CliqueClack TV

Eleven quirks to celebrate in tonight’s Modern Family

Modern Family
Modern Family continues to be one of my favorite new shows. It balances the tongue-in-cheek with the tender, and we never, ever forget just how quirky the characters are.

And they added another quirkster tonight, in the form of Shelly Long‘s guest appearance as DeDe, Claire’s and Mitchell’s mom and Jay’s ex-wife.

Modern Family, how did I love your quirks in tonight’s episode? Let me count the ways:

1. I love Manny; that quirky little boy speaks to my heart, and when he says what’s on his face is “a smile because I had such a good time with my friends” I just want to hug him tight. Right after I scrub the permanent marker goatee from his sweet face.

2. Phil’s coining of the term “peerenting,” and using his father’s line as an example: “What’s up, Sweathog?”

3. “He’s a logger.” – DeDe
“Like a lumberjack?” – Claire
“No, he logs blood samples into a cholesterol study.” – DeDe

4. “Oh, you were in a band?” – Dylan
“No, but I could have been. In high school I was all about my magic.” – Phil
Somehow, it just fits. Can’t you see Phil doing third-rate magic tricks for a crowd of seven or so nerds?

5. The endearing boyfriend, Dylan, about Hayley’s confidence: “The kind of confidence you get from having a family like this, that’s passionate and accepting of hot foreigners and gay dudes and nutty people. You know, family that actually loves each other.”

6. The horny boyfriend, Dylan, who will not be taking Hayley to the overnight concert:

“In the Moonlight”

The stars are falling from the sky
And you’re the reason why
The moon is shining on your face
‘Cause it finally feels it’s found its place
‘Cause maybe, baby, I just wanna do you, do you
Do you want to do me, do me
Underneath the moonlight, moonlight
Baby, baby, maybe I will steal you, steal you
Just so I can feel you, feel you
Maybe that would heal you, heal you
On the inside

7. The ending song montage, of all the characters singing “In the Moonlight.” Damn, that was catchy.

8. Did I mention Shelley Long, psycho hippie?

9. And her bitch, Mitchell?

10. And Cam likening her last arrival to the magnets on the fridge forming a pentagrandma?

11. Claire is not like her mother. Nope, not a bit.

What did I miss, because as usual, Modern Family was chock-full of quirks tonight.

Photo Credit: ABC

5 Responses to “Eleven quirks to celebrate in tonight’s Modern Family”

October 14, 2009 at 11:00 PM

I lost it when Manny started stroking his marker goatee. He didn’t get much air time this episode, but it was golden.

Also, “I’ve got Gloria!” – Phil

October 15, 2009 at 9:49 AM

Darn, you beat me to the mention of my favorite part, Manny. I think it was the fact that he was calmly pondering his revenge while stroking the goatee, evil genius-style.

October 14, 2009 at 11:20 PM

I can’t remember the quote, but Cam said something hilarious about a fish carrying its babies in its mouth thinking that Mitchell’s relationship with his mother was messed up???

October 15, 2009 at 10:03 AM

Very funny, as always, but I thought Shelley Long was awful. I’ve never liked her comedy, but I think she was just totally wrong for the rest of the ensemble. Plus, your #10 was totally Lilith first, so her character wasn’t even so original. But she’ll be gone next week, so whatever.

October 16, 2009 at 4:09 PM

This is the funniest show on TV, I love it. Manny and the goatee stroking was great.

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