CliqueClack TV

The eight foibles of Cougar Town’s Jules

Cougar Town

Good times, laughing at the expense of others. And by others, I definitely mean Cougar Town‘s Jules, played by Courteney Cox. Every time she sticks her foot in her mouth, it’s pure comedic gold, and brings on the funny from other characters as well.

In last night’s episode, we saw Jules stick it, and Grayson rose to the occasion. I adored seeing his sensitive side, and the way he revealed it so reluctantly, and it balanced out the hi-jinks of the rest of the episode. Cougar Town makes sure it’s characters have heart and stay likable, as goofy as they may be.

Onto the foibles:

1. When Jules let it slip that she found Grayson attractive … alas, no take-backs.

2. Professional escorts don’t usually take out the trash, lest they get pad Thai noodles in their hair.

3. Jules tries to give Grayson an out in showing her he thinks she’s attractive by turning his front light on at 10:00; so he just removes the light bulb.

4. “I have so many chin whiskers I look like carnie folk.” – Jules

5. Coerced into hooting at an attractive jogger by Laurie, Jules sticks it again when the jogger, a.k.a. Sweet Cheeks, is Grayson.

6. And then she stomps off, trying to walk home, and of course that plan backfires since he’s jogging right by her.

7. Wow. Jules ate a smushed cinnamon bun off the bottom of a pan. And then so did Ellie. I swear I have never done that, but chocolate chips right out of the bag is not an impossibility.

8. “That was the worst buck-up speech ever.” – Grayson to Jules, when she again sticks it as she elevates herself instead of making Grayson feel better.

Honorable mentions, but very indirectly related to Jules sticking her foot in it:

  • 15 year old Cheeto
  • “Is this in slow motion?” – Andy, as he watches the sex tape he and Ellie just made

Are you still enjoying Cougar Town?

Photo Credit: ABC

4 Responses to “The eight foibles of Cougar Town’s Jules”

October 15, 2009 at 4:05 PM

While not as clever, I still think that Cougar Town has more laughs than Modern Family. Let’s face it: a dude taking a boot to the crotch is always good for a laugh.

October 16, 2009 at 1:05 PM

This episode was all right, but I’ve found that Travis is to Cougar Town as Kurt is to Glee: too little of the snarky, droll teenager makes the rest of the show seem dull.

Cox-Arquette’s still trying a little too hard to sell the jokes, and the show’s nowhere near Modern Family yet, but I’ll give it the season.

October 16, 2009 at 6:20 PM

I still think that Cougar Town is the best new comedy of the season. I mean real comedy. Ha Ha funny Comedy. Like Bill Lawrence Scrubs kind of funny, not Docu-Drama / Dramedy funny a la Modern Family / The Office / Parks & Recreation…

October 16, 2009 at 9:20 PM

If we’re disregarding the more challenging new comedies and dramadies, it would certainly beat out Hank and Accidentally on Purpose in that narrowed field, so you’re right. I’m not sure if that’s anything to brag about, though. ;)

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