “This show has ghosts? Why?” That’s not to say the other segments didn’t have hits as well. You knew exactly what was coming when the title of Nutcracker was announced, but it was still so fun to watch it go down. Then that was almost topped by Dean’s fear of suffering the same fate.

David Caruso probably took the most pie to the face, as both Sam and Dean did multiple takes on the sunglasses/cut to opening theme line. But then, he’s kind of asking for it at this point, right? After all, you know who wears sunglasses at night? “No talent douchebags.” If it had all ended there, when the boys “killed” the trickster on the Miami set, I would have actually been OK with it. I’ve always been a fan of the comedy episodes, and this one held up pretty well at that point. The genital herpes commercial was also an especially nice touch. The writing was already on the wall though.

I started to get suspicious right from the opening. They were showing us way too much about Michael and Lucifer for this to just be a one-off laugher. Added to the way the trickster so easily dismissed Castiel, and something had to be up. I never imagined it would actually be Gabriel. In the big scheme of things, that’s huge, as is the revelation of just where he stands in all of it. His defeatist attitude was completely the opposite of what I had imagined, and it just makes everything that much more mixed up.

It was just one short scene, but it did say a lot. The situation is as dire as it’s ever been. It would seem that Sam and Dean are in the vast minority in thinking that something can be done to avoid destroying the world.  The only positive for the boys is that they have now bested Gabriel once, which does remove one of the dark clouds hanging over their heads. Unfortunately, it’s just one of many. It certainly does look like things are going to get much worse, before they get better. And, for our purposes here, like it’s going to be a lot of fun watching it all unfold.

Photo Credit: CW

10 Responses to “Supernatural – Sam and Dean Survive A Japanese Game Show”

November 5, 2009 at 11:47 PM

“it would actually be Michael” ???

Don’t you mean Gabriel?

November 6, 2009 at 12:42 AM

Yes I do. Spellcheck can’t catch it when you mix up your angels. Thanks!

November 6, 2009 at 6:00 AM

Has Supernatural been renewed for season 6, yet?

November 6, 2009 at 8:50 AM

I haven’t laughed that hard at a TV show since Whose Line is it Anyway went off the air. I laughed so hard during the Herpexia commercial that I missed the majority of Sam’s lines. Jeremy Carver is an evil genius. Also, the sitcom credit sequence just about killed me. I can’t wait to see the outtakes. I’m really looking forward to a rewatch, to catch more dialogue and to figure out what the kana titles said.

Also, this was quite possibly the gayest episode ever, between Dean gazing adoringly at Dr. Sexy and Dean digging around in the Sampala’s trunk. God, I love this show.

November 6, 2009 at 12:41 PM

I was excited for a minute thinking that we had a third powerful party, someone separate from Heaven and Hell, but I am still quite happy with this episode.

November 6, 2009 at 1:46 PM

OMG… Kripkie,the writers and the boys themselves can do no wrong. I was laughing within the first 30 seconds. They do such a good job with furthering the storyline and still make the show worth coming back to. I did find it interesting that the trixter was always Gabriel and never just a demi-god who was all of a sudden taken over.

November 6, 2009 at 7:36 PM

What killed me is the thing I’ve been worried about. . .SN is sadistic, but fair. I knew about five eps into last season that it would end with a Sam VS Dean showdown; I didn’t WANT it to happen, but I knew it was coming. I just needed to see how it would. Someone once said that “the key to creating great art is that it needs to end in a way that is both surprising and inevitable.” Which is a tall order, but SN keeps filling it. And I know that this Michael/Dean VS Lucifer/Sam thing will come. Gabriel confirmed it when he said that things will end bloody for all of them.
I hate that. But it won’t be a cheat if it happens. Given everything that’s happened to this point, it truly does seem inevitable. I almost expect Sam and Dean to kill each other, end up in Heaven and see BDW there (and Jeffrey Dean Morgan will return for that), but somehow do it without it being horribly cheesy. I am sure if it does, I will end up crying like a little girl. But again – it won’t be a cheat. It will feel like it was all supposed to end this way. Yet I still hold out hope (“everybody’s got a hold on hope – it’s the only thing that’s holding me”) that Kripke and Co. will find a way to resolve all of this without killing off the two characters I’ve come to know and care about so much.
We can always hope, I suppose.

November 7, 2009 at 9:38 AM

If anyone can do it, it’s Kripke and friends! It is beyond my comprehension how this show can just keep getting better, because I really didn’t think it could go beyond perfect. ;-) Seriously, though, if it means a 6th season, they’ll figure out a way and it will be clever, unexpected and probably even a little funny along the way. How they can insert humor into the serious arc episodes so effectively is also amazing to me, but they do it. I just keep loving this show more and more!

November 7, 2009 at 8:41 PM

wasn’t this show only set up for 5 seasons? i hope they end with a bang like they’ve always planned & don’t just try to milk it because of ratings/etc…

November 6, 2009 at 7:40 PM

these has been the funiest episode to date!, i LOL all the way down, i really never laugh so much in a single episode of any of the “funny shows” out there, and the revelation that the trickster has always been an angel was top notch. Congratulations supernatural writters, you did it again!!!

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