CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Deportation, piracy, or work for Sheldon

Koothrappali, the pirate?

Tonight’s episode was actually Raj-centric. We don’t see many of those. And, yes. I’ll be calling him Raj, mainly because Koothrappali is a bear to repeatedly type.  Little did we know that Raj has been leading a double life. You heard me. Here we think he’s this diligent scientist, yet awkwardly geeky. He’s geeky, all right. But he’s also filling his workdays with Facebook and other sites (possibly CliqueClack TV!). He’s about to be deported.

He has few roads to follow despite his lofty degree. He can become a pirate (Sheldon’s idea) or work for (not with) Sheldon. I personally thought he should go the pirate route. Can’t you imagine him with a peg-leg, eye patch, and a parrot on his shoulder? Alas, he went to go work with for Sheldon.

Although I’m still vehemently against Penny and Leonard being a couple, them being a couple pretty much saved this rather lukewarm episode. With third wheel Howard Wolowitz pining for his lost social life with Raj, he kept interrupting the lovebirds. He missed his line dancing and ogling hippie chicks at the farmers’ market with Raj. First, I like the thought of their coupling being interrupted. Second, it was funnier than watching Sheldon and Raj stare at equations.

Sheldon had his expected Fonzie “I was wr-wr-wr- … you were right” moment with Raj. Raj actually blew up at him and quit, but Sheldon came back like a little puppy offering to work with Raj. Aw, how sweet. And Leonard and Penny felt sorry for Howard and let him back in. Hunky-dory.

Give me something more next week, please. More Sheldon, at the very least.

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | The Big Bang Theory | Clack | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Deportation, piracy, or work for Sheldon”

October 13, 2009 at 1:21 PM

I have to disagree. I thought the Raj-Sheldon dynamic, hitherto unexploited was the funniest part of the episode and for some reasons watching them stare at equations to the theme from ROcky was way more hilarious than it ought to have been.

October 13, 2009 at 2:47 PM

I can’t believe you dismissed that incredible Eye of the Tiger montage. That was a brilliant stroke of satire!

October 14, 2009 at 6:36 AM

I’ve got to side with the above posters and Kona Gallagher on this one. Raj/Sheldon was the best part of the episode and the highlight of Monday night.

October 14, 2009 at 4:01 PM

I’m with Jackie on this one..the ep totally fell flat for me. What I’m most disappointed about this season is that Penny has been relegated to the girlfriend role. It seems she’s only in scenes with Leonard now and all the Penny/Sheldon dynamic that I love is gone.

My hardest laugh of the ep was when Penny suggested her and Leonard make out in Sheldon’s seat on the couch.

October 15, 2009 at 2:04 AM

I think BBT crashed when the writers dropped any long term fallout from what went on at the north pole. And the writers have never given us any real quirkiness to Leonard’s character. He is just the nice normal guy. Give us more Kripke to keep things interesting.

October 16, 2009 at 4:02 PM

I can’t stand Penny and Leonard together. Its gross and not believable, sorry. Its better when she’s the pretty, unattainable girl next door.

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