CliqueClack TV

Greek – Sign me up for Booktacular

Greek episode 3.8 Lana and Cappie

If this is how Greek plans to bring Rusty back into the KT fold, they’ve got their work cut out for them. It really was as if he was visiting his brothers for the first time in eons, a fact that all parties involved acknowledged. But becoming the third wheel in Cappie and Lana’s (Olivia Munn) non-relationship?

Her character didn’t do anything one way or the other for me during her short turn on the show, but corrupting Rusty was the wrong way for Lana to win a place in my heart. Her only lasting effect appears to potentially be awakening something in Rusty, as well as reminding Cappie that it’s time for another “Will they?” in his “Will they or won’t they?” with Casey. What a waste of time.

Cappie and Rusty are whiffing big time where Evan and Calvin seem to be succeeding. The latter’s big/little brother relationship is not only prevalent, but it’s also of interest, and clearly of significance to the two. Right now Rusty and Cappie don’t seem to need each other for anything in particular, while Evan and Calvin are really the other’s only enthusiastic support these days.

But there is some movement on the Evan and Casey front, and it looks like my guess that Evan would pine for Casey appears to possibly be coming true, albeit in the opposite direction. Evan’s turning his back on his trust fund seems to have built him up in Casey’s eyes, while at the same time it’s made his name mud with his Omega Kai brothers. I don’t like that Tripp guy one bit.

But tell me something: what’s with the shallow fickleness of all of these people? Evan’s really a different person because there isn’t a bank account sitting somewhere with his name on it? While I can see some reacting that way, would his fraternity brothers, a place where brotherhood comes before all else? Or the sisters of ZBZ threatening to walk out the door because, although they’ve collectively allowed their house to slip to number four, they’ve chosen to blame Ashleigh?

Who, by the way, has suddenly woken up to the fact that she’s president. She was so close to pulling the trigger on her resignation…. Casey was logically right in convincing her not to, but I could really use the boost in my batting average.

Besides, bribing the Gamma Psis to come to some lame party? Begging the Omega Kais to attend, too? I get that there’s hierarchy and status involved, but ZBZ’s #4 out of how many sororities? I’d guess more than five; likely, they’re top, top, top tier. If #1s only mixed with each other, they’d get bored real fast, no?

On a side note, I’m not into Grant for Calvin at all. I was never a huge fan, especially after we learned that he had a cover girlfriend, but now? Calvin was prepared to out their relationship to the Omega Kai house, while Grant wants to keep living in secret. That’s fine for him if that’s how he wants things, but should Calvin be collateral damage? No.

And you know I saved the best for last — Dale! He didn’t have much substance, but he definitely got in some great lines. I’d love to see him doing some more recruiting for the “JC house.”

“Someone without a college degree shouldn’t be so choosey.” – Dale to Lana

“Hi. Um, I have a friend of mine I’d like to introduce you to; his name’s Jesus. And he pays much greater dividends than those dollar bills in your underpants.” – Dale to a stripper

“Jesus knows how to party; dude makes his own wine.” – Dale to a KTer

And he wasn’t alone:

“You know, some people appreciate my sense of humor.” – Evan
“Some people appreciate Crocs.” – Ashleigh

I prefer Doggers.

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Greek – Sign me up for Booktacular”

October 20, 2009 at 10:34 AM

This episode was ok.
The ZBZ storylines in general don’t really interest me so that’s not change.
Ashley is really too needy/dependent of Casey, be your own woman ash !
I still like Katherine (i like the actress energy/vibe).
Euh Lana/Rusty/Cappie…kind of meh..
Like Evan/Calvin…i mean i really like Evan this season (and i liked Evan on first season)
I would be rather ok with a Casey who pines for Ev, it would be a nice change but sadly the writers seem to go for an Evan/Rebecca pairing…yeah..i am not very happy about that..i don’t see any chemistry between them, it’s just too contrived, Bec’s tries too hard the flirting, Evan doesn’t even seem simply don’t work for me. Lot’s of fan love this idea because it give more free hand for the inevitable, popular Casey/Cappie pairing..but i don’t see why Evan and Reb have to be together, they can be friends and dating other people and Casey and Cappie be together..sigh.. i am almost upset (take a breath, it’s just a tv By the way i love Casey and Evan AND them they have chemistry ! ..smirk..
Cappie and Casey it’s for very soon, now we know if they are interesting as a couple.
Grant is an ass..poor Calvin has still not meet his prince
Dale : awesome as usual !!

October 21, 2009 at 10:55 AM

I’m not so into Katherine, but I do wonder what her point is going to be; they couldn’t have added her just to drop in every once and a while with her nose in the air. Maybe she’ll be the catalyst for Casey getting involved with Greek life on campus after graduation.

Yeah, that Evan and Rebecca moment was really weird. I didn’t get the impression that anything off had happened in her “flirting” moment until she acted like something had. I can see Rebecca developing a thing for him, but I think Evan would never again go where Cappie’s already been, unless its for Casey.

October 29, 2009 at 1:27 PM

it seems you forgot, Aryeh, that Rebecca & Evan slept together already. that’s what screwed up his relationship with Casey in the first place. Cap & Evan seem to have shared quite a few women.

October 29, 2009 at 6:03 PM

I wish I’d forgotten that, or better yet dreamed it. ;)

But, 1) Evan was first, 2) There was no “connection” about their hookup, and 3) That flirting moment itself, even if there had been something between them originally, didn’t translate like they wanted it to. Just saying.

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